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  1. archie

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Nasa crew module video
  2. archie

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    The non storablility is what makes it a non missile tech.. what use if for a missile when you can find out if your going to launch in sometime and then the reliability in war like conditions.. thats the reason why its never been used . its complex and not enough returns
  3. archie

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Wont there be video tracking the decent from surface ships .. is that possible ??
  4. archie

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    As far as i know There is no missile that is based on cryogenic Engine... its always been used for space programs and there is lot of Unknowns on that episode .. hope the truth comes out
  5. archie

    LVM3/GSLV Mark III News, Discussions, Updates and Reports

    Do they have pictures of the craft during reentry? possibily firey