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  1. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    1962 war would have been different had IAF been on the offence: ACM A pretty interesting claim. 1962 war would have been different had IAF been on the offence: ACM - Indian Express
  2. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    The conditions were similar. Learning about WSO has little to do with Kargil conflict. You are going OT.
  3. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    Bosnia, Kosovo. IAF studies NATO operations.
  4. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    Op Safed Sagar was a text book affair. There wasn't anything new the Americans hadn't already demonstrated since Gulf war. What I am saying is Air force isn't an answer to all problems. People look at USAF and think they can replicate that in their own air forces. Presently that is impossible...
  5. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    The FEBA isn't that far. You want to hit the troops in FEBA, not the ones a 1000Km away. 35Km for artillery is good, very good in fact. Then we have 40Km Pinaka, 90Km Smerch etc. You want CAS in FEBA, not behind enemy lines. Anyway the Pakistanis never expected India was going to retaliate...
  6. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    Artillery has a more psychological effect on morale than aircraft. Aircraft comes with a warning, artillery does not.
  7. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    Then I would like to be better educated sir. I am always willing to learn.
  8. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    Hitting supply lines isn't easy. What's more difficult is supply lines have to be hit continuously. IAF or as a matter of fact any air force needs Targets. Hitting oil installations, airbases, factories etc is what makes an air force lethal. Denying the enemy the use of its resources is vital...
  9. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    Agree sir. Anyway can I ask your view on how much IAF could have helped in 1962?
  10. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    Sir, IMHO modern warfare is simple with the advent of air power. Move your troops in such a way that the enemy starts grouping together. Once grouped, bomb the point to bits using air power. Grouping the enemy on the Himalayas is impossible. Or you could say the enemy will not let you group...
  11. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    Typical. WW2: After all the pounding in 1944, The Third Reich in Berlin was still intact. Gulf war: After all the pounding Iraq received the Iraqi Army was still intact. Kosovo: After all the pounding the Serbian Army was perfectly intact. Kargil: After all the pounding, the militants and...
  12. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    Air power is overestimated in the IA vs PLA scenario. The Canberras could only carry 4 tons of bombs at a time. They could do nothing to tide over the war in any way. The only way to beat PLA in 1962 or in 2011 is to attack their posts and stick bayonets into their soldiers. The only way to...
  13. p2prada

    1962 India China War

    We were carelessly threatening China with "dire" consequences in 1962. Politicians were talking about showing China what happened to the Portuguese in Goa in 1961. The kind of power China used in 1962 was overwhelming. IAF would have done nothing except increase casualties by a bit on the...