ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter


New Member
Nov 3, 2012
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for Tejas MK (t2) II I would still prefer it having twin engines (two smaller engines with combined thrust much higher than F414 engine) . If I am to manage the aims of T2 I would prefer it to be modular where the engine can be changed in shortest possible time so as to allow higher sortie rate and availability and hence low cost of operations. Preferably go for a modular engine so that the time needed for engine repairs is less.
In terms of ease of use, I would prefer T2 to be more capable than the likes of F-5 which during its time was a revolutionary plane, same as what T2 will be, The rest of the design I am sure others can manage better than me. Already since the size is small hence its VLO and add to it more usage of composites and Carbon fibre adding to its advantage of being light.
So my aim would be
Twin engine, with modular design allowing higher sortie and availability rate, thus making it every air forces dream plane in terms of ease of use and low cost.


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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You forget a heavier plane has a higher consumption.
and maybe another and slightly bigger and thirsty engine.
So your range figure seems optimistic.
Your argument has basic flaws. Suppose you need 3.5 ton fuel for a mission. You will either attach a fuel tank or fill tank if it has a space to accommodate fuel. In first case there is a weight penalty.

Heavy plane can have high consumption but wight reduction and aerodynamic improvements shall be more than sufficient to compensate fuel efficiency penalty because of additional weight.

Power any engine comes from either improvement in engine or increase in size. Size increase gives fuel efficiency penalty while power increase by way of high compression ratio improves the efficiency. GE 414 is an improved design and and not a bigger engine. It has almost same dimension and it operated at high T/W ratio. so infact efficiency shall improve.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Tejas team is not large and hence their capacity to handle various projects, Israeli AESA have been tested already but i think due to some issues the tender have been launched, We will know more in times to come ..

Great. but Mk1 foc still nit done and we are not having AESA for Mk1A.Hope Structure design team is available to work on MK2 to start with tyres

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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You forget a heavier plane has a higher consumption.
and maybe another and slightly bigger and thirsty engine.
So your range figure seems optimistic.
See when present Tejas was designed the designers took a lot of margin to start with- a conservatively designed platform if may. Reasons were both technical and non-technical and both were requirement of time. Today thanks to hard work of three decades lot has changed in political as well as technical arena. The newest design the MK-2 has done away with conservatism and is expected to weigh lesser than MK-1.

The MK-1 has been designed over-engineered landing gear, center fuselage (which supports wing) and a heavier wing as well, Plus there were many ballasts used to balance the weight. The MK-2 version will do away with all of it. In addition to these many more light weight composite made parts will replace aluminum made parts of the fuselage. All in all despite the increase in fuselage the goal of new design is to keep empty weight closer to that of MK-1.

Another improvement that MK-2 will is aerodynamic. In past many studies have been carried out to reduce drag -- few findings from these studies have already been implement in MK-1-- and it is estimated that there is a possibility to reduce drag by 8%.

So all in all with new F-414 IN S6 (whose SFC is definitely gonna be better than that of F-404) and optimized design Tejas MK-2 will have much better performance than MK-2. And will rival range and payload of Mirage-2000H while beating it comprehensively in every other respect.

tejas warrior

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Jan 4, 2015
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India on Track to Unveil Most Advanced Version of Tejas LCA

MILITARY & INTELLIGENCE 19:30 28.12.2016

Indian Air Force was forced to accept diluted parameters of Tejas due to the delay in the upgraded MK2. There is now optimism about rolling out the prototype by 2019.

New Delhi (Sputnik) — India may receive the prototype of the most advanced version of indigenously developed Tejas in 2019 a decade after the project was sanctioned.

Indian aircraft manufacturer HAL has floated a tender for the supply of valves and wheel tires for Tejas MK2. It was thought that MK2 project may not see light of the day but the recent request for proposals (RFP) indicate that manufacturer may be simultaneously working on MK-1A and MK-2 versions. The open tender is for domestic as well as global manufacturers. The Indian Air Force had to accept a stepped-down version of Tejas due to the delay in getting the MK2 project off the ground. The project for design and development of Tejas Mk2 was sanctioned in November 2009 at a cost of $370 million. The project has suffered because of the delay in finalization of the engine contract. Tejas MK2 aims to have home-developed Active Electrically Scanned Array (AESA) radars, unified EW suites, on board oxygen generation systems and upgraded avionics.

