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  1. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Why not a simple G2G deal with Spain for a localized version of Juan Carlos?
  2. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Juan Carlos is poised to win, it is the bigger & better ship. It can deploy a whole lot more than the Mistral. It also gives the Navy the possibility to operate fighters like F-35 from it. As for, will the Navy actually choose to operate fighters from it, is another question and far too early to...
  3. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    The 40 F-35B if ordered for the LPD around 2022 would cost around 7-8 billion including weapons, service and spares. LPDs are more likely to be detected if operating only helos and will have to get closer. With the F-35B they can keep their distance from the shore. The F-35B has a combat radius...
  4. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Around 10-12 STOVL aircraft on the Juan Carlos can be quite easily accomodated. For 4 LPDs that about 40-48 F-35Bs. If the LPDs can have their own fixed wing protection, then there won't be the need for Vikky or IACs to be around when engaged in mid sized skirmishes certainly in Pak, they can be...
  5. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    The Juan Carlos is a LPD, it is capable of many things including carrying STOVL aircraft like the Harrier or the F-35B. Now the IN wants 4 LPDs, with an ability to conduct amphibious assault ops and any serious assault in this day should be backed up by fighters, while helos allow for good...
  6. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    If the Juan Carlos wins the deal, there is good chance the F-35B will be on it, 1 Juan Carlos can carry upto 10-11 F-35s + S-70 + + flight deck spots. This in addition to carrying over battlion worth of troops, armor and vehicles. The Turks will have the F-35B on their versions. Juan Carlos...
  7. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type) The Aussie ship has been busy with Chinook trials on board, pretty cool. Perhaps the IN can buy Chinooks too for its Naval brigades with Boeing planning on setting up a line in India for the Chinook or...
  8. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    The Juan-Carlos carries more, is available now and can be customized plenty. Indian Navy version will probably fitted with Barak-1, Barak-ER Naval SAMs, AK-130 or Naval Skyshield CIWS. As for the F-35B, it will be acquired eventually by the IN. IN loves its Harriers and F-35B will definitely be...
  9. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    The Navy wants a ship of atleast 200m length, the Galicia is 40m shorter.
  10. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Galicia falls short in terms of meeting minimum RFP requirements.
  11. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    The IN has always had its eyes on the F-35B/C, they will most likely find their way into the inventory. The 3 carrier plan is old, by 2030 India will have 4 and a 5th one coming soon, Vishal Class will have used up a lot of resources for us to stop after building 1, with a very strong...
  12. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Funding a project has little to do with anything, AMCA is still on the drawing board, finalization of configuration is expected in 2018 and then the eventual prototyping, by the time it realistically enters flight testing it will be well beyond 2020-2021, by the time it recieves FOC, we are...
  13. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    As for ABG tying up with Alion is also interesting since they helped in the design and archietcture of the Dokdo class, perhaps an India specific design is on the offing, could be ineresting since they could offer something very customized. Dokdo Class Amphibious Assault Ship |...
  14. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    True, IN loves it Harriers, it did request the F-35B RFI and is very keen on it, moreover, since these ships will only realistically entire service post 2020, the F-35B is ideal, 12 F-35Bs per ship i.e 48 F-35B is a great addition to IN's arsenal. The F-35 with its avionics will allow IN to have...
  15. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    IMO IN will end up buying the F-35 quite simply because the INS VIshal when it comes will need 5th capabilities. IN loves its Harriers and would love to continue having such operational flexibility. IN is investing heavily on Naval Infantry for Amphi ops and F-35 would be an ideal CAS aircraft...
  16. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Actually at current production prices the F-35 is cheaper than the Rafale, EF. Also, AMCA is still very much on the drawing board and IN has long been on the look out for the F-35B, primarily because the IN loves the concept of STOVL aircraft and loves the flexibility that come with such an...
  17. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Nah, I would rather see the Juan Carlos, tis large and can carry fighters which gives the IN the flexibility to operate the F-35B in the future if needed. The F-35 will be a contender to go on board the INS Vishal.
  18. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Juan Carlos or America Class are better options IMO, these have large aircraft capacity 30+ aircraft (mix of helos and fighters), they both carry a lot more than the Mistral and hence offer lot more firepower. The IN likes its STOVL capabilities and will certainly look at the F-35 in the future.
  19. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    Also both the Wasp and America Class Ships have very good SAM cover which for such large ships is a must have. Both carry over 1500 troops in additional to a lot of hardware for some serious firepower.
  20. Immanuel

    RFP issued for India navy amphibious vessels (LHD or LPD type)

    The Juan Carlos or The Wasp Class or even the America class Amphibious Assault ships are better choices Juan Carlos can carry upto upto 30 aircraft in carrier mode . The numbers of troops and vehcles carried is higher and allows us the flexibility to use the F-35 is the IN ever decides to buy...