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  1. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    OT: When did Kamal Hassan praise PM Modi?
  2. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Yes you can. Just keep bringing up 1971 in an infinite loop while chanting "Porkistan ke 5 tukde honge Insha Lullah Inshah Lullah":bounce::rofl:
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    I know what you are referring too and I completely agree with you. However, I was talking about something else entirely. Baba, if I have deduced correctly, is a pro at what he is doing. He is not foolish enough to have a pretty active social media presence that screams OSINT like our own Anup...
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    I would request members with any sort of access to such info (however trivial it might be) to please keep their traps shut atleast for a couple of weeks more. Don't even give an inkling that you know anything. By talking such stuff, you are just painting a big read bullseye on your head. As...
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Oh c'mon. Stop hyperventilating. Nothing of importance (that our enemies don't already know) will ever be shared on open forums. Professionals take OpSec very seriously.
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Seems like their #IamISPR has been inspired from Khangressi #IamCongress campaign. Brothers from the same mother (but different fathers):rofl::bounce:
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    You are expecting too much from an inbred population.....:hehe:
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    How is the IAF connected to whatever is happening at LoC? We are not using air power (yet).
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    OT: You have misunderstood my point. What I am saying is that while you MAY win a war with imported equipment, your economy will surely go into a tailspin. Just look into the health of the economy after every one of the wars you were talking about. That is why indigenous equipment is a must...
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    You fight a full scale war on "Imported Western equipment", you may as well start taking tutions from Porkistanis on how to live in a destroyed economy.
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    That is not fair. You cannot just bait us and then leave us hanging like that:biggrin2:
  12. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Guys, Chillax. This new piece of garbage by FP is just another shot in this disinformation campaign. There are bigger things at play here. The hand of the American MIC is clearly visible here. There is a lot of pressure on India to join the F-35 program. You will never find this in the MSM but...
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Yep. 5 pieces of Porkistan. Coming to your nearest restaurant soon.:india::india:
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    I understand all that. What I am afraid of is that such a solid ground work will amount to zilch in the event of a non-Modi government after the elections. I hope that, as is being reported, that the PM has given COMPLETE &TOTAL control to the professionals on this issue and that they will be...
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    I have a question, why could all this not have been done earlier on in the Modi administration? Were our security forces so hollowed out that we needed 4 years before doing something solid w.r.t Porkistan/Kashmir.
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    OT: Were you living under a rock all these years? Who coined the term "Hindu Terror"?
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    I don't know about Baba but your info has proven to be pretty much on the bell in the past. So if you are happy, then I guess all of us here can be happy. Also relieved to know that we have not taken any casualties thus far. That was my biggest nightmare.:india:
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    This somehow convinces me that this Baba guy or the people behind the handle are actively monitoring the discourse on DFI and ilk.
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    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    Aren't you a moron of the highest order? Every one of your stupid points has been discussed and debunked in this thread. Now shut up and go back to whatever commie gutter you came from.
  20. S

    India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

    That is the endgame I was talking about right there. Mounting an assault across the LoC is too risky and of little strategic value. I repeat "strategic". Such assaults have been wargamed to death by both sides. The losses on our side would be too heavy. What PM Modi just hinted at when he said...