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  1. D

    The Greatest Kings in Indian History

    The Chola rulers like Raja Chola and Rajendra Chola are some of the greatest rulers in South Asian history because of their military success and because of their high number of hisorical records. The Chola rulers were the only South Asian rulers who were able to invade huge parts of Southeast...
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    The Greatest Kings in Indian History

    Harsha and the Guptas only ruled parts of northern India. On the other hand the Rashtrakuta Dynasty was the dominant power of India from the 8th to 10th century as their Empire and influence stretched from south to north India which is also mentioned by foreign travelers. There is a reason why...
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    The Greatest Kings in Indian History

    No you are wrong. The Gupta, Mughal, Delhi Sultanate and Harshas Empire mostly ruled northern India. The Mughals were only able to keep their territories in the Deccan region for less than 20 years. On the other hand the Rashtrakuta Dynasty dominated the major part of India for 200 years.
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    The Greatest Kings in Indian History

    There were only 2 Empires in the history of India which dominated the major part of India for more than 200 years. These were the Maurya Empire and the Rashtrakuta Empire. Based on this fact the 2 greatest Emperors in Indian history were Ashoka of the Maurya Empire and Amoghavarsha of the...
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    The Greatest Kings in Indian History

    There were several other great rulers from the southern part of India. Vikramaditya of the Chalukya Dynasty defeated the Arab invaders in the early 8th century and protected southern India and Gujarat and he and his general were able to stop the Arab expansion in the east. At that time the...
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    The Greatest Kings in Indian History

    Many kings were left out in this list. I wonder why Emperor Amoghavarsha of the Rashtrakuta Empire was not mentioned. He was more tolerant towards other religions than Akbar. He respected all religions and even allowed the construction of mosques in his cities despite of the fact that Muslims...
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    The Greatest Kings in Indian History

    These kings were the greatest rulers in Indian history