ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

" GTRE came up with design requirements which were revised based on material technology by DMRL, DMRL came up with with material technology, made SCB for Kaveri prototypes as pilot project and transferred it's production standards and processes to HAL. HAL also made a few production prototypes of Kaveri HPT's single crystal blade. " @Twinblade : Source


" As per the info I got at Aero India we have developed single crystal blades aside from what we got from Russia with Su 30.

Here is how it is done. Ceramic cores are first made and blades are grown around the cores. The cores are later dissolved away leaving an internal structure that allows cooling.Image shows ceramic cores "

@bennedose : Source


We have our own as well as foreign design for Crystal blade tech, But assuming that we are yet to archive that metallurgy threshold to mass produce them, We perhaps need to invest more on our scientific infrastructure ..

India has developed technology to build Single crystal blades.This is confirmed. But which generation is not confirmed.
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Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
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Apr 17, 2014
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We rejected Gripen design long back, Keep in mind that Tejas design is specific for Indian needs ....

AESA is design by our own institutes run by HAL and DRDO separately, SAAB cannot offer any significant technology boost to Tejas program, Anything they have can be obtained from open firms ..
I agree with all the info you have presented....Do we have the ability to create all the required technologies .... yes
Can we fix all the issues which might arise is future... yes...
have we done the same in the past.... yes....

but the answers to questions I m lookin for are...
are we prepared today?
do we have the infrastructure?
what are our budget constraints?
what are our leadership will?

SAAB didnt put much on table but one assurance was there that tejas mk2 will go ahead without much delays... and many simple problems would have been solved much earlier....
51% is definitely too high but negotiable.....
DRDO and HAL wants to maintain there stand of creatin it witout muxh of the foreign help.....

till the time there accountability is not set they wilo not earn confidence of Indian defense forces which will keep delaying it....
SAAB just the name or any other foreign brand can surely help Tejas.... sorry to say but it is true.....thnx to foreign lobbies in our defense network...

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
I cannot answer with 100% surety to everything you asked nor i can give 100% accuracy to your views, This is something time can tell, Till then everything is and will be bunch of probabilities with ' % ' , Lets keep our discussion till technical quarries ..

are we prepared today?
do we have the infrastructure?
what are our budget constraints?
what are our leadership will?


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Mar 6, 2011
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As usual some one is bent upon portraying the bare needs of grippen swashplate asea as a bon from heaven.

Grippen has much smaller radome dia than tejas. So to get a decent radar SAAB is going for swash plate.

tejas as per IAF demands has a radome dia that is almost equal to rafale , a class above grippen,

Some one here can not acknowledge or digest this fact and trying to misinform posters that the swashplate ASEA on grippen NG is superior just because of it being swashplate!!!!

And if grippen's swashplate asea can be retrofitted on grippen c, nothing prevents tejas mk-2 asea(which will always be more powerful due to bigger radome diameter) from being retofitted to tejas mk-1 either,

And the primary reason for stealth in F-22 is mostly its shaping and not just RAM. If RAM is primary then it should not show up on higher bandwidth VHF RADARs as well, which is not the case now.

Because its makers themselves claim it was VLOdesign for the 1990s generation( non ASEA 1990s tech) Xband(lower wavelength) radars ,

Now we have an interview from the makers of Super hornet with highly sensitive ASEA radar claiming that their fighter can detect the chinese stealth fighter from 40 Kms!!!!, which is the normal engagement zone


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Mar 6, 2011
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In 1979, the Swedish government began development studies for an aircraft capable of fighter, attack and reconnaissance missions to replace the Saab 35 Draken and 37 Viggen. A new design from Saab was selected and developed as the JAS 39, first flying in 1988. Following two crashes during flight development and subsequent alterations to the aircraft's flight control software,

In 1979, the government started a study calling for a versatile platform capable of "JAS", standing for Jakt (air-to-air), Attack (air-to-surface), and Spaning (reconnaissance), indicating a multirole, or swingrole, fighter aircraft that can fulfill multiple roles during the same mission.

A number of Saab designs were accordingly reviewed, with the most promising being "Project 2105" (redesignated "Project 2108" and, later, "Project 2110"), recommended to the government by the Defence Materiel Administration (Försvarets Materielverk, or FMV).

In 1980, Industrigruppen JAS (IG JAS, "JAS Industry Group") was established as a joint venture by Saab-Scania, LM Ericsson, Svenska Radioaktiebolaget, Volvo Flygmotor and Försvarets Fabriksverk, the industrial wing of the Swedish armed forces.

The preferred aircraft was a single-engine, lightweight single-seater, embracing fly-by-wire technology, canards, and an aerodynamically unstable design.

The powerplant selected was the Volvo-Flygmotor RM12, a license-built derivative of the General Electric F404-400; engine development priorities were weight reduction and lowering component count.[14][15] On 30 June 1982, with approval from the Riksdag the FMV issued contracts worth SEK25.7 billion to prime contractor Saab covering five prototypes and an initial batch of 30 production aircraft.

December 1995

The 2000th Gripen test flight takes place. More than 90% of the scheduled test flights are now complete.

