Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


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Dec 17, 2009
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'Macron has crossed a line with Turkey'

Tensions flared between Ankara and Paris after France's Macron expressed support for the Kurds in Syria, currently the target of a Turkish military operation. FRANCE 24 talked to Kurdish specialist Olivier Piot about the president's comments.

French backing for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), spearheaded by the Kurdish YPG militia, has angered Ankara at a time when it is fighting the YPG in northern Syria and considers it a terrorist organisation.

President Emmanuel Macron has been criticised at home for his response to a Turkish operation against the YPG militia, with opponents saying he has abandoned the Kurds.

The YPG militia makes up a large portion of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which have been at the forefront of the international coalition's strategy to defeat the hardline militants.

After Macron's meeting on Thursday with an SDF delegation, a senior Kurdish official said Macron had promised to send more troops to the area as part of the coalition's efforts, provide humanitarian assistance and "mediate" between the Kurds and Ankara.

That drew a furious response from NATO ally Turkey, which considers the YPG to be an extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has waged a decades-long insurgency against the state within Turkey.

Speaking to reporters to clarify Macron's comments, a French presidential source said: "France doesn't foresee any new military operation on the ground in northern Syria outside of the international coalition."

Turkey said on Friday that France's pledge to help stabilise the region controlled by Kurdish-dominated forces amounted to support for terrorism and could make France a "target of Turkey".

To understand the French position, FRANCE 24 talked to Olivier Piot, journalist and author of "The Kurdish people: keystone of the Middle East”. Piot says that Macron is supporting the Kurds in Syria so that France will have long-term influence in the reconstruction of the country.

F24: Why would France support the Kurds in Syria at the risk of provoking Turkey?

Piot: France is beginning to realise, through the statements of [President Trump], that the United States is about to leave the region. This is new; until January, former secretary of state Rex Tillerson [who was fired on March 13], maintained that the fight against Daesh (also known as the Islamic State group) was not over and that Washington planned to stay in the region for several years. But recent statements from Donald Trump show that the United States is seriously considering leaving the region.

Whether the West will play a role in Syrian reconstruction therefore depends partly on France’s intentions. Emmanuel Macron understood this and decided to send a strong if not very clear signal to the Kurds in Syria that France will stand by them. It remains to be seen how France will support them. If we abandon the Kurds, we abandon any chance for an alternative to Syrian reconstruction under the sole aegis of Bashar al-Assad.

Tensions are mounting between France and Turkey. What are Macron’s options?

Emmanuel Macron is crossing a line in his relationship with Turkey. Until now, he expressed concern and warned President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that he had to pay attention to the stability of the region. But it’s become clear that Ankara’s goal is to capture the 900 kilometre frontier in northern Syria, all the way to the town of Qamishli, to rid the region of terrorists. The United States hasn’t responded to this move, and until now, France hasn’t taken a clear stance. Erdogan is in the habit of making strong statements with no response in kind. This is not the first time he has threatened Western leaders, but Emmanuel Macron has started to be more firm with him.

Would France go so far as to send troops to protect the Kurds in Syria ?

In supporting the Kurds, France is defending its values, the same values that will allow France to weigh in on post-war reconstruction in the region. I think that the French president is beginning to draw a red line for the Turks, warning them against entering the town of Manbij. We're in a situation in which diplomatic posturing won’t be enough. Soon we are going to find ourselves facing military engagement. If France wants to continue to play a role in the region, it will have to make a choice.


If the US won't stand up to Turkey I guess we will have to do it.


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Mar 21, 2009
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In the north of the province of Ham, 14 militants laid down their arms and surrendered to the SAA.



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Dec 17, 2009
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French Soldiers Enter Parts of Northern Syria as US Troops Withdraw


French military personnel have been deployed to Syria and are now patrolling areas in northern parts of the country under the control of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), according to reports by the Kurdistan 24 news agency, citing Rezan Gilo, the joint chief of defense of Syrian Kurdistan.

An unknown number of French troops reportedly entered the border town of Tell Abyad and the city of Manbij this afternoon after US troops withdrew.

Turkey has repeatedly threatened to attack the city of Manbij and other parts of northern Syria after its successful cross-border military operation in Afrin.

On March 29, French President Emmanuel Macron vowed to send troops to the area to deter any Turkish aggression, according to daily newspaper Le Parisien.

The newspaper also claimed that the deployment of troops from the French Army to Syria was being coordinated with the US, which already operates a number of military facilities throughout SDF-controlled parts of Syria.

This latest development seemingly indicates that US President Donald Trump was referring to France when he said the that the US would be leaving Syria very soon “to let others take care of it.”


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Mar 21, 2009
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Syrian War Report – April 23, 2018: Militant-Held Pockets Crumbling In Western Syria



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Mar 21, 2009
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Russian Military Police entering Dumayr | April 19th 2018 | Eastern Qalamoun, Syria



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Mar 21, 2009
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Specialists of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation at the yesterday's event in Aleppo, attended by airborne commander Andrei Serdyukov and Syrian general Sukhel Hasan.



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Mar 21, 2009
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Between Abu Kemal and Tanf of the Air Force, coalitions struck at positions of the Syrian army, as well as allied Lebanese and Iraqi Hezbollah. About 30 people died, the wounded were taken to the hospital in the Iraqi city of El Qaim.

The Syrian SANA agency reports that the Air Force of the international coalition led by the United States struck at positions of the Syrian army in the province of Deir ez Zor. According to preliminary data, there are dead and injured.

"The planes of the international coalition struck one of the positions of our army in the settlement of Al-Hari, south-east of Al-Bukemal, which led to the death of a number of servicemen, injuring others," the report says.

On the eve of the United States threatened Syria with "decisive measures."

Note that the United States once again activated its activities in Syria. In particular, a month and a half after the suspension of funding for the White Helmets, Washington changed the decision and allocated $ 6.6 million to implement the programs of the organization, which is responsible for numerous outlaws (including chemical weapons).

It is also important to note that there were versions of possible provocations in the Deir-ez-Zor area. So, the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Igor Konashenkov, stated that the Americans and the fighters of the Free Syrian Army were preparing for another provocation using chemical weapons in Syria.

In the province of Deir ez Zor lies the line of contact between the SAA and the pro-American Kurdish forces of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Thus, Washington somehow needs a new destabilization - it is possible that it is necessary that the chaos covers the operation of the Kurds against the army of the SAR on the eastern shore.

As Alexander Zhilin, the head of the Center for the Study of Public Applied Problems of National Security, commented earlier, in an interview with the FAN, our Defense Ministry's statement about the provocations being prepared and the intelligence services of Syria show that "systematic preparations are being made to create a new escalation in the country." "Why? In order to activate and launch the principle of" divide and conquer. "In order to once again maximize the military situation in the UAR," Zhilin said.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Terrorists Hayat Tahrir Sham against the background of the technique of the Turkish army in the province of Idlib.

Recall that HTSH is recognized as a terrorist organization in Russia and the United States, and is the former cell of Al Qaeda in Syria, and Turkey is in turn a member of NATO.


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Mar 21, 2009
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The militant commander, Jaysh Al-Tawhid Aymen Amouri, who surrendered the Rastan enclave to the Syrian army, is now fighting as part of government forces against the IGIL fighters in Suwayda.



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Mar 21, 2009
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Life in the field of military intelligence personnel of the RF Armed Forces.



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