Air power on the cheap


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Oct 26, 2013
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Special paint scheme to celebrate 30 years of operation of the T-27 Tucano in the Brazilian Air Force, seen during the Open Day 2014 of AFB Florianópolis. To see more photos of this aircraft and an extensive and full report about the others aircraft operated by the Brazilian Air Force, please visit the link below. I hope you enjoy and I count on your visit.

Aviação em Floripa: Portões Abertos 2014: As aeronaves - Parte 1


Kunal Biswas

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May 26, 2010
UAE Special Ops Aircraft Come Out Of The Shadows

Intended for counter-insurgency and border-patrol duties, the UAE's two-seat Air Tractors were provided by U.S. company Iomax, which undertook the mission system integration. Unlike Air Tractor's own AT-802U demonstrator, the Iomax AT-802i has been supplied to the UAE in two batches (Blocks 1 and 2) with minor differences. The U.S.-based company has since taken the mission system from the Air Tractor AT-802 and installed it in the outwardly similar Thrush 510P, and in this Block 3 configuration launched the aircraft as the ArchAngel at this year's Paris Air Show. Any future deliveries would most likely be of the Thrush version, which has also switched to an L-3 Wescam MX-15 as the preferred sensor ball option.

The aircraft on show at Dubai was displayed with GBU-12 laser-guided bombs on two of its six underwing hardpoints, and a Flir Systems EO/IR/laser designator turret mounted on an external carrier. The latter is Iomax's flexible pod system, which not only mounts the sensor ball in a low position to minimize obstruction by the propeller and undercarriage but also incorporates datalinks for downlinking imagery, self-contained GPS and interfaces with the aircraft's mission system. The pod can also be fitted with defensive countermeasures as an option.

An important weapon intended for the AT-802i is the Roketsan Cirit laser-guided rocket. Cirit is an all-new 2.75-inch precision weapon, as opposed to an upgrade of existing unguided rockets. Turkey has ordered the rocket for its T-129 Atak attack helicopter; the UAE also ordered the rocket. The first firings from a fixed-wing aircraft were made in January from an AT-802i at a "Middle East" range, almost certainly in the UAE.

Also making its public debut alongside the Air Tractor was a Cessna AC-208 Combat Caravan. This aircraft is fitted with wing pylons for up to four Hellfire missiles and a Flir Systems sensor turret. It is not clear which company performed the arming, although North American Surveillance Systems, which has performed other Caravan conversions for ISR duties, provided at least some of the specialist systems for the UAE's aircraft.

Both types are assigned to Aviation Group 18 of the UAE's Special Operations Command. Air Tractors and Caravans operate from the 3,400-foot runway at Falaj Hazzaa camp, located within the city of Al Ain near the Omani border east of Abu Dhabi. The Caravans were previously noted at the Special Operations Command base on Sas Al Nakhi island near Abu Dhabi city, which has a 6,500-foot runway.
Source : UAE Special Ops Aircraft Come Out Of The Shadows | Defense: Aviation International News

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
AHRLAC — new combat aircraft

Most recently, on September 27 of this year, 2 South African companies Paramount Group and Aerosud exposure in Centurion Aerospace Village in Pretoria was presented a light reconnaissance-strike battle plane AHRLAC (Advanced High Performance Reconaissance Light Aircraft), stated as "the first South African manned apparatus since the helicopter «Denel Rooivalk».

In June of this year, at the air show, held at Le Bourget, the chief designer of the aircraft AHRLAC company Aerosud programmke told about this aircraft. And yet, the details of the project were told only at the moment. This plane apparatus is a popular destination for the concept of "manned UAV" and is used to meet the challenges of exploration, patrol, surveillance, and, in addition, for counterinsurgency and attacking targets on the ground. The aircraft is a lightweight all-metal two-seater length of 10.5 meters and a wingspan of 12 meters, filled turboprop engine Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-66 power of 950 hp

Take-off weight will be 3800 kg payload — more than 800 lbs. The entire load is located on the outside of the suspension on 6 underwing nodes and includes guided and unguided missiles. With the full take-off weight plane required to have a take-off distance of about 550 m, the highest flight speed of 550 km / h, service ceiling — 9.5 km, with a full range of supplies of fuel — 2100 km, probable suspension 2-PTB. The flight duration is seeking 7.5 — 10 hrs Plans equipment manufacturers of aircraft 20 mm integrated gun. In consultation with the client machine can be equipped with optional on-board self-defense system and ejection seat Martin Baker Mk 16.

The lower part of the fuselage was designed as a "conformal container" in order to accommodate the "quick-change options" hardware.

At the current time are tested unmanned aircraft model, reduced fourfold. Began the construction of the first prototype AHRLAC, the testing is planned to start first of next year. Serial production aircraft will be occupied by Aerosud then time as, Paramount Group — their marketing. At the request of the latter, a number of customers are already showing significant interest in this vehicle. The cost of the aircraft will be the least bit 10 million bucks.

