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  1. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    So are the Turks, which will make for 5 ships in 3 different navies (and I wouldn't be surprised if there are other customers soon). That makes it the world's most popular class of carrier/LHD.
  2. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    If you're referring to F-35C, then maybe (if the ship is CATOBAR); but that's not really the topic at hand. F-35B capability remains an unnecessary expense for the IN's amphibious component.
  3. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    While I am excited about the F-35B's potential to extend full-on TACAIR to a larger pool of naval assets, it doesn't really fit into the IN's planned force-structure and would be little more than a costly sideshow in this particular case. Seeing as STOVL operations don't figure into Indian...
  4. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    For India's purposes, Mistral offers the best value-for-money, great example of an 80% solution. Better yet would be a class made to IN specs by India. @nirranj Again, DDH-Izumo isn't even close to being an amphib as it has no well deck and was built for a completely different purpose...
  5. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Hardly... DDH Izumo is much faster and has no well-deck, to say nothing of its vastly different primary-role (ASW/sea-control); it actually has much more in common with Cavour, even though it doesn't carry any jets... yet.
  6. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    This is an interesting piece that sheds some more light on Indian requirements. Specifically, the IN's desire for shock-resistant (aka military-grade) hulls/machinery. Mistrals are only built to commercial standards, which is why they're so much cheaper/more-comfortable than their counterparts...
  7. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Not sure why you're trying to put words in my mouth. All I did was refer you to what the IN said they needed (again, something I assume they know more about than you). Sorry if that craters your hopes for an F-35B purchase.:rolleyes: Besides, even that limited plan appears to have fizzled-out...
  8. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Go read this thread's first post for yourself. I'm just gonna assume that the the IN knows more about what it needs than we do.
  9. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Doesn't matter. Only one of the landing pads is able to bare the F-35B's weight. Perhaps useful in an emergency, but not at all capable of any combat operations without major modifications to the ship's basic structure. I'm not even sure if such modifications are possible given the amount of...
  10. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    If you seriously think that's how anyone intended to use it operationally, then there's nothing anyone can do for you. Even the Harrier only does vertical TO as a gimmick. In any case, nothing you say here is going to change the fact that no Mistral-class ship is ever going carry a fixed-wing...
  11. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Wow... how an ignorant troll like you makes it to over 9000 posts is beyond me.
  12. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Mistral-class amphibious assault ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Well, starting with Wikipedia (at footnote #13)... Of course, if you can find some marketing material that claims otherwise, I'll read it. FWIW, I'd also say that costing a fraction of its STOVL-capable cousins is a...
  13. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Jeez... are you still trying? Only one part of the deck is able to handle 33t (apparently, just landing a single CH-53 is a big event); and since you asked... no, the F-35B is not a VTOL aircraft, it needs a TO run (that's why it's called STOVL). Try laying off the Xbox for your research...
  14. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: ...along with the entire flight-deck being stronger/wider (to say nothing of thermal considerations), having a larger hanger and other spaces to handle F-35s... basically, it only needs to be an entirely different ship. As I've had to tell other fanboys, just because a boat...
  15. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Yeah... you might want to try looking that sort of thing up before commenting. Mistrals can't even operate Harriers.
  16. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    The San Antonio class is rather expensive; and if the IN is for certain that they will never operate fixed-wing off their amphibs, I'd say Mistral is the best value for money. Also, Canberra doesn't just look F-35 capable, it is; the Juan Carlos class was designed with the F-35 specifically...
  17. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Yeah, it's hard to beat the Mistrals' value-for-money when it comes to basic LHD capability. I've always been confused about why Oz went with the Juan Carlos... seeing as the RAN repeatedly swears up-and-down that it has no plans to operate the F-35B.
  18. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    No, I mean the ships. I assumed 2023 was when y'all wanted the things. Apologies if that's the wrong date; I didn't catch what India's timeline on this project was.
  19. lookieloo

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    2023? With all that time, why doesn't India just design and build its own LHD class?