December 1996

The basic development work on the Gripen is concluded and the first Batch 2 aircraft is delivered to FMV

April 1998

An AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missile is launched for the first time from a Gripen aircraft. The test is carried-out at FMV's Vidsel test range in Sweden and is the first AMRAAM trials launch ever conducted outside of the USA.

A Gripen fitted with a 'mock-up' air-to-air refuelling probe, conducts flight tests in the UK with a Royal Air Force VC-10 tanker. The trials include a 'dry' connection in-flight with the VC-10 NATO tanker.

It is decided that Saab AB is to be listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. 35% of the shares and capital are purchased by British Aerospace (now BAE Systems). The Investor AB group retains 36% of the votes and 20% of the capital.

It does seem that the program progressed as it went along, perhaps a saner strategy than the media reported InAF demands of FOC or fail, however in InAFs support if that was the policy SAAB has a much defined history.
For people expecting SAAB to deliver double quick on tejas mk-2 above read of their developmental timeframe makes it clear that it is no walk in the park,

SAAB took this much time even when its fly by wire tech was given by US firm(after the crash of a few prototypes due to fly by wire failures SAAB contracted US firm to develop tech for grippen, compare it to ADA which completed a flawless acclaimed fly by wire tech in the teeth of US sanctions!!!!).

Still grippen E or NG is yet to enter production, looking for funding from some future export orders,what flew in MMRCA competition is just a prototype or developmental model.

None of the core tech in grippen belongs to SAAB sans the much wanted sensor fusion which is software job and will be done for tejas as it matures into service.

Chances are with secure orders and with new high tech production line established for tejas mk1 by HAL , tejas mk-2 LSPs may roll out faster than the tortured phase witnessed for tejas mk-1. With a clear developmental path ahead.
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Mar 6, 2011
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Pointing out the inaccuracies in your post.


Wrong on both points. Many of the earlier avionics from Tejas ended up on Su-30Mki, the current avionics are totally different. Also, Gripen's avionics, when it entered service were considered ground breaking. Sensor fusion as on Gripen, will make it to Tejas only by the Mk2 version.


Wrong again.

Anyone who claims RCS figures based on internet pictures without the necessary background is a certified idiot.



As far as the forum's yell-see-yay eggsbert is concerned he has the ignominy of claiming that the 0.5 meter plug that is supposed to go on mk2 version has already been incorporated in the mk1 version, Tejas has a lower frontal RCS to PAK-FA, DRFM can block AESA radars and that no single crystal blade has been made in India. His refusal to see logic in face of proofs and in general rudeness has lead to this:-

His posts need to be taken with more salt than in the dead sea.

I believed in he technical correctness of CEMILAC report and posted once that nose cone plug must have been added since tejas crossed mach 1.1 at sea level trials in Goa,

I was new then and it was a mistake. i have no qualms in accepting it.Also once I mistook the calibrated airspeed as close air support .

besides that point out anything that can not be substantiated from my side.

It was not as stupid as your claim of doubting the elliptical look of gun barrel from a height well below the camera height.

if you are truly a guy who goes only by publicly released info then,

first explain how tejas mk-1 crossed the su-30 MKI topspeed,

in a powerless dive from 4 Km during a flutter test at Goa,

despite the CEMILAC repert's prediction that it can't do so without a nose cone plug,

And do you think ADA is lying when they say tejas mk-1 itself is supersonic in all altitudes without the 0.5 meter nose cone plug(since you also claimed that since there is no emprical evidence there is no nose cone plug in tejas)?


the CEMILAC which said a 0.5 meter nose cone plug is essential to reach the sea level topspeeds?

You posted CEMILAC report in keypublishing forum and stated that it was one of the design faults of ADA which is inducing drag and stopping tejas mk- 1 from achieving supersonic speeds in sea level.

It was due to sudden cross sectional increase in tejas fuselage at around 4 meters or so as per your post there.

I asked you an year before how does other fighter makers manage sudden cross sectional increases at the air intake point on the fuselage length, for which you have not replied.

AFAIK CEMILAC suggestion of drag reducing nose cone plug was an improvement for tejas, which is being implemented in tejas mk-2.

But according to you and many other guys it was a fundamental design mistake.

Also what are your views on new fairings which will house the relocated landing gear in grippen NG or E to increase fuel capacity?

Does those fairings constitute a drag inducing sudden cross sectional bulge (as pointed out by CEMILAC for tejas ) along the fuselage length or not?

If so is it a mistake by SAAB or not? Or Are they implementing something else in their design to nullify the drag effect?

And what about your views on IAF group captain and award winning test pilot sunnet krishna,

who has flown both the mirages and tejas mk1,

and said that tejas mk-1 itself is "atleast" equal to the upgraded mirage-2000? Is he also an eggspert?

