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  1. Swesh

    Launch: PSLV-CA C55 with TeLEOS-2, LUMILITE-4 (Singapore) and POEM-2 DOS, IIA & Indian private firms - 22 April 2023 14:19 IST

    PSLV-C53 PSLV Orbital Experimental Module (POEM): Fourth stage of PSLV once again will be utilized as an orbiting platform however for the first time it would be capable of active stabilization using Helium based thrusters. On PSLV-C45 campaign, PS4 Orbital Platform was put in spin-stabilized...
  2. Swesh

    Launch: PSLV-CA C55 with TeLEOS-2, LUMILITE-4 (Singapore) and POEM-2 DOS, IIA & Indian private firms - 22 April 2023 14:19 IST

    It will have POEM that's what matters for it every pslv can carry POEM more over aim quantess is not to transmit back siglnel but just confirmation of space worthyness of hardware
  3. Swesh

    Launch: PSLV-CA C55 with TeLEOS-2, LUMILITE-4 (Singapore) and POEM-2 DOS, IIA & Indian private firms - 22 April 2023 14:19 IST

    I found that confrence held 27-29 March in which sac director discussed it being onboard on PSLV c55 so some more test and then it will be ready for PSLV-C57/56