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  1. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    For the previous topic, it was just 2-3 launches/year in India every decade. Looking at increasing satellite launches to 12-18 per year After inducting SVAB, it...
  2. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    No, that's total launch frequency which is very much proportional to aerospace production of these countries. In China's case, a lot included small and micro launchers. US, Russia and China are first tier space powers and India, Japan and EU remain in second. ISRO's expansion plan for 12-24...
  3. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    No, it's common sense. Anyone who's clueless about a field is dumb regarding that field. It's government of the nation which is the real hand behind such things. Your argument is strictly Indians are dumb and western people or Indians working under western are somewhat superior (as if Dutch...
  4. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    Failures happen everywhere in world. Indian online warriors have just mastered the art of whipping. This is first launch failure in years for a rocket which was stocked in inventory for an year.
  5. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    No. It doesn't take more than a few minutes to google and read about Procedure Qualification Records (POR) and industrial QA practices. It also doesn't take very long to open and read history of respective space programs around the world. I am an engineer in pressure systems, steels and...
  6. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    No, you can't leave rocket assembled for an year. As we had seen in gallery yesterday, rocket was being assembled. Wasn't it?
  7. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    It is unlikely that they wouldn't have tested it before assembling again. This is a necessary procedure especially when rocket was grounded for an year. May be something went wrong with CUS during test and finally malfunctioned during launch.
  8. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    Stop churning out conspiracy theories. Our engine didn't start, we unfortunately failed this time. Assessment needed to avoid this again. Chapter closed.
  9. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    Provide a source or official document government putting hold on HSP. Government works on qualification, not sentiments. They have seen bigger failures in their times. Where do you work anyway? Your confidence is like at you're an AM at some department in ISRO or DOS. If you aren't, you are...
  10. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    Since you are a technically incompetent person without any knowledge of real stuff, what you think just simply doesn't matter. This is a idiotic musing anyway. This is CE-7.5. HSP will use a modified LVM3 which will utilise a CE-20. Different engines have separate qualification programs...
  11. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    Watch Live Launch of GSLV-F10/EOS-03 on Aug 12, 2021 from 05:10 hrs IST
  12. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    The 4 meters dia. fairing being used for first time from brochure. 9 meters so can accommodate large communication satellites. Typical one had a 3.4 meters dia. earlier.
  13. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    Aug 11, 2021 : GSLV-F10/EOS-03 Mission: Filling of propellant for the second stage (GS2) of GSLV-F10 commenced. Aug 11, 2021 : GSLV-F10/EOS-03 Mission: Filling of propellant for the second stage (GS2) of GSLV-F10 completed. Aug 11, 2021 : GSLV-F10/EOS-03 Mission: Filling of propellant for the...
  14. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    This is a 4M ogive payload fairing on top with improvised heat shield being launched for first time on GSLV. It will be used on NISAR mission too if successful today.
  15. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    Aug 11, 2021 : GSLV-F10/EOS-03 Mission: Countdown for the launch of GSLV-F10/EOS-03 mission commenced today at 0343 Hrs (IST) from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota. Aug 11, 2021 : GSLV-F10/EOS-03 Mission: Filling of oxidizer for the second stage (GS2) of GSLV-F10 completed...
  16. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    GSLV-F10 / EOS-03 GSLV-F10 is scheduled to launch EOS-03 on August 12, 2021 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR
  17. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    GSLV-F10/EOS-03 Gallery
  18. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    GSLV-F10/EOS-03 Brochure
  19. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    Launch scrub of GISAT wasn't because of Wuhan Virus but internal glitches or (political issues per rumours). Corona wave came later strangulating re-preparation. That isn't a joke. Industrial production requires uninterrupted supply of purified argon, oxygen and acetylene ages. Oxygen is a...
  20. Indx TechStyle

    GEO Imaging Satellite (GISAT)

    GSLV launch last time was postponed after assembling rocket. Obviously they already have fabricated satellite and rocket stages to again start assembly in VAB again in no time. Fabrication was already complete an year ago.