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  1. E

    Buddhism in India

    Therec were major causes of demise of Buddhism, IMO. One was loss of state sponsorship. Second was its unequal philosophical battle with Hinduism. It was made more difficult by Jain philosophers. In fact Pushamitra was driven by the ruined state of the Magadh empire and overthrew it. He...
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    Buddhism in India

    Don't have much love lost for Buddhists. But influence of Buddhism on Sanatan Dharm cannot be denied. In fact the real development of Vedanta philosophy was in response to Buddhism. But Buddhism itself was contained. The denouement is that Buddha is considered 8th avatar!!
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    Buddhism in India

    Pick up any good book on Indian Philosophy.
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    Buddhism in India

    Pushyamitra did withdraw state sponsorship of Buddhism, but did not destroy it. Shankkaracharya came on the scene about 1,000 years later. State patronage by Ashoka was a big facrtor in spread of Buddism. But unfortunately, it spawned a big class of monks who were freeloaders, shirker and...