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  1. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Pro tip : Never engage with Porkis. You cannot win. If they don't have facts, they will manufacture them in their backyard. Case in point, the current MKI chutiyaapa. Just let them wallow in their misery. They know deep down that their country is headed for doom. Most Pakistanis try to pass...
  2. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Of course, AMRAAMs cannot miss. Oh BTW, did I forget to add that Porkis have a military Outpost on Mars headed by Zaid Hamid.:bounce::bounce::blah:
  3. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Nope. SSBNs are always out on deterrence patrols. They are simply sitting ducks at home bases. There is a reason they are the most important part of the nuclear triad. Boomers are not drones that can be deployed at will. The patrol routes, logistics, supplies etc. are all planned out in advance.
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Pakistani version of Z Plus security.
  5. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Does not take a lot of money to buy such ignoble people masquerading as independent journalists. Less than 1 week food bill of MMS residence.
  6. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Porkis are being halaled in more ways than what is publicly visible. That I can say with certainty. Porkis are very very scared. Shitting in their salwars doesn't even begin to describe it. One can easily see that with the scale of Psy Ops being conducted by Porkis. It is unprecedented. I have...
  7. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    1.) That reply was obviously not intended for you. It was for the person who tweeted that. 2.) Marine Insurance is a tricky business. Normal policies usually don't cover losses occurring as a result of war/conflict related activities. However, insurance premiums are not usually based on Twitter...
  8. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Ye kaam twitter pe karo yaar. What is the purpose of doing this here?
  9. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Load of bullshit. First of all, it has been established that the video being circulated is from 2016. Also, no one uses submarines to warn civilian vessels. That is stupidity of the highest order. We have surface assets and aerial assets to do the job. Trust me, a burst of cannon fire 10 feet...
  10. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    If he is actually a part of our Psy Ops team, then I have to say that he is failing pretty badly. All his posts are working up us Indians instead of Napakis.
  11. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Baba pagla Gaye hai. INS Arihant is an SSBN. Don't use such words lightly. Even more, if it is carrying out its job, then it's patrol routes would have it a long way from either Indian or Pakistani waters.
  12. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Pic not visible yaar............ Wait, Martha hai? Shouldn't it be maarta hai? Cause whole meaning changes.
  13. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Arre nahi yaar. It does not work like that. When you see such a large strike package coming, you try to get as many of the interceptor package in air as fast as possible. What happens onwards from when the invading package is intercepted is highly unpredictable. Just like we saw in the this...
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    That engine flameout can be a genuine issue. As far as I remember, the Mig-27 which we lost in 1999 also had an engine flameout after strafing targets at extremely negative AoA. The plane could not be recovered and the pilot had to eject. Any similarities in the inlet geometry of the Mig 27 and...
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Such bullshit was the end of the Pakistan is in 1971. Refrain from posting such bullshit.
  16. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Apologies for this OT post. For all forum member like me, who were too young during 26/11 (or before 2014 for that matter) to fully understand and/or debate/discuss the gravity and retribution for such terror attacks, it would be be very good if senior member like yourself could recount what all...
  17. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Are Porkis such bunch of retards that they base all their decisions on what the Indian Armed Forces put out publicly? Don't they have any sort of TECHINT/ELINT capability?? Looks like the only thing the ISI is good at are Psy Ops and conducting coups in their own country.
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Maybe referring to the Army Chief.........
  19. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Can anyone elaborate on what the situation is? Hasn't the encounter stretched to long for just 2 jaahils?
  20. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Nope. It is actually Dr. Rajiv Kumar Tripathi. He is Dean, Faculty Welfare in Electronic & Communication Department of NIT Delhi. Dr. Rikmantra Basu is on the top of the page.