Agni V Missile

no smoking

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Aug 14, 2009
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The origin of an understanding lies in theory. I can give you many examples of that. But let us start with one and hope that you will be able to grasp it. Existence of bosons was first acknowledged through theoretical calculations. It was only after few decades that meaningful experiments (tests) were designed to validate the existence of bosons. If scientists were to go by your style of science, the humanity will still be in the dark ages.
Firstly, kid, do you understand what is difference between theoretical science and engineering?
Secondly, as yourselves said, it was validated only by decades of tests;
Thirdly, the most important fault of your words is bosons theory was made public from the first day, so do those tests. So, as long as this theory and experiments were validated by others, you don't need to repeat them. In the case of missile or rocket, most of the technical details have been kept as national secretes. You have to go through by yourselves.

So, do some homework before start talking.

no smoking

New Member
Aug 14, 2009
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There are 2 sources of understanding - theoretical calculation and test proof. India does less tests but analyses a single test vigorously to get the perfect theoretical understanding. The tests generally lasts several minutes and each minute has data which can give away many details. India uses the difficult approach of analysing the minute details. Countries with higher resources do more tests and simply collect much more data for quick understanding. India does the hard way and hence needs more time to develop missiles
That is not how things are done. Each test is designed for specific purpose under particular conditions. No matter how you analyse, all the information you get (the basis of your analysis) are only validate under these conditions. A single condition change may turn the whole thing over. Scientists are human, they make mistakes too. If they are wrong, they only lose their jobs, but those uniforms may lose their lives and the country may lose the war.


New Member
Apr 5, 2010
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The origin of an understanding lies in theory. I can give you many examples of that. But let us start with one and hope that you will be able to grasp it. Existence of bosons was first acknowledged through theoretical calculations. It was only after few decades that meaningful experiments (tests) were designed to validate the existence of bosons. If scientists were to go by your style of science, the humanity will still be in the dark ages.
This guy @no smoking is intellectually challenged ... Common senses are alien to this person... This person is BUTT HURT become Indian is progressing and challenging that evil kingdom...

You don't have any understanding of anybody's understanding :) First make sure to improve your own understanding before you can talk about India's or Russia's or America's understanding.

This person [He / She] only understands the language and dictates from Chinese Communist Party ...


New Member
Jul 25, 2017
That is not how things are done. Each test is designed for specific purpose under particular conditions. No matter how you analyse, all the information you get (the basis of your analysis) are only validate under these conditions. A single condition change may turn the whole thing over. Scientists are human, they make mistakes too. If they are wrong, they only lose their jobs, but those uniforms may lose their lives and the country may lose the war.
India did tests but not in large numbers. I am sure that one does not need 25 tests to prove a missile. So, doing only limited tests while compiling and analysing the data thus obtained to formulate theory is good enough.

Bosons may have been made public but that does not mean superman or some ultra genius proof read and helped in it. Also, more tests have been made for missile than bosons and hence the accuracy and speed of development is expected to be much higher for missiles.

It is irrelevant about anyone losing their lives as the missile is not inducted before testing. Just stating that the number of tests are low is not a meaningful excuse to undermine the quality of testing

Jameson Emoni

New Member
Apr 15, 2018
This guy @no smoking is intellectually challenged ... Common senses are alien to this person... This person is BUTT HURT become Indian is progressing and challenging that evil kingdom...

This person [He / She] only understands the language and dictates from Chinese Communist Party ...
Absolutely! The guy is a Grade-A idiot.

Jameson Emoni

New Member
Apr 15, 2018
Firstly, kid, do you understand what is difference between theoretical science and engineering?
Secondly, as yourselves said, it was validated only by decades of tests;
Thirdly, the most important fault of your words is bosons theory was made public from the first day, so do those tests. So, as long as this theory and experiments were validated by others, you don't need to repeat them. In the case of missile or rocket, most of the technical details have been kept as national secretes. You have to go through by yourselves.

So, do some homework before start talking.
Forget about science and engineering. You need to learn to read first. I did not say decades of testing. Go back and read it again.

