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  1. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    It's large because it is literally packaged around a shore-based BMD system. If it was based on your usual SPY-6 based BMD, then it'd be about as large as the existing Maya or Sejong the Great class DDG's.
  2. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    Just sank it today in War on the Sea. Lost 41 aircraft but that's just pocket change for sinking 1 BB, 1 CL, 4 DD.
  3. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    funny how it looks like a Chinese Orrizonte class with Burke Flight I style exhausts.
  4. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    Broad similarity is simply due to form following function, have a look at the Italian DDX program or even the USN DDX program. It's not some grand conspiracy theory that everyone is copying the Chinese.
  5. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    I'll believe when I see the first one transiting through the Arabian Sea, flying the PN Ensign, until then, one can dream for free lol.
  6. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    Unpopular opinion but if the Govt. focuses less on useless freebies and subsidies and allocates funding that would usually go into them instead into our Defence sector, then we could easily boost our current budget to include additional hulls per Project.
  7. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    Since it is apparent that we won't be sanctioning the P-18 class any more earlier than 2025, it would be prudent if we could keep the lines humming with activity by sanctioning low rate production of P-15B batch 2 and P-17A batch 2 hulls till the P-18/NGD and P-17B/NGF designs are finalized. We...
  8. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    You don't really need large vessels even for the role of BMD tbh, all you need is proper planning on what sort of missile you want to deploy (proximity detonating fuse type or kinetic eergy kill vehicle type), a suitable Radar and processing system which can utilize our CEC to share targeting...
  9. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    Even if the profile is reduced, making something is large nowadays makes little sense as the Russians simply cannot afford anything of this magnitude. This has been proved by the fact that the Kremlin only approved Super Gorshkov project to go ahead, while suspending work on the Liders and...
  10. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    Don't think this Lider class will see the light of the day, for one, its too large to be a feasible destroyer, and the amount of top heavy equipment it has makes it either a poor seaboat or one prone to capsizing in rough sea states. Any Engineer worth his salt will come to the same conclusions...
  11. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    I won't be surprised if our DND brings out a concept very similar to either this, the Renhai's or the Italian DDX
  12. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD) Behold the US Navy's Next Generation Destroyer aka DDG(X)
  13. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    The specifications of VLS for the P-18 and its derivative classes will depend eventually on what the power that be, i.e- Indian Navy wants out of it? Does it want a escort ship with broad AAW with limited BMD capability or does it want a ship with a more balanced loadout equipped with SAM's...
  14. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    Answered by Mister John in his subsequent posts all by himself. Nice meme content btw.
  15. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    That already reeks of bias you know. One has to be objective in this field, biased opinions and borderline arrogance only set up the stage for a disaster to follow. Case in point, American underestimation of their adversaries capabilities in conflicts from recent past.
  16. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    How About Nope x6
  17. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    Wrt warships, we also have to now focus on a suitable replacement for the Delhi class DDG. With the oldest now 24 years old, in 10-15 years they'll be long in the tooth. A P-18B class might perhaps be suitable. Hopefully unlike how P-15 and P-15B are radically different, P-18 and P-18B will be...
  18. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    Prototypes might be GaAs based but I'd guess by now a GaN based version is already in the works. Also heard that it will also be installed as a shore based radar in a similar manner to AEGIS Ashore concept.
  19. swapcv

    P-18/Next Generation Destroyer class (NGD)

    TLDR bhai, you're going in circles. And we don't need to play Joneses with the USN or PLAN. And I've made it acutely clear that on warships, space is at a premium and since QRSAM isn't meant for Navy, they won't make it onboard. VL-SRSAM on the other hand will only be considered if if can be...