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  1. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    India's new frontier..................
  2. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Wouldn't it be great if Amitabh Bachan's and asha Bhosle's voice is recorded and used for the count down announcement. It would add more nostalgia to ISRO launches in the future.
  3. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Before my marriage my mom and I had gone to salarjung museum. She was telling me how well salarjung managed his money and bought so many things in his personal collection. My response was he was able to buy so many things because he was not married, otherwise all his collection would have been...
  4. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    We are talking about mini and micro satellites here. Max payload 500 kg.
  5. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    So that satellite launch can be done from anywhere anytime in india and need not wait for the time slot in sriharikota.
  6. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    It should be fun watching the 83 satellites next month.
  7. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    If pakis were technologically comparable to India, we would have been talking more about them. Since that is not the case, the other neighbour is being discussed. Anyways, how is it a bad thing to compare with other countries? You guys compared yourself with America for more than two decades.
  8. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Looking forward to the day when Geo-tagging of residential and commercial establishments mandatorily mapped based on NAVIC. It will create whole new level of data mapping starting from easier home deliveries to visual mapping of monetary flow within the country and much much more.
  9. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Pallav bhargava(NDTV guy) is the only journo who tracks ISRO seriously in the MSM, i think he has been doing it for a decade.
  10. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    ISRO has confirmed that they are going ahead of the launch tomorrow.
  11. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Was looking at cartosat images.I had assumed 1 meter spatial resolution images would be more crisp, that was not the case. If these are the same images being used by military, then it is highly unlikely they can be used for strategic ops. At best they are only be used only for terrain info.
  12. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Was looking at Bhuvan website recently. Why are the images not as crisp as what we see on google maps?
  13. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Get a PG from REC or IIT, before you attempt to join ISRO.
  14. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    You haven't seen how an umbrella works is it? Just Kidding.....:pound:
  15. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Today's news reports say that those Dmc series satellites are for Chinese, made by British and launched by us.
  16. ezsasa

    ISRO General News and Updates

    Next time any Britards comments about Poverty in india, Let them know that money saved by indian satellite launches are our contribution to their NHS.