Read more:


New Member
Nov 3, 2012
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When the top brass of the services are filled with retards, what you expect will happen? See arjun and tejas
The day India cleans retards from its services, we shall be seeing an apple and calling it an apple.

Russian or Americans all are same, Doing best to spread out disinformation ..

They don`t have to tell us about our progress, Indeed its bad for them that we progress ..

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
I suggest, Not to call them retards but men who were forced to adapt in an negative environment imposed by those who were in power, The recent expose by ex-IAF chief give a tunnel view into the IAF procurement business, Now let it about Rafale, Hawks, BTA etc ..

The defence personnel needs to enter, and remain in the good books of the political class for the simple reason of remaining relevant after retirement. The political class may offer him a governor post or some other prominent post if he has been hand in glove with the establishment over issues of mutual benefit. History reveals that just before their retirement, some big deals have been struck by chiefs of armed forces, some of which were later exposed in the media. These big deals ensure that their post-retirement lives are spent in luxury.

In the case of Tatra truck scandal, the current Minister of State for Home Affairs VK Singh, who was then the Army chief with his retirement imminent, was allegedly approached by army officer Lt Gen Tejinder Singh of the same batch for sanctioning the deal. He is said to have offered money to VK Singh to seal the deal. VK Singh apparently informed then Defence Minister AK Antony during UPA 2 about the incident. It became a big controversy and after his tussle with the government over his age and retirement, General Singh joined the BJP.

SP Tyagi’s arrest should open up a can of worms. There is an urgent need to address the elephant in the room. The common man’s money in the form of taxes can be put to better use than being turned to black money to fund the luxurious lifestyles of the high and the mighty. Former Air Force chief SP Tyagi is only the tip of the iceberg.
Read :

When the top brass of the services are filled with retards, what you expect will happen? See arjun and tejas The day India cleans retards from its services, we shall be seeing an apple and calling it an apple.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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First Prototype Of Indian LCA-Tejas Mk2 Fighter Slated For 2018-19, Serial Production By 2020
LCA-Tejas Mk2 fighter
The first Prototype of India’s Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), Tejas Mk2 version is slated for built during 2018-19, while series production(s) are planned for Inducting to fleet which is stated to be taken up in two phases commencing from 2020 onwards.
“Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is a principal partner in design, development, manufacturing, integration and flight testing of LCA. We have taken up development and Qualification of certain LRUs required for LCA-Mk 2 version,” the company said in a RFP issued last Saturday for the development and supply of Progressive Pressure Control Valve (PPCV) for equipping in LCA Mk 2 version.
Currently, there is an anticipated requirement of 93 A/c sets (83 A/c sets and float quantity of 10 A/c sets) for series production programme expected to commence from year 2019. During series production programme, Purchase orders are planned to be placed for annual requirement depending upon the number of aircraft to be produced in each year based on customer orders. Issue of this RFQ does not create any obligation whatsoever on HAL to place orders for series production.
The annual ordering will be taken up at appropriate time based on the production planned at that point of time. The commercial evaluation shall be carried at the economic level of point of ordering. If any of the vendor does not provide the price at the economic level of point of ordering, then the quoted price shall be escalated to the economic level of point of ordering by considering max escalation factor (cap on escalation) provided by the Vendor.

Cutting Edge

New Member
Dec 22, 2016

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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MK1A too is suppose to follow same timeline. Does that mean MK1A and MK2 will be developed side by side? I am still not sure about these rumors. All of the sudden Babus at HAL are advancing Tejas at an unbelievable pace.
Care to read newsletters. When people are cursing them for Nirbhay, lot of things are going nice these days.

tejas warrior

New Member
Jan 4, 2015
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I understand, there is less work to be done by ADA/HAL for developing Tejas MK1-A. Work is getting outsourced.

AESA Radar will be basically fitted by chosen company (mostly ELTA SYSTEMS, ISRAEL)
Further the proposed AESA Radar shall be capable of integrating with EW Suite (i.e., Digital RWR and podded jammer), combined interrogator & transponder (CIT), short range air to air missiles and BVR missiles.
The scope of supply also includes compatible Radome along with the AESA Radar.

Request for Quotation (RFQ) envisages the selection of an appropriate vendor for the supply of contemporary AESA Radar for LCA Mk1A platform including technical support for integration, ground/flight testing and certification.

So, there is nothing much for HAL to develop in Mk1-A.. and they can surely concentrate to work on development of Tejas MK2.


Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Thanks for sharing people, Really appreciated .. !!

Something tells me a separate production line as told before ..

