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  1. shade

    Non-Military implications of India-China Standoff 2020

    @ezsasa @tarunraju why do we have chongs( or pakis pretending to be chongs ) here? Tagging you both because you're the only mods i know by username.
  2. shade

    Non-Military implications of India-China Standoff 2020

    Consooma market is strong here, not as strong as US and NUMBA WAN country, but still. Thing is people need to be gainfully employed to keep consooming, and currently the IT boom isn't what it used to be being the "root" employer causing ripple effects of employment in other sectors(...
  3. shade

    Non-Military implications of India-China Standoff 2020

    Companies choose pragmatism, because pragmatism is the road towards profit and growth. India has consistently acquired a bad reputation as a place to do manufacturing, and still even in Modi raj bare minimum is being done to change this. Ching chongs after bending over for western businesses...
  4. shade

    Non-Military implications of India-China Standoff 2020

    No Jihadis upon the soil of Bharat. Give these Turkis outside support only.