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  1. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    I have no problems if you back it up with sources, than just talks ..
  2. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Nearly half of Russian air-to-air missiles with IAF have homing, ageing problems: New Delhi, Thu Jul 16 2009, 03:03 hrs Source :
  3. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    You should read post well, I said clearly BVRs and no India is no longer use R-77 since 2010-11, This is something well known in this forum .. You don`t posses the experience that he has, I suggest you to read other`s post well before replying them ..
  4. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Imho, MKI should get same new AESA and electronic suit same as those mounted on Tejas MK1P/A, But only to those MKI which are made in India with modifications on air-frame .. But still their are serious doubts Russian would allow such ..
  5. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    The Russian are not going to allow such modification on first place, I doubt they will allow Astra integration with their radar .. The ability which is being talked is IAF vision and not Russian ..
  6. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Astra BVR .. ===========================================
  7. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    AESA will ensure harder to jam, Harder for enemy aircraft`s RWR to make out source of guidance also the band as AESA has ability to change multiple band waves ( Their are other radars does the same but not same as AESA ) .. An Missile seeker is design to operate at some range until then its...
  8. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Its hard to speculate, But previously what we knew is now useless .. Astra range was underestimated ...
  9. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Home-grown Astra AAM Source : India successfully tests home-grown Astra AAM - IHS Jane's 360
  10. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Wonderful news, No need to be depended on Russian & Ukrainian duds ..
  11. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Afaik, Missiles are loaded on fighter Aircraft pylons, Then Aircraft flies and maneuvers with loaded Missiles ..
  12. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Illiterate Media Journos, Which country developed a BVR in just a decade from scratch ?
  13. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    One of the nice feature of ASTRA is its smokeless..
  14. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    MICA is 40kms range A2AM, Its advance version is in making..
  15. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Design for all three.. The rest will follow after Tejas..
  16. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Why don't people just keep there mouth where it should be, rather pimping out there article.. There are few countries who able to make BVR is for a reason, that is its complexity, Astra history is from only 2004-2013, merely 10 years and its ready for tests now go compare with others develop...
  17. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Astra missile will finally be test-fired Source : Long-delayed Astra missile will finally be test-fired - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site
  18. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Mark 1 here is more of a specs like French Mica, Hope to see that in both IR and radar guided mode..
  19. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    It can be of Akash SAM or both..
  20. Kunal Biswas

    Astra BVRAAM

    Only the seeker until we have our own, Like that we can missiles ( Body, Propulsion, gyros, boosters etc ) manufacture in country, Where as the seeker is IAI with DRDO/BEL input.. This will help us to increase no of BVR missiles in IAF and less duds..