Reply now and lets see who's post is to be taken with buckets of salt, and who is an eggspert,
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Apr 15, 2014
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no need of SAAB @Pulkit , cause 1/8 aesa radar is operational. Work on EW suit is on. Engine is there
mk1 was delayed and I gave you link why? It wasn't delayed cause just one change of wish of IAF changes whole structure which needs more time. I have already posted link about preliminary design is complete. So SAAB will get 51% profit for no reason or for just assembling? Another reason for delays of mk1 is engine. Kaveri wasn't ready. But now for mk2 engine is already selected.
so you want to save time then why don't we directly buy foreign equipment? This will save our time and money for research. But then this is how they loot us. That's why vikky brought at 2.3 billion and cost of single mirage update is 43 million dollar.
SAAB will do same. What guaranty there won't gonna be delays? Cause NG not operational. What guaranty they won't gonna increase the price during project is running?
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New Member
Dec 19, 2011
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As usual some one is bent upon portraying the bare needs of grippen swashplate asea as a bon from heaven.

Grippen has much smaller radome dia than tejas. So to get a decent radar SAAB is going for swash plate.
BS. Selex developed the swashplate technology for Eurofighter, an aircraft with a much larger radome dia than Tejas (Eurofighter 750mm, Tejas 650mm). Believe it or not, it combines the advantages of large FoV of a mechanical scan radar with the advantages of an electronically scanned array.

tejas as per IAF demands has a radome dia that is almost equal to rafale , a class above grippen,
Inaccurate, Tejas has a much larger radome dia than Rafale and herein falls flat your argument. For reference
KAI T-50 - 490 mm
Mirage-2000 - 500 mm
Rafale - 550 mm
F-16- 740x480 mm oval.
Gripen - 600 mm
Tejas - 650 mm
Eurofighter - 750 mm.

PS: It's Gripen, not Grippen :)

Some one here can not acknowledge or digest this fact and trying to misinform posters that the swashplate ASEA on grippen NG is superior just because of it being swashplate!!!!
Ahem, Gripen's ES-05 by Selex is an impressive piece of equipment going by the specs released, especially the Field of View. The original PS-05 had very impressive specs of its own, only marginally lesser than original specs for El-2032. It is currently superior because Tejas has no AESA radar right now ;)

And if grippen's swashplate asea can be retrofitted on grippen c, nothing prevents tejas mk-2 asea(which will always be more powerful due to bigger radome diameter) from being retofitted to tejas mk-1 either,
Nobody is denying that, rather it is officially stated. The whole argument was presented to correct a factual inaccuracy that Gripen will have 'PESA'.

I was new then and it was a mistake. i have no qualms in accepting it.Also once I mistook the calibrated airspeed as close air support .
It was not as stupid as your claim of doubting the elliptical look of gun barrel from a height well below the camera height.
You used a distorted picture with incorrect aspect ratio you found from google search to prove your measurements, it was merely pointed out to you as a friendly advice so as to not deviate your method. Stop crying over it.

if you are truly a guy who goes only by publicly released info then,

first explain how tejas mk-1 crossed the su-30 MKI topspeed,

in a powerless dive from 4 Km during a flutter test at Goa,
despite the CEMILAC repert's prediction that it can't do so without a nose cone plug,
It didn't cross S-30Mki's speed. Here's the actual report.
Fighter aircraft Tejas clocks fastest speed during testing - Indian Express

In the final phase of its tests before formal commissioning, India's indigenous light combat aircraft Tejas went past its ultimate speed of 1,350 KMPH over the Goa skies and clocked the fastest speed ever, a top IAF officer said on Tuesday.

"The aircraft went past its ultimate speed of 1350 kmph on December 7 over the skies in Goa after take off from the naval air station INS Hansa," Commander Rohit Varma, project director (flight test), National flight test centre, told reporters here.

"This is the fastest speed ever achieved by an Indian- made fighter aircraft," he said.
Do you know which other 'Indian made fighter jet' was there ? Hf-24 Marut, which had problems going supersonic, even in a dive.

You posted CEMILAC report in keypublishing forum and stated that it was one of the design faults of ADA which is inducing drag and stopping tejas mk- 1 from achieving supersonic speeds in sea level.

It was due to sudden cross sectional increase in tejas fuselage at around 4 meters or so as per your post there.

I asked you an year before how does other fighter makers manage sudden cross sectional increases at the air intake point on the fuselage length, for which you have not replied.

AFAIK CEMILAC suggestion of drag reducing nose cone plug was an improvement for tejas, which is being implemented in tejas mk-2.

But according to you and many other guys it was a fundamental design mistake.
Not according to me. I quoted the report verbatim without comments of my own. Here's a link to that :-
FA-50, really comparable to Tejas?

Those were Cemilac's words and not mine.

I believed in he technical correctness of CEMILAC report and posted once that nose cone plug must have been added since tejas crossed 1.1 mach at sea level trials in Goa,
And do you think ADA is lying when they say tejas mk-1 itself is supersonic in all altitudes
Listen dude, I don't really know what your problem is, but where exactly did I say that Tejas cannot got supersonic at sea level ?. I have always maintained that it struggles to go supersonic. This is the exact reason why you were put on the ignore list, because of attributing stuff to people they never said.

