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  1. amoy

    1962 India China War

    Unlike what the Panchsheel lovers claim, invoking a lost legacy isn't fanciful nostalgia. When the Communists reneged on their commitment to grant Uighurs political autonomy — the top leadership of the community was conveniently killed while flying to Beijing for talks — several hundred Uighurs...
  2. amoy

    1962 India China War

    Brezhnev was ready to invade Lop nor with 46 divisions and 200 nukes .They were ready to nuke china because of mad mao's red guards antics at the damanaski islands.The PLA was never was never will be the beast the Red army was at most the PLA is a joke when compared to the red army.Don't think...
  3. amoy

    1962 India China War

    Most of the war was PLA just routing a bunch of undermanned garrisons. The heaviest fighting at Rezang La is exactly the tactic I am talking about. PLA threw wave after wave only to be mowed down. End of the day the casualties were 10:1 with 1,000 Chinese troops dead or dying...
  4. amoy

    1962 India China War

    'brainwashed' again is a good label too. the opponent in the argument or debate must have been brainwashed. otherwise how could he not agree to my point? and the worst of all is washed by CCP! ah ha and it is this CCP who has brought China to this height today. I'm not sure, up to this...
  5. amoy

    1962 India China War

    Maoist is a good label for me since I hold Mao in great reverence and recognize his contributions. All I ask of is NEUTRALITY Lack of neutrality has driven u to a WISHFUL thinking such as - Soviet Red Army would have fought for Ind - a China of cottage industry could have initiated...
  6. amoy

    1962 India China War

    I don't see your logic 1) by 1962 the rift hadn't escalated to a total breakaway. Red Army would have fought for Ind? Or your wishful thinking? 2) two divisions ? that might support your point that Ind was well prepared then. but Nehru may still have overestimated Ind while underestimated...
  7. amoy

    1962 India China War

    China in 1962 was in no position to wage a war across the sub-continent. Its military production was cottage industry, a serious joke of mass production. It had no border infrastructure yet built and it had just come out of the 3 years disasters of Mao's Great Leap Backwards. China waited until...