Armed Rebels Attack pedestrians on London Bridge


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Dear Europe: If You’re Serious About Fighting Terrorism, Then Syria Is an Ally — Not an Enemy
The same extremists who have been attacking Syria for seven years have now turned their sights on Europe

Wael Al Hussaini | [SOURCE]

A quick reminder: Salman Ramadan Abedi, the man allegedly responsible for the Manchester Arena bombing, has a family history of terrorism. His father was a part of a group funded, aided and trained by the UK to assassinate the late Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi in 1996.

Everyone should ask themselves: Why haven’t western governments accepted responsibility for the terror they have helped create, and why are they treating Syria as an enemy, and not an ally, in the fight against terrorism?

What do western government think would happen if ISIS and other terrorist groups were able to operate unopposed in Syria?

Amazingly, many western nations have cut all lines of communication with Syria on a security level and instead have linked their security with their politics; even the west’s communication lines with Russia have suffered from choosing politics over security—a bad move since Russia has access to Syrian intelligence pertinent to the fight against ISIS and other terrorist organizations.

However, a few European governments (that will not be named) are attempting to establish lines of communications with the Syrian security services; at least some understand that national security should never take the back seat to petty politics.

On a personal note, and this is coming from someone who knows the ugliness of this war, I hope that the people of the United States and Europe will eventually understand that their governments have been supporting extremists in Syria—and that these same kinds of people are now attacking Europe.

I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. A friend of mine currently serving in the Syrian Army has a similar message:

“The Syrian Arab Army is in solidarity with the families of the victims of Manchester Attacks. Today we fight on the battlefields so the whole world can continue to sleep safely in their homes.”



Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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Apparently in these attacks the people were told by the police "to run"

Doesn't anybody find this strange??


Senior Member
Oct 31, 2015
RIP to all the victims
UK needs to start targeted surveillance instead of mass surveillance. We all know who are at risk


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Al Nusra Twitter Front Blames Putin for London Bridge Attack
Every time.

RI Staff | [SOURCE]

This lady once wrote an op-ed for the New York Times. Think about that.

It's been less than twelve hours since a bizarre drive-by shooting/stabbing spree killed 3 and injured over 30 on London Bridge (that's in London, just fyi).

What do we know? Very little. Apparently the three attackers have been killed. There are reports that there is still one suspect running around London.

Is it Putin? According to famous Twitter terrorist Louise Mensch, “of course”:

Does Louise Mensch realize that 15-20% of Russia's population is Muslim? And that unlike in the west, there is approximately zero percent stigma attached to being a Muslim in Russia?

Also, does Louise Mensch know that it's dangerous to mix alcohol with her antipsychotic meds? Makes for some great “tweets”, though.

Oh dear.

Commentary: The title of the article was posted as-is. No representation is being made as to the true identity of the person, persons, or entity, that posts using this particular Twitter handle.



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Someone linked me to a Bill Maher video which featured her as a panelist a few days back. She came across as extremely arrogant. She talked about European immigrants getting priority over the families of Pakistani immigrants in entering the UK, which was a weird point to bring up.

Generally, these sort of people have some sort of financial interests through NGOs and charities and hence the agenda. I do not know of this lady in particular, but may be there is some thread to be followed.

In any case, these tweets are in very poor taste.

Aforementioned video.

Thank you for doing the investigative work. I like Russia Insider, but I was wary of potential bias, hence I left a note vide my commentary. Looks like Russia Insider was correct after all.


Senior Member
May 18, 2015
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haha if knife wielding jihadists attacked random crowds in major indian metros, there wouldnt even be need to have police response as crowds would thrash the daylights out of the assailants.
albeit, two years back a gang of peaceful drunk hoodlums had went on a stabbing spree in an upscale Delhi locality on the eve of Janmaashtami, 'successfully'.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

I looked a bit up about Louise Mensch. She used to be a politician who got elected from Corby. I wonder what the demographics of Corby are, but I suspect Pakistanis are her constituents. She is also connected with the Royal Family of Jordan through financial ties.

She is a lunatic, or at least sounds like that to me. For someone who says Putin funds ISIS and al-Qaida, there is no other way to characterize it. She is the John McInsane of Britain.

Edited to add:

So, she is a lunatic. Man, I am like Nostradamus. :)
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Senior Member
May 23, 2011
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I looked a bit up about Louise Mensch. She used to be a politician who got elected from Corby. I wonder what the demographics of Corby are, but I suspect Pakistanis are her constituents. She is also connected with the Royal Family of Jordan through financial ties.

She is a lunatic, or at least sounds like that to me. For someone who says Putin funds ISIS and al-Qaida, there is no other way to characterize it. She is the John McInsane of Britain.
Absolutely. I went through her Twitter feed, it almost feels like a 'alt-fact' propaganda platform.