Btw, now that you have mentioned it, 1350 km/hr - 1.1 mach at 15 degree celcius.
At 30-35 degree celcius it is 1.05 mach ;) so, you are wrong again on a technicality :taunt:

Also what are your views on new fairings which will house the relocated landing gear in grippen NG or E to increase fuel capacity?

Does those fairings constitute a drag inducing sudden cross sectional bulge (as pointed out by CEMILAC for tejas ) along the fuselage length or not?

If so is it a mistake by SAAB or not? Or Are they implementing something else in their design to nullify the drag effect?

At the cost of redundancy, let me repeat. I don't care what happens to Gripen program, because it isn't funded by my tax money., it may sink in the Baltic Sea for all I care.However in terms of project management and product delivery it is without comparison the single best managed aviation program in modern history. My only concern is with the Tejas program, so when a fanboy comes out and issues a blanket statement Tejas >> XYZ aircraft which is riddled with factual inaccuracies, I come forth and correct them, just because we expect better from our own institutions.

And what about your views on IAF group captain and award winning test pilot sunnet krishna,

who has flown both the mirages and tejas mk1,

and said that tejas mk-1 itself is "atleast" equal to the upgraded mirage-2000?
I believe him. You, I don't for the reasons pointed above. Not that I detest people who disagree, but I definitely detest people who wouldn't listen to logic or reason and go on repeating misinterpretations again and again.

Reply now and lets see who's post is to be taken with buckets of salt, and who is an eggspert,
Done. Welcome back to my ignore list. Enjoy your stay on DFI while I take a vacation over the weekend. Ta-ta :)
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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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BS. Selex developed the swashplate technology for Eurofighter, an aircraft with a much larger radome dia than Tejas (Eurofighter 750mm, Tejas 650mm). Believe it or not, it combines the advantages of large FoV of a mechanical scan radar with the advantages of an electronically scanned array.

Inaccurate, Tejas has a much larger radome dia than Rafale and herein falls flat your argument. For reference
KAI T-50 - 490 mm
Mirage-2000 - 500 mm
Rafale - 550 mm
F-16- 740x480 mm oval.
Gripen - 600 mm
Tejas - 650 mm
Eurofighter - 750 mm.

PS: It's Gripen, not Grippen :)
After more than fifty posts you are for the first time accepting the basic truth ,that gripen has a radome dia 50 mm less than tejas!!!!

So the potential of any ASEA radar that gripen gets will be less in capacity to the same kind of ASEA solution that can be implemented in tejas ,

it is even more significant considering that ASEA radar can be used as powerful EW weapon all by itself,

This always differentiates tejas from the me too light fighters like Gripen,

because it can have a bigger radar which can be had only in 100 million dollar plus fighter,

Just imagine the force multiplier effort of this powerful radar sensor fused in future with AWACS and other ground radars ,

And it was the IAF demand for bigger radar and condition that tejas should within the foot print of Mig-21 which determined the length of the fighter and radome dia.

lesser diameter (600 mm )Swahplate ASEA on gripen may have a bigger field of view, But it will always be less powerful than the bigger 650 mm dia ASEA radar of tejas mk-2, meaning in the crucial frontal arc, tejas mk-2 asea wil always have the potential to host a more powerful ASEA radar with bigger range and higher sensitivity.

No swashplate solution can wish away this physical fact of higer powered ASEA radar, which you are skillfully dodging,

ofcourse the assumption is the number of TR modules and their capacity being the same,

You can also admit that same swashplate solution if implemented in tejas mk-2 will give it a much more powerful ASEA radar than that of gripen and Rafale,

I am sure IAF will in future demand such an arrangement, if the bigger swash plate asea field of view is favorable for it,

Ahem, Gripen's ES-05 by Selex is an impressive piece of equipment going by the specs released, especially the Field of View. The original PS-05 had very impressive specs of its own, only marginally lesser than original specs for El-2032. It is currently superior because Tejas has no AESA radar right now ;)

Swashplates have a bigger field of view due to their angular positioning, but the crucial factor you are not mentioning as usual is the range and sensitivity of the ASEA radar is always determined by its diameter and the number of TR modules,No swash plate can arrangement can compensate for the lesser dia of radome,

And also the fact if such a swashplate solution is implemented in tejas the physical dia of the radar will be higher than that of rafale and gripen,
Nobody is denying that, rather it is officially stated. The whole argument was presented to correct a factual inaccuracy that Gripen will have 'PESA'.

You used a distorted picture with incorrect aspect ratio you found from google search to prove your measurements, it was merely pointed out to you as a friendly advice so as to not deviate your method. Stop crying over it.

Well , i was not physically measuring anything , with scale, i was only comparing ""RATIOS, if the picture is elongated in X axis , there will be no errors , while comparing ratios is something you are slyly dodging as usual, or you don't understand,

It will be true only if I compare a distance in Y axis to that in X axis,Since both the lengths are in X axis any elongation in X axis is not going to affect the ratio based comparison,

It didn't cross S-30Mki's speed. Here's the actual report.
Fighter aircraft Tejas clocks fastest speed during testing - Indian Express

Do you know which other 'Indian made fighter jet' was there ? Hf-24 Marut, which had problems going supersonic, even in a dive.