Source : AHRLAC - new combat aircraft | Encyclopedia of safety
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Kunal Biswas

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May 26, 2010

The first deployment of the TP version of the SF-260 Marchetti happened when 3 of the light attack aircraft were deployed to Edwin Ardrews Air Base, Zamboanga City on 21 November 2001"¦ Previously the TP's were used by the Philippine Air Force Flying School for training future PAF pilots, but due to the need for more strike aircraft and the versatility of the Marchetti machine, many were converted into an attack version"¦

At the same time, the OV-10 ground attack aircraft and MG-520 attack helicopters were conducting airstrikes in succession for 3 days in the hinterlands of Jolo, Sulu, against the MNLF rebels supporting the ARMM Governor Nur Misuari"¦ Fighting started on 19 November 2001 when MNLF rebels pounded Army and Air Force installations at Jolo with mortars, the rebels were rewarded with immediate air strikes against their forces"¦ Three MNLF strongholds were blasted with rockets and bombs for the past 3 days with the rebels suffering heavy casualties"¦ Due to the intense air strikes and army ground assault, the MNLF were forced to leave their strongholds and withdraw to mountains"¦

Meanwhile the SF-260TP Warrior pilots waited anxiously for their first mission order and that came when they were given Nur Misuari's house at Silangkan , Sulu as their target"¦ Since the target is situated within a populated area the weapon selected are rockets (2.75 inch FFARs)"¦ On 1030H, three SF-260TPs took off for Sulu island, guided by through by a GPS-195 Tracker, after 35 minutes they reached their target"¦ After a visual confirmation of the target, they prepared for high angle delivery and a very low release knowing that they have only two chances for the attack before the defending MNLF 50 caliber machinegun becomes active"¦

Pumping high with adrenalin, the lead pilot descends to a 1,500 feet pattern altitude and initiates a roll-in to target"¦ The altitude countdown began"¦ 1,200 feet"¦ 1,000 feet"¦ 800 feet"¦ Fire!!... Kabooom!... Four k223 rockets found their mark"¦ The other two TPs fired their ordnance on the immediate vicinity of the house to ensure the total destruction of the target"¦ With that, the maiden combat mission and precision targeting of the SF-260 TP was an astounding success, making sure the light attack aircraft will continue participating in the AFP's counter-insurgency operations...

In the aftermath of the clashes, the PAF blasted Misuari's hideouts in four Sulu towns, leaving 113 killed, including 100 rebels while Government ground troops captured at last five MNLF camps in Jolo...

By Acer Francis Neri PAFFS CL-95

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Jordan is upgrading its Air Tractors for precision-strike

The Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) is upgrading its six IOMAX Archangel Block-1 to Block-2 standards, enabling the turboprop-powered attack aircraft to carry INS/GPS precision-guided bombs (PGB).
Once complete, these aircraft will be able to carry a 250kg satellite-aided precision-guided bomb, enabling it to hit reinforced targets. In addition, the IOMAX AT-802s will also carry Cirit laser-guided rockets.
Over the past several years, Jordan has sought to build its ability to engage in COIN, especially with the use of specialized aerial platforms. The Air Tractor program is merely one weapon in Jordan’s arsenal, it also operates CN-235 and CN-295s configured as close air support (CAS) gunships
In COIN, the idea of being able to save on operational costs, and then channel the savings towards higher sortie rates against non-state actors – who are generally dispersed, well-embedded, and fast-moving – is enticing for militaries looking to make full use of their air superiority in such combat environments.
That said, there are drawbacks. Despite their apparent cost-savings, COIN platforms still require resource commitment, and in some cases those resources could be drawn from developing defences for external conventional threats. While these COIN platforms may be valuable against non-state actors with minimal or non-existent anti-air warfare capabilities, they have limited utility against conventional militaries.
See more at:

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
OV-10 Bronco Comes Out Of Retirement To Pummel ISIS

The OV-10 Bronco, a plane used regularly in the Vietnam War for close air support and aerial reconnaissance, was recently brought out of retirement to join the fight against the Islamic State in the Middle East as well the ongoing battle for Afghanistan’s security.

The vintage aircraft is capable of carrying several thousand pounds of armament to include machine guns, cannons, and bombs. The Bronco may be slow, but it operates at 1/40th the cost of an F-15. The plane flew 120 combat missions in Iraq last year.



India is my Identity
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Aug 30, 2013
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OV-10G+ Bronco aircraft
Sir, These are part of a custom mission requirement plan called combat dragon. They are testing the combat dragon system on broncos. But they are not willing to keep the broncos going on in the future. They are trying to move the system on to new platforms like A-29 Super Tucano, HAWKER-BEECHKRAFT turbo prop planes. A-29 is being used in Iraq in the fight with ISIS and they are proving their worth.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
It took no less than 17 manpads to shoot down IAF MI-17 at Kargil which was flying without counter-measures ..

Sure, Manpads can pose a serious thread, If aircraft flying without counter measures and pilots are green ..

Sir what if the terrorists have MANPADS ? And how would these aircraft perfomance be affected by it?


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Aug 13, 2016
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a Turkish delight the TIA Hürkuş-C

pics credited to :

An armed version for the close air support role will have a maximum weapons load of 3,300lb (1,500kg) and also carry a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) sensor. It will be capable of operating from unprepared runways. The Turkish Army has expressed interests in using the aircraft in counter insurgency environments and it is hoped that it will attract export orders. The main advantage will be to lower the cost of air power, especially in low-intensity combat theatres where anti-air warfare threats are minimal
Hürkuş-C prototype carrying Roketsan UMTAS anti-tank guided missiles, Roketsan Cirit laser-guided rockets, an electro-optical and infrared (EO/IR) pod (likely the Aselsan Common Aperture Targeting System or CATS), and external fuel tanks

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010

Tank buster is a little too much, A decent coin bird is more appropriate ..




Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Aug 23, 2018
Stealth up-dates will enhance protection from naval defences which were calibrated for high speed bombers . Torpedo strikes then tipped the balance of Atlantic sea-control.


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Jun 8, 2020
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This was the only single seater Pucara that was made, this version planned to upgrade everything that was wrong or unsatisfactory about the original one, this included, RWR, countermeasures, Guided Munitions, AAMs, heat dissipation exhausts and more. Due to high costs of development and manufacture all works ceased and it was cancelled.

ill say that if the C variant was produced in series, it would have been a pretty good ground attacker and helicopter hunter.

