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  1. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    Objective satisfaction is something that cannot be achieved. Everyone wants better than the best. Per unit cost is important and yes planes are not for resale but they need to be affordable. Never heard of this reasoning, always lack of infrastructure and resources used to be the reason behind...
  2. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    You answered your question yourself the per unit cost has decreased that's what is desired finally. 70000 is not less than 25000 but like you said you got more number of planes. Have you ever done budgeting or procurement? When we are planning to buy a product we go for the best price based on...
  3. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    My understanding is not for you to judge and what ever I said I think I have justified that. It is relevant when you do not have budget far exceeding your needs. Never said they are same. Yes that's the next step and like a said its only possible if the local defense org supports the...
  4. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    You are expecting the defense industry to reach straight to proficiency level before even starting as beginners. Why are the orders necessary: 1) So that GOVT need not fund entirely and development can be supported by revenue. 2) It help develop technology faster once you have a definite order...
  5. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    That's why I always said that the onus of all this mess was the combined contribution of IAF DRDO ADA and MOD.
  6. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    neither do you have any idea about it.\ I have worked in the aerospace industry for more than 5 years and I know a little bit about timelines. I do not claim to be an expert nor I am. Not here to waste my time on explaining you all about it. FYI the timelines for any aircraft in the world is...
  7. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    Again does not counter what I said. That's not true and what are these international standards? Timelines are not set by one party and to my belief in case of development the development team gives timelines and the user or customers offer target. that's not justified either take the...
  8. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    we are still doing the same underestimating our enemy. What the guarantee that they cannot come up again with something that can surprise us? They gave us weapons and intel.Okay agreed. We fought the war with the help the gave us. without those pods and intel it would have got dirtier.
  9. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    Your understanding of war is different from mine. For me war is that the enemy no longer has capability, ability, strength, courage to even challenge one. It can be result of several battles being won or fought ove a due period of time or by making powerful enough. No one having a decent economy...
  10. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    I never got this quote exactly. We have won few wars in the past.... How many weapons were made in house. This is just a saying to have some satisfaction whereas wars are won by weapons Made, bought, borrowed or event stolen. Yes it is and the question you ignored was is it nearing an order any...
  11. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    Does this even come close to having a possibility of an order being placed? Even if they don't have the capability to build one they have bought them. We now have the capability which is hindering new procurement and ordering them. This is the reason why I called it hindrance, it poses a...
  12. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    As per the reports LCA Navy will be Technology Demonstrator for the AMCA..... Is this the lame excuse used by DRDO ADA to hide there failures or not.....
  13. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    Thanks to ADA and DRDO finally there efforts to sabotage Tejas totally are fully successful...
  14. P

    Naval LCA Tejas ADA and DRDO finally able to turn the pro Tejas Navy into a anti tejas Navy just like IAF.... I believed in terms of Tejas IAF was also responsible for the delay but for Naval version...
  15. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    I know that SajeevJino. What my point of query was for further testing when will it be moved to Goa.... For the ramp structure...
  16. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    When will it be handed over to Indian Navy . I mean will it be travelling to Goa Naval base and when?
  17. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    :thumb: Its ok.... my friend .... just convey it out.... :rofl::laugh:
  18. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    F22 is a far bigger disaster .... economic .... its a brilliant machine ... designed for one role.... Air superiority..... not like F35 who so ever needs a aircraft can send there feedbacks in and we will absorb all the requirements.......
  19. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    I am no expert to suggest anything my friend.... Its about having faith in what your nation is building.... You were saying of being scared so i gave another view to it a different angle... Regarding F35 the order size is decreasing ... everyone knows... only Aussies accepted it.... US...
  20. P

    Naval LCA Tejas

    F22 was supposedly the same weapon which you are trying to say F35 is..... F35 is a great 5th gen... but the concept is totally flawed..... When you talk about nightmares yes it will be a nightmare just like Rafale is for me.... :P FGFA/PAK fA/T-50 wat ever you call it India Russian JV if ...