Chinese have poorer understanding of science and technology that is why they have to do more tests. Is it really too complex for you to grasp? India was able to send a successful mission to Mars without any testing. As a matter of fact, India is the only country to have succeeded in sending a successful Mars mission on the very first try.

Don't hate, congratulate :)

no smoking

New Member
Aug 14, 2009
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Forget about science and engineering. You need to learn to read first. I did not say decades of testing. Go back and read it again.
You don't understand what is difference between theoretical science and engineering, do you?
For example, all missiles are built on Newton's three law of motions. Newton's theory has been validated, so you don't need to re-test it again. But coming to build a specific missile, you will still need to repeat the tests.

Chinese have poorer understanding of science and technology that is why they have to do more tests. Is it really too complex for you to grasp? India was able to send a successful mission to Mars without any testing. As a matter of fact, India is the only country to have succeeded in sending a successful Mars mission on the very first try.
Don't hate, congratulate :)
I like the way Indian fanboy discussing:
Has India developed MIRV? Of course, we have done Mars mission;
Does India need to test the missile? Of course not, we have don Mar mission.

American and Russian have gone to Mars many times, they still think they need to test their missile more.

no smoking

New Member
Aug 14, 2009
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India did tests but not in large numbers. I am sure that one does not need 25 tests to prove a missile. So, doing only limited tests while compiling and analysing the data thus obtained to formulate theory is good enough.
Every data you get is only validate under one set of conditions: temperature,wind, humidity, magnetic, gravity, etc.
A single variable change, your data may not be validate any more, then your whole theory is faulty. So, different set of environment need separate test.

It is irrelevant about anyone losing their lives as the missile is not inducted before testing. Just stating that the number of tests are low is not a meaningful excuse to undermine the quality of testing
Well, it is relevant.
The low number of tests don't detemine the quality of test but the confidence on the quality of the missile.
For example, a type of missile will be deployed in a territory with frequent raining, certainly the military wants it to perform normally when launching in the rain. How are you going to prove it? Pulling out an analysis report or just arrange a test? Military wants to know how the missile will be after years of storage, how are you going to prove? Show them the maintenance dairy or the test of random picking up?

Generals are not scientists, they won't spend a minute to check your analysis, they only trust what they see: the actual test.

no smoking

New Member
Aug 14, 2009
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wait for while you will hear the good news, somethings is cooking.
Did I say deny that India is making progress?
Please read the whole discussion before jumping in.
What we are discussing here is the number of test for Indian missiles. My point is: if India wants to be a nuclear war fighting country like US and Russia, the yearly test number of Indian missiles should be lot more.


New Member
Jun 13, 2018
Well let India be concerned about that particular issue- the precise number of tests of different ranged missiles.
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Jameson Emoni

New Member
Apr 15, 2018
You don't understand what is difference between theoretical science and engineering, do you?
For example, all missiles are built on Newton's three law of motions. Newton's theory has been validated, so you don't need to re-test it again. But coming to build a specific missile, you will still need to repeat the tests.

I like the way Indian fanboy discussing:
Has India developed MIRV? Of course, we have done Mars mission;
Does India need to test the missile? Of course not, we have don Mar mission.

American and Russian have gone to Mars many times, they still think they need to test their missile more.
People have been trying to explain to you in simple terms that the reason China needs so many tests is because it steals technology from the USA. Why is it so complicated for you to understand that?

If China had developed its missiles based on its own understanding of scientific principles, it would have needed fewer tests.

Anyway, now that Americans are making it difficult for Chinese to steal technology, China's progress is retarding.

no smoking

New Member
Aug 14, 2009
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People have been trying to explain to you in simple terms that the reason China needs so many tests is because it steals technology from the USA. Why is it so complicated for you to understand that?
That is the most stupid and childish explanation I have ever heard.

1. If Chinese really built up their missile forces based on the stealing technology from the USA, they shouldn't have to do many tests at all because these technologies are mature and verified already;
2. Every P5 country did far more tests for most of their missile program, so where did they steal the technologies?