You can chose to live in your fantasy world forever , or accept the truth,

What is the top speed of SU-30 MKI at sea level in indian conditions? Any publicly available source for it? Come on accept that your mulish attempt to paint a draggy airframe picture on tejas by using the CEMILAC report was exposed with offiicial statement from IAF personnel explicitly saying that tejas achieved its top speed , And the subsequent ADA certification for IOC-2 with "supersonic at altitudes" , dive or no dive.

And you will continue to live in denial that in a powerless dive from 4Km a part of the engine thrust is required to change the flight path from downward direction to horizontal direction, Still it achieved those speeds in jet thrust sapping summer Goa skies is a slap in the face for guys using CEMILAC report to discredit the design of tejas,
Not according to me. I quoted the report verbatim without comments of my own. Here's a link to that :-
FA-50, really comparable to Tejas?

Those were Cemilac's words and not mine.

But without CEMILAC 's prescription of nose cone plug being implemented in tejas mk-1, it achieved its design sea level top speed, That was the point I was making, And that is the point on which you are silent even now,
how come?
Listen dude, I don't really know what your problem is, but where exactly did I say that Tejas cannot got supersonic at sea level ?. I have always maintained that it struggles to go supersonic. This is the exact reason why you were put on the ignore list, because of attributing stuff to people they never said.

Well i know your way of posting, is never making a point. It is always about casting aspersions by using reports in a skewed way, even after knowing that without the prescription implemented in the report, tejas mk-1 achieves supersonic topspeeds in inidan summer skies,
Btw, now that you have mentioned it, 1350 km/hr - 1.1 mach at 15 degree celcius.
At 30-35 degree celcius it is 1.05 mach ;) so, you are wrong again on a technicality :taunt:

At the cost of redundancy, let me repeat. I don't care what happens to Gripen program, because it isn't funded by my tax money., it may sink in the Baltic Sea for all I care.However in terms of project management and product delivery it is without comparison the single best managed aviation program in modern history. My only concern is with the Tejas program, so when a fanboy comes out and issues a blanket statement Tejas >> XYZ aircraft which is riddled with factual inaccuracies, I come forth and correct them, just because we expect better from our own institutions.

I did't expect you to stoop to the level of paki ranters posting as anonymous Indian tax payers,

Why the heck did single best managed international program crashed and killed its pilot with the first prototype itself?

SAAB over estimated its capacity and rushed through testing even without conducting regulatory safety checks is the unpalatable answer,

Situation was such that SAAB test pilots scurrying into VRS fearing their lives,Compare that to safety audit level in tejas program,

And the sweedesih airforce accepted gripen with much lower maturity level , so its induction was fast, but IAF wanted a complete product is the reason for delay along with international sanctions.Nothing Else?

Read my post number -445,
In 1979, the Swedish government began development studies for an aircraft capable of fighter, attack and reconnaissance missions to replace the Saab 35 Draken and 37 Viggen. A new design from Saab was selected and developed as the JAS 39, first flying in 1988. Following two crashes during flight development and subsequent alterations to the aircraft's flight control software,

In 1979, the government started a study calling for a versatile platform capable of "JAS", standing for Jakt (air-to-air), Attack (air-to-surface), and Spaning (reconnaissance), indicating a multirole, or swingrole, fighter aircraft that can fulfill multiple roles during the same mission.

A number of Saab designs were accordingly reviewed, with the most promising being "Project 2105" (redesignated "Project 2108" and, later, "Project 2110"), recommended to the government by the Defence Materiel Administration (Försvarets Materielverk, or FMV).

In 1980, Industrigruppen JAS (IG JAS, "JAS Industry Group") was established as a joint venture by Saab-Scania, LM Ericsson, Svenska Radioaktiebolaget, Volvo Flygmotor and Försvarets Fabriksverk, the industrial wing of the Swedish armed forces.

The preferred aircraft was a single-engine, lightweight single-seater, embracing fly-by-wire technology, canards, and an aerodynamically unstable design.

The powerplant selected was the Volvo-Flygmotor RM12, a license-built derivative of the General Electric F404-400; engine development priorities were weight reduction and lowering component count.[14][15] On 30 June 1982, with approval from the Riksdag the FMV issued contracts worth SEK25.7 billion to prime contractor Saab covering five prototypes and an initial batch of 30 production aircraft.

December 1995

The 2000th Gripen test flight takes place. More than 90% of the scheduled test flights are now complete.

December 1996

The basic development work on the Gripen is concluded and the first Batch 2 aircraft is delivered to FMV

April 1998

An AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missile is launched for the first time from a Gripen aircraft. The test is carried-out at FMV's Vidsel test range in Sweden and is the first AMRAAM trials launch ever conducted outside of the USA.

A Gripen fitted with a 'mock-up' air-to-air refuelling probe, conducts flight tests in the UK with a Royal Air Force VC-10 tanker. The trials include a 'dry' connection in-flight with the VC-10 NATO tanker.

