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  1. tharun

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Aircraft have different defense system like shaffs,flare and on board EW to evade SAM's so accuracy is always doubtful. Cruise can't escape. Cheaper is not matter..logistics matters. You can't just refill them just like MBRL. And aircraft is costlier and cruise missiles cost max of $2million...
  2. tharun

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    What ABM protection for bases..........:confused1: Never heard of surface to surface missiles..they are cheaper and can be fired in salvos.So you need multi layered defense Behind mountains....?By the way once you hit the entrance of tunnel it will be end of it.
  3. tharun

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Why do we need protection against cruise missiles and aircraft...?Because their target is the cities and major installations. Never heard of the word "Multi-layered" defense.No SAM missile can guarantee that it can stop aircraft.Never heard of word hit probability. It's SAM's only job.
  4. tharun

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    No system is fool proof including SAM's and many others.Any surface to surface missile with range more than 500km is called a ballistic missile with different name. Yes S-400 should be imported there is no other option at present. PDV and ashwin are not SAM's. Barak-8 with a total weight of...
  5. tharun

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Air Defenses we need at present scenario: 1)Anti-Ballistic missile defense 2)Theater defense like S-400 protecting large portion of area's. 3)Area protection like cities,towns near border with Medium range SAM's like Barak's and Akash missile system 4)Bases,fuel dumps,ammunition dumps must be...
  6. tharun

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Bro can you share the video link of it.
  7. tharun

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    @sayareakd Bro what is the weight of the both interceptors? Are they two stage? If there is any PPT presentation on BMD please DM me.
  8. tharun

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Do we have any early warning radars or over the horizon radars for early detection of missiles?
  9. tharun

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defense System

    Do we have any early warning radars or over the horizon radars for early warning of ballistic missiles?