If China had developed its missiles based on its own understanding of scientific principles, it would have needed fewer tests.
Oh, yes, a country who is still working to increase their indigenous portion in their missiles have better understanding of scientific principles.

Jameson Emoni

New Member
Apr 15, 2018
That is the most stupid and childish explanation I have ever heard.

1. If Chinese really built up their missile forces based on the stealing technology from the USA, they shouldn't have to do many tests at all because these technologies are mature and verified already;
2. Every P5 country did far more tests for most of their missile program, so where did they steal the technologies?

Oh, yes, a country who is still working to increase their indigenous portion in their missiles have better understanding of scientific principles.
Relax! Everything is going to be OK. World is not going to end :)

You are mistaking scientific capabilities with intention. This is because you lack training in producing rigorous thoughts. Rigorous thought is the basis for sound action (production). Failure of Chinese elites to recognize that is the root cause of them needing so many "tests", which are really nothing but guesses. This inability has forced China to steal from USA. This is quite well known outside of China.


New Member
Sep 22, 2016
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That is the most stupid and childish explanation I have ever heard.

1. If Chinese really built up their missile forces based on the stealing technology from the USA, they shouldn't have to do many tests at all because these technologies are mature and verified already;
2. Every P5 country did far more tests for most of their missile program, so where did they steal the technologies?

Oh, yes, a country who is still working to increase their indigenous portion in their missiles have better understanding of scientific principles.
Was trying hard not to, but I just had to reply. Please look at the quality of the original BMWs, Mercs, Audis, even Bajaj Pulsar and their chinese copies... The originals always work, the copies not so much - hence need more testing - if only to satisfy yourself that atleast some will work when the time comes. Copying something does not mean that it will work exactly like the original. Nakal ko bhi akal chahiye.


New Member
Sep 22, 2016
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That is the most stupid and childish explanation I have ever heard.

1. If Chinese really built up their missile forces based on the stealing technology from the USA, they shouldn't have to do many tests at all because these technologies are mature and verified already;
2. Every P5 country did far more tests for most of their missile program, so where did they steal the technologies?

Oh, yes, a country who is still working to increase their indigenous portion in their missiles have better understanding of scientific principles.
BTW how is CV-17 coming along, is it out of the garage yet. Typical Chinese quality back to workshop right after inauguration. At least this time you were copying from Ukrainian designs legally yet you could not make it work.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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Love the discussions and insight which these programs on Sarkari Channels bring. Unadulterated.

Some clearity has come that A2p is MIRV, A5 will be MIRV (A6). Range A3 up to 5k, A5, 3k to 5k.

Drdo book on Dr.Kalam says that A3 meant for MIRV. So all things on track, plus no pics of second last test. Looks like they tested MIRV housing cone in that. Thats why no pics have come. Need to check all prithvi and Agni tests, specially where no pics and videos are shown.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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Did I say deny that India is making progress?
Please read the whole discussion before jumping in.
What we are discussing here is the number of test for Indian missiles. My point is: if India wants to be a nuclear war fighting country like US and Russia, the yearly test number of Indian missiles should be lot more.
Indian does not want to nuclear war fighting country, just deterrence needs to be working, if 20-30 minimum nukes on China could stop it in tracks, China has to think very long about using its nuke or other things like two front war against India.


New Member
Jul 25, 2017
Indian does not want to nuclear war fighting country, just deterrence needs to be working, if 20-30 minimum nukes on China could stop it in tracks, China has to think very long about using its nuke or other things like two front war against India.
First of all, why will China attack a big country like India? The single most grievance China has over India is Tibet government in exile. India did not just host Dalai lama as a spiritual person but as legitimate Tibet ruler. So, unlike what media propaganda says, it is India that started to irritate China for no reason (or under USA pressure as Nehru was an agent of UK).

20-30 nukes serve very little purpose. The most important aspect of nuclear strike is not the number of casualty but the economic impact. So, if a country is ready to take hits (if it is not ready, it would not be fighting), the 20-30 nukes serves no purpose.