It is decided that Saab AB is to be listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. 35% of the shares and capital are purchased by British Aerospace (now BAE Systems). The Investor AB group retains 36% of the votes and 20% of the capital.


For a project that started in 1979, it's tejas mk-2 equivalent has not entered production till now, despite continuous international involvement of international avionics biggies in all parts and fly by wire software of gripen,

When ADA asked for 4000 crores with faster LSP mode, the program was truncated to two TDs first to prove the tech and actual LSPs later with just 2000 crores as initial outlay,

So why you gripe here about tax payer's money?. Every tax payer can be proud of the fact that composite tech and avionics tech developed for tejas has found its way to SU-30 MKI program to such a level, that russian airforce is ordering 64 avionics and mission computers for their Su-30 MKI version from HAL,

Even if we produce a thousand tejas mk-2s here with SAAB assistance not a single tech from it will percolate to indian avionics industry,
I believe him. You, I don't for the reasons pointed above. Not that I detest people who disagree, but I definitely detest people who wouldn't listen to logic or reason and go on repeating misinterpretations again and again.

I can put your lack of trust in the waste basket without a concern, i don't care about anonymous tax payer concerns expounded by you here,I can found plenty of the same ranting by pakis across all forums,

You can shove your honest tax payer concern somewhere else,not here,
Done. Welcome back to my ignore list. Enjoy your stay on DFI while I take a vacation over the weekend. Ta-ta :)
ta ta bye bye for now,
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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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radar's power is directly proportional to the diameter, swash plate enhances field of view not power,
The swashplate solution for gripen will be way inferior to the same solution for typhoon which has far larger radome dia to host a far bigger dia asea radar than gripen,


New Member
Dec 19, 2011
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After more than fifty posts you are for the first time accepting the basic truth ,that gripen has a radome dia 50 mm less than tejas!!!!
Something you were unaware of after 4664 posts. I'd accept that as an expression of gratitude for correcting you.

esser diameter (600 mm )Swahplate ASEA on gripen may have a bigger field of view, But it will always be less powerful than the bigger 650 mm dia ASEA radar of tejas mk-2, meaning in the crucial frontal arc, tejas mk-2 asea wil always have the potential to host a more powerful ASEA radar with bigger range and higher sensitivity.
Says the person who till 1 post back thought that Tejas has the same sized array as the Rafale. Furthermore you are neglecting the output per module, in which Selex is a generation ahead of Indian efforts, and concentrating merely on the number of modules, a mistake people often do with Rafale as well. Just to let you know SAAB fielded world's first GaN AESA radar while we are just introducing our GaAs designs. The first Indian GaN radar will come aboard AWACS-India by the end of this decade. EU is that far ahead of us in AESA technology. Gripen is the first to field a GaN based EW system and by the looks of it will beat Rafale in fielding GaN based AESA radar.

What is the top speed of SU-30 MKI at sea level in indian conditions?
You should know, because in your very own words Tejas beat Su-30Mki at top speed, and you have been posting this for the last 4 years. I'd take it with a side serving of a link or the acceptance that you made it up :) Either shall suffice.

But without CEMILAC 's prescription of nose cone plug being implemented in tejas mk-1, it achieved its design sea level top speed, That was the point I was making, And that is the point on which you are silent even now,
how come?
And what was the original intended sea level top speed as per the design? You don't know and you just made that fact up. Implementation of the Nose cone wasn't the only recommendation from that paper, correction to the trailing edge (done in LSP-5 IIRC), reshaping of pylons was also recommended.

Well i know your way of posting, is never making a point.
Better than making up facts like you do. Agree ?:troll:

I did't expect you to stoop to the level of paki ranters posting as anonymous Indian tax payers,
In India, tax payers aren't anonymous :troll:

Why the heck did single best managed international program crashed and killed its pilot with the first prototype itself?
Just the way HAL Deepak, DRDO Airavat, HAL Sitara and NAL Saras turned Indian pilots into human Jelly. The former, being an in service program with an unresolved issue that plagued it till it's last day in service. It's aviation, pilots take the planes to their limits and sometimes the inevitable happens.

And the sweedesih airforce accepted gripen with much lower maturity level , so its induction was fast, but IAF wanted a complete product is the reason for delay along with international sanctions.
Yup. That's the way Swedes do it, they accelerate the program to the hilt, they simulate as much of the program as possible to save the costs of flight tests and their programs deliver the promised capability on time. Meanwhile, how many Indian Pilots were squashed like bugs due to crashing MiGs while waiting for Tejas? Dozens. Incompetence and ineptitude and underestimation of program complexity has no part to play in Tejas delays. Still waiting for 2012 FOC and 31st march roll out of series production aircrafts. Sure, the program was 'safe' but the MiGs weren't. Remind me again, when was Tejas supposed to enter into service originally ? You know, post sanctions.

For a project that started in 1979, the tejas mk-2 equivalent has not entered production till now
Funding released in 2006, demonstrator out by 2008.
Saab Receives FMV Funding for JAS-39 Gripen Upgrades
Tejas mk2 funding released in 2009, still waiting. At least they have a tech demonstrator flying for the last 6 years now, fishing for customers so that Swedish Air Force doesn't have to bankroll it alone. And here we are still waiting for Serial Production Tejas a decade after sanctions were lifted. Every year they come out and lie about a new timeline. Let's just hope they didn't lie about the capabilities.


Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
New Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Just one question given what DRDO , HAl and Indian Defense structure has done to Tejas MK1 will you like to rely on what they say and present? If yes then all what is said is agreed ......

no need of SAAB @Pulkit , cause 1/8 aesa radar is operational. Work on EW suit is on. Engine is there
mk1 was delayed and I gave you link why? It wasn't delayed cause just one change of wish of IAF changes whole structure which needs more time. I have already posted link about preliminary design is complete. So SAAB will get 51% profit for no reason or for just assembling? Another reason for delays of mk1 is engine. Kaveri wasn't ready. But now for mk2 engine is already selected.
so you want to save time then why don't we directly buy foreign equipment? This will save our time and money for research. But then this is how they loot us. That's why vikky brought at 2.3 billion and cost of single mirage update is 43 million dollar.
SAAB will do same. What guaranty there won't gonna be delays? Cause NG not operational. What guaranty they won't gonna increase the price during project is running?
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Apr 15, 2014
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Just one question given what DRDO , HAl and Indian Defense structure has done to Tejas MK1 will you like to rely on what they say and present?......
actually ada said it will create 2 td and first will roll out in 7 years. They developed four in that funds and first roll out in 8 years despite funds. And IAF changed requirement, it is IAF to be blamed for pilots died in crashes of mig21. They can have inducted tejas as soon as possible instead of changing requirement. Agree that they need top class fighter but instead they should have told ada to upgrade and make it mk2 at that time.
now, until mk2 gets to production we should induct tejas as much as possible cause its open architecture makes its upgradation easy. By this we can add newer EW suite, aesa radar, new cockpit etc. If they can spare 43 million to inferior mirage upgrade then why not 27 million to tejas . ( cost can come down if ordered in more number). All question about infra. Already answered in last article
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Mar 6, 2011
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Something you were unaware of after 4664 posts. I'd accept that as an expression of gratitude for correcting you.

Says the person who till 1 post back thought that Tejas has the same sized array as the Rafale. Furthermore you are neglecting the output per module, in which Selex is a generation ahead of Indian efforts, and concentrating merely on the number of modules, a mistake people often do with Rafale as well. Just to let you know SAAB fielded world's first GaN AESA radar while we are just introducing our GaAs designs. The first Indian GaN radar will come aboard AWACS-India by the end of this decade. EU is that far ahead of us in AESA technology. Gripen is the first to field a GaN based EW system and by the looks of it will beat Rafale in fielding GaN based AESA radar.

laughable attempt. What I intended was that tejas scores better in radar dia dept over grippen all the time, I did not google the radome dia of rafale , but from posts in forums i assumed it will be a bit bigger than gripen and equal to tejas,

Any way your post only confirm that tejas scores in radome dia dept, so no point in arguing further. i was never advocating for rafale over tejas in this thread,

And swash plate ASEA has its own mechanical rotating parts and maintenence and reliability problems.

it also imposes weight penalty and by making the fighter a bit nose heavy will have an effect on nose up ability,none of this is present in plain ASEA,

Also you are keeping quiet on the fairing parts adding to the drag in gripen NG , if we strictly go by Cemilac report of sudden increase in dia adding drag,

It speaks volumes about your eggspertise,

And Gan modules or the lack of it is not what I intended,

What I insisted was that by providing for a 50 mm bigger radome dia in tejas than gripen ADA has allowed IAF a more powerful radar solution in future upgrades, whether it is swashplate or Gan modules.

If you can say that gan modules on selex is so great , i can also say that all the present gripen C/D that are fltying right now with no swash plate gan modules are right away inferior to tejas mk-1 in radar solutions , which is also true of present day realities,

So bear in mind we both are talking about future potentials when it comes to the radome dia talking point.

You should know, because in your very own words Tejas beat Su-30Mki at top speed, and you have been posting this for the last 4 years. I'd take it with a side serving of a link or the acceptance that you made it up :) Either shall suffice.

So your highnes dont know what is the topspeed of IAF su-30 MKI. For an indian tax payer you seem to be more up to date with gripen than Su-30 MKi!!!
And what was the original intended sea level top speed as per the design? You don't know and you just made that fact up. Implementation of the Nose cone wasn't the only recommendation from that paper, correction to the trailing edge (done in LSP-5 IIRC), reshaping of pylons was also recommended.

Eggsperts like you can refer the MSD Woollen article in ADA tejas websites and get an insight on what was original top sea level speed of tejas, You dont have to take my word for it.

