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  1. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Not really, but some nose section resemblance is present :)
  2. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Space optics technologies comes to aviation - UOMZ optical mechanical plant (OLS-UEM IRST for MiG-29K/KUB/M/M2/35/35D and T-220 land targetting optical pod producers) Director General big interview...
  3. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    KRET and NIITsE have developped and ready to deliver ECM-augmented towed air decoys and new advanced ECM containers for Vitebsk-25 and Vitebsk-29, Vitebsk-52 ESM/ECM suits for Su-25SM3 and MiG-29K/KUB/SM/SMT/M/M2 and Ka-52/52K respectively:
  4. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    A G5 medium fighter concept from Stavatti Aircraft Company:
  5. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    @StealthFlanker, maybe pulse compression, but it will be closer to pulse saturation in Russian. Отправлено с моего XT1080 через Tapatalk
  6. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    F-22A flat nozzles are not for IR or RCS reduction but for lowering bottom drag caused by fuselage rear layout. Отправлено с моего XT1080 через Tapatalk
  7. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Yes, but you forgot pulse summarising and detect probability that also can be lowered by the proper signal processing and real time computations. Отправлено с моего XT1080 через Tapatalk
  8. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    NPO Saturn has mastered aero engine parts from Cobalt alloys using additive tech (3D-printing):
  9. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Aero Volga has presented new light amphibious aircraft Borei:
  10. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    ASK-62 multi-purpose light amphybia: And light multi-purpose skimmers:
  11. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    This is a part of advertisement as well :) They want to show dedication to F-16 success model :) Americans have granted limited access to development assets to Britain only and Israel has observer status. All the others make some non-critical components and do screwdriver assembly without access...
  12. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    But Americans export F-35 :) Russians export S-400 to closest allies only (later on will be wider) but it doesn't advertise it - just open data without kickoys to give the potential customers an ability to make a sane decision but without aggressive marketing - just take it or not.
  13. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    1 - If you have stuck with generally known engineering solution, use another. That way you will not violate physics laws but will use them for your goals. NIIP uses ionospheric reflection to make its radars have off-boresight capabilities. 2 - LM has been many times caught on let's say...
  14. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    You can argue me, posting the same images in every post of every topic, but this data is official from Almaz-Antei. Will you argue them? Отправлено с моего XT1080 через Tapatalk
  15. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Aircraft crews rescue systems evolution - a Zvezda film (in Russian):
  16. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    A new ultralight plane has been presented in Perm:
  17. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Russian NationalGuard (RosGuardia) tests combat deltaplane:
  18. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Article is a complete amatorish BS with wrong numbers for RCS and radar ranges both, especially for S-400. S-400 can engage 3m2 aerodynamical targets on 400km while detecting them from 650km. And why does author think that S-400 divizion does only have VVO radars and doesn't have Niebo-U 2m...
  19. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    Almost :) 4 helicopter and 3 shipborn turbines. Отправлено с моего XT1080 через Tapatalk
  20. gadeshi

    Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution

    No, sorry :( This is UEC internal chart (not secret, but not intended for foreign customers).