Regarding her political career, I looked up demographics of Corby and Asians only make up a measly 1.4% of the population. Pakistanis, even less obviously, so her doing for this votes does not seem likely. The Jordan connection is something to be looked into though.


Regular Member
Apr 28, 2017
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Ahh, looks like another Law and order problems..
They should train their Law agency properly.

Tony HMG

Regular Member
Dec 9, 2014
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Ramadan killathon in action. Murdering by knives & swords is the favoured way of muslims to slaughter kafirs. There will be multiple such attacks by these ''gunmen'' on British. Her majesty the queen needs to take matter in her hands now.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Enough is enough. My response to last night’s brutal terror attack:

"Last night, our country fell victim to a brutal terrorist attack once again. As a result I have just chaired a meeting of the government’s emergency committee and I want to update you with the latest information about the attack.

Shortly before 10:10 yesterday evening, the Metropolitan Police received reports that a white van had struck pedestrians on London Bridge.

It continued to drive from London Bridge to Borough Market, where 3 terrorists left the van and attacked innocent and unarmed civilians with blades and knives.

All 3 were wearing what appeared to be explosive vests, but the police have established that this clothing was fake and worn only to spread panic and fear.

As so often in such serious situations, the police responded with great courage and great speed. Armed officers from the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police arrived at Borough Market within moments, and shot and killed the 3 suspects.

The terrorists were confronted and shot by armed officers within 8 minutes of the police receiving the first emergency call.

Seven people have died as a result of the attack, in addition to the 3 suspects shot dead by the police. Forty-eight people are being treated in several hospitals across London. Many have life-threatening conditions.

On behalf of the people of London, and on behalf of the whole country, I want to thank and pay tribute to the professionalism and bravery of the police and the emergency services – and the courage of members of the public who defended themselves and others from the attackers.

And our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and with their friends, families and loved ones.

This is, as we all know, the third terrorist attack Britain has experienced in the last 3 months. In March, a similar attack took place, just around the corner on Westminster Bridge.

Two weeks ago, the Manchester Arena was attacked by a suicide bomber. And now London has been struck once more.

And at the same time, the security and intelligence agencies and police have disrupted 5 credible plots since the Westminster attack in March.

In terms of their planning and execution, the recent attacks are not connected. But we believe we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face, as terrorism breeds terrorism, and perpetrators are inspired to attack not only on the basis of carefully-constructed plots after years of planning and training – and not even as lone attackers radicalised online – but by copying one another and often using the crudest of means of attack.

We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism.

It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth.

Defeating this ideology is one of the great challenges of our time. But it cannot be defeated through military intervention alone. It will not be defeated through the maintenance of a permanent, defensive counter-terrorism operation, however skilful its leaders and practitioners.

It will only be defeated when we turn people’s minds away from this violence – and make them understand that our values – pluralistic, British values – are superior to anything offered by the preachers and supporters of hate. :pound::pound::pound:

Second, we cannot allow this ideology the safe space it needs to breed. Yet that is precisely what the internet – and the big companies that provide internet-based services – provide.

We need to work with allied, democratic governments to reach international agreements that regulate cyberspace to prevent the spread of extremism and terrorist planning. And we need to do everything we can at home to reduce the risks of extremism online.

Third, while we need to deprive the extremists of their safe spaces online, we must not forget about the safe spaces that continue to exist in the real world.

Yes, that means taking military action to destroy ISIS in Iraq and Syria. But it also means taking action here at home. While we have made significant progress in recent years, there is – to be frank – far too much tolerance of extremism in our country.

So we need to become far more robust in identifying it and stamping it out – across the public sector and across society.

That will require some difficult and often embarrassing conversations, but the whole of our country needs to come together to take on this extremism – and we need to live our lives not in a series of separated, segregated communities but as one truly United Kingdom.

Fourth, we have a robust counter-terrorism strategy that has proved successful over many years. But as the nature of the threat we face becomes more complex, more fragmented, more hidden, especially online, the strategy needs to keep up.

So in light of what we are learning about the changing threat, we need to review Britain’s counter-terrorism strategy to make sure the police and security services have all the powers they need.

And if we need to increase the length of custodial sentences for terrorism-related offences, even apparently less serious offences, that is what we will do.

Since the emergence of the threat from Islamist-inspired terrorism, our country has made significant progress in disrupting plots and protecting the public.

But it is time to say enough is enough. Everybody needs to go about their lives as they normally would. Our society should continue to function in accordance with our values. But when it comes to taking on extremism and terrorism, things need to change.

As a mark of respect the 2 political parties have suspended our national campaigns for today. But violence can never be allowed to disrupt the democratic process. So those campaigns will resume in full tomorrow. And the general election will go ahead as planned on Thursday.

As a country, our response must be as it has always been when we have been confronted by violence. We must come together, we must pull together, and united we will take on and defeat our enemies."


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