Better than making up facts like you do. Agree ?:troll:

In India, tax payers aren't anonymous :troll:

Indian tax payer money was well spent taking into account the facts,
1. ADA licensed its composites manufacturing software to Airbus,
2.64 mission computer sets were exported to russia,
3.All su-30 MKi use the same autoclaves developed by NAl for tejas,
4.F-16 test pilot commenting that his F-16 plane flies better with tejas fly by wire,
5. the avionics developed for tejas are now deployed for IAF fleet wide modernization,
of course a few eggsperts like you will have a different opinion, but no one cares,
Just the way HAL Deepak, DRDO Airavat, HAL Sitara and NAL Saras turned Indian pilots into human Jelly. The former, being an in service program with an unresolved issue that plagued it till it's last day in service. It's aviation, pilots take the planes to their limits and sometimes the inevitable happens.
but that does not absolve SAAB of lack of responsibility and incompetence to validte fly by wire tech, by using the high standards you extolled for SAAB in your posts,

thanks for accepting that SAAB is as mediocre as the organizations you listed above,

Yup. That's the way Swedes do it, they accelerate the program to the hilt, they simulate as much of the program as possible to save the costs of flight tests and their programs deliver the promised capability on time. Meanwhile, how many Indian Pilots were squashed like bugs due to crashing MiGs while waiting for Tejas? Dozens. Incompetence and ineptitude and underestimation of program complexity has no part to play in Tejas delays. Still waiting for 2012 FOC and 31st march roll out of series production aircrafts. Sure, the program was 'safe' but the MiGs weren't. Remind me again, when was Tejas supposed to enter into service originally ? You know, post sanctions.

Yup, sweedes did it to protect their own aviation industry by keeping their product development capacity,

When ADA tries the same for india eggsperts like you wear the cloak of anonymous tax payer and write three legged cheetah articles, blithely ignoring the fact the same approach by IAF in accepting a gripen A equivalent version quickly without insisting on FSED phase -2 and wrangling with ADA for truncating the program from straight away LSP route to time consuming Td first and LSP later route with half the budget originally asked for,

Funding released in 2006, demonstrator out by 2008.
Saab Receives FMV Funding for JAS-39 Gripen Upgrades
Tejas mk2 funding released in 2009, still waiting. At least they have a tech demonstrator flying for the last 6 years now, fishing for customers so that Swedish Air Force doesn't have to bankroll it alone. And here we are still waiting for Serial Production Tejas a decade after sanctions were lifted. Every year they come out and lie about a new timeline. Let's just hope they didn't lie about the capabilities.
Thats because mk-1 was delayed by FSED phase -2 and nothing else,

What happened to your weekend plans,?

in fact the letter written by boeing chief to george fernandez warning him of disaster if he allowed the first test flight of tejas would have been more relevant if it was written to SAAB chief, Any opinion?

And quit lying about the challenging conditions under which the first gripen crash happened, AFAIK it happened in simple landing conditions,

if you consider that as challenging it speaks volume about SAAB's world class program management ability which includes inability to develop a simple fly by wire developed for tejas by ADA,

Quit roaming here in midnight and enjoy your weekend,enough lying for a week already done I think,
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Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
New Member
Apr 17, 2014
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If you have read what ever I have written till now You willl understand That I have always said that Indian Defense structure and people who run iit never wanted Tejas to be a success because if it wud have then what ever kick bacs they wud hve earned wud hve been lost....
They hve again delayed foc by 6 months donno wats gonna happen....
actually ada said it will create 2 td and first will roll out in 7 years. They developed four in that funds and first roll out in 8 years despite funds. And IAF changed requirement, it is IAF to be blamed for pilots died in crashes of mig21. They can have inducted tejas as soon as possible instead of changing requirement. Agree that they need top class fighter but instead they should have told ada to upgrade and make it mk2 at that time.
now, until mk2 gets to production we should induct tejas as much as possible cause its open architecture makes its upgradation easy. By this we can add newer EW suite, aesa radar, new cockpit etc. If they can spare 43 million to inferior mirage upgrade then why not 27 million to tejas . ( cost can come down if ordered in more number). All question about infra. Already answered in last article
Apr 15, 2014
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If you have read what ever I have written till now You willl understand That I have always said that Indian Defense structure and people who run iit never wanted Tejas to be a success because if it wud have then what ever kick bacs they wud hve earned wud hve been lost....
They hve again delayed foc by 6 months donno wats gonna happen....
there is no delays in foc, if there then give us a link except some stupid post in tarmakblog

I just understood last line of your post. Please elaborate rest.


Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
New Member
Apr 17, 2014
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I think the last line of the first para in article Lca Tejas Inching closer to ” Mirage FOC-1 “ | also says the same thing delay in FOC...

The part u didnt understand:
You were telling me about the dedication of ADA and others including poiting out who is responsible i was agreeing to it...

there is no delays in foc, if there then give us a link except some stupid post in tarmakblog

I just understood last line of your post. Please elaborate rest.
Apr 15, 2014
Country flag
I think the last line of the first para in article Lca Tejas Inching closer to ” Mirage FOC-1 “ | also says the same thing delay in FOC...

The part u didnt understand:
You were telling me about the dedication of ADA and others including poiting out who is responsible i was agreeing to it...
idrw not a reliable reference. And the whole article is an assumption. There is 6 month for december. All ground tests and fuel drop tanks test did in just 5 months so bvr can be tested till then

