Have to neutralise terrorists using terrorists, says Defence Minister Parrikar


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2014
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i am Imagining......................................................................................................................................................
:hehe::hehe::hehe: all pakis wearing yellow pants:cruisin2::cruisin2::cruisin2:

i m donating one to nawaz (not so) sharif.http://

ps it is made in India, as i positively hate made in china.
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Phat Cat
Super Mod
Feb 23, 2009
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Pakis will go bonkers. He refused to divulge more details so it leaves it open to interpretation in any manner.
Not a very smart statement to make. And we have been doing this for decades : Ikhwan....


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Before this thread goes into perpetual leftist monkey trap, I would like to make few more points here.

1. India has nothing to be afraid of if there is a leadership who has the capacity to lead the masses and convince the same masses to collectively defray the cost of its actions.

2. Whatever was said before can not be seen in narrow comparison of what has been said now. The context and who has said it, is important. I have watched Lalu Parsad Yadav saying in Parliament that he alone can destroy Pakistan.

3. Trajectory of India is important, if the chips are down you endure it, if its contrary there is no point enduring.

4. It has been discussed on different forums participated by international defense experts that action against Pakistan has to be declared and visible. This will establish the rules of the game and eventually the deterrence. Also it has been advised that economy should be improved and quality of life should be made more lavish in our side of the border than what Pakistanis could afford. Sending Chandarayan 2 will help.

5. Last but not least Pakistani strategic strikes has to be answered by same strikes of strategic nature.

Now If Pakistanis will cry foul on this then it is their prerogative, heck they are crying victim even when there is no credible proof available. If Indian are that touchy about Pakistani propaganda then they should either stop watching them or prepare for own better propaganda than defeating it way before Pakistanis could.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
Time to bring out big news about IK Gujral and Morarji Desai's blunder out in the open. Public opinion should be changed in favour of covert operations so next Gujrals, if they ever become PM, don't try to dismantle the RAW machinery.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2015
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So indirectly he says we have to start a proxy war to stop yahoo fighters from neighbouring countries?


Phat Cat
Super Mod
Feb 23, 2009
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Time to bring out big news about IK Gujral and Morarji Desai's blunder out in the open. Public opinion should be changed in favour of covert operations so next Gujrals, if they ever become PM, don't try to dismantle the RAW machinery.
These days such natl security are discussed with opposition parties too so that there is a continuation of policy.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
These days such natl security are discussed with opposition parties too so that there is a continuation of policy.
That is good but not enough. We need enough public sentiment to keep the policy intact. Otherwise a lot of bleeding heart WKK enthusiasts would dilute this stand.


Phat Cat
Super Mod
Feb 23, 2009
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That is good but not enough. We need enough public sentiment to keep the policy intact. Otherwise a lot of bleeding heart WKK enthusiasts would dilute this stand.
National Security Policies are not held hostage to doves afaik.

Although to formulate effective policies you need all kinds of birds.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
National Security Policies are not held hostage to doves afaik.

Although to formulate effective policies you need all kinds of birds.
History claims in other direction. Gujral and Desai have achieved this before.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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In one of the interviews with amanpour on CNN, ex-deputy chief of CIA was saying that Saddam had told the Americans after his capture said something like " you guys should have told me before that you will send a battle carrier group, 100 planes, infantry and lots of tanks to the gulf when I invade Kuwait, I would not have invaded Kuwait if I had known before hand of the response".

Moral of the story "if the response to an military action is made clear, chances of conflict/transgressions reduce".

As a policy I think once in a while our strategic military response should be made clear directly or indirectly. For example CSD was never confirmed as a official strategy, yet bakis are worried about CSD.


NRI in Europe
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2009
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Should not have said it openly................................................................................
Not a very smart statement to make. And we have been doing this for decades : Ikhwan....
my response to these two quotes is given below the following quote

In one of the interviews with amanpour on CNN, ex-deputy chief of CIA was saying that Saddam had told the Americans after his capture said something like " you guys should have told me before that you will send a battle carrier group, 100 planes, infantry and lots of tanks to the gulf when I invade Kuwait, I would not have invaded Kuwait if I had known before hand of the response".

Moral of the story "if the response to an military action is made clear, chances of conflict/transgressions reduce".

As a policy I think once in a while our strategic military response should be made clear directly or indirectly. For example CSD was never confirmed as a official strategy, yet bakis are worried about CSD.
the saddam part of your post is what im getting at
this statement by parrikar is just what ccp-packland alliance needs , what with p having no respect for india's clai on pok and building roads all over the place

i am glad parrikar has come out into the open - then is like telling them, the gloves
will be removed

We will not sending our men into your land just like u do .
We need not to do that but If you will try to create situation in our country we can also use offensive tactics like supporting all the groups working against Pakistan.
This is what MP meant.
When it comes to terrorism India does not support it but not at the cost of risking National security.
Time to taste ur own medicine but more bitter than ever
i believe india will use the ready-made assets already existing in packland
no need to mfg our own on our soil , no, keep the filth on their land - and pay it to do the destructive acts which has already been trained to do , by the paks themselves ... so parrikar is just using aikido techniques - use the enemy's strength agaisnt itself.

If India has been doing it then pakistan need to worry since they seem capable of handling it don't they.Just consider it payback for khalistan and kashmir. Lets see how long pakistan can withstand.
i dont quite get your logic, youre saying pak has been handling it all along ?
anyways, by parrikar going public, is like raising the level of retaliation a few notches up.


This was guy in charge of RAW for 10 years. Please tell me you can see the bloodlust in his eyes.:scared1:

It was just him, no one else. He could barely speak as is. Ordering RAW to do something inside Pak was way out of his league. He wasn't even a politician.

Ah....! Are you telling me RAW was sleeping during his ten years or rule?
awwwww guys, stop over-blaming the poor chap (mms) , remember he was just a puppet ?
it's only pitiful, actually he did could have offered his resignation at the right time, i.e. in the early days of UPA 1.

Now Pakis wont trust their own terrorists..:rofl:
Pop goes the weasel!
sure , that will happen ......... and just that one simple matter has the capability
of taking packland down to somalia's level

Funny these Journo retards are .. :D
HOw can he call himself a journo if he dont understand the state of affairs.
Every agency in the world uses all means to protect its national interests.
The new Indian establishment is vocal about its intentions-Kinda like a warning shot. Straight and simple. No confusion in dealing with Pakistan misadventures. :D

I liked the way it panned out. Pak is all hyped about RAW for the past few weeks.. This statement by Pariikar will surely be taken in this light by the Pak establishment.

nothing surprising , no shortage of retard-journos .

What ever. . .
Modiji government makes me feel proud of my Indian identity.
me too ....and it's about time as well ! but not too late at all :)

So indirectly he says we have to start a proxy war to stop yahoo fighters from neighbouring countries?
as long as the filthy terrorist assets are on their soil and their own citizens it's a great idea ....will giive india useful experience in how to do it better in future as well ....those assets must be teirs and this is not training our people , no way , so when the reaction comes ( every action has an equal .....) then the reaction has already literally been paid for ( in US dollars or whatever other mode of currency or barter payment )
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2012
Doval had given porkis 6 months before things start moving. The next 4 yrs will be very interesting.


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2011
Ah....! Are you telling me RAW was sleeping during his ten years or rule?
Do you have any doubts? Not just RAW but entire defence apparatus was sleeping for the last 10 years in case you didn't notice.

Do you think we hate Antony just for the sake of it? Leadership matters, Pakis should know better.


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2011
Believe it or not but the Lessons were learnt it seems.
I disagree, MMS was trying to sell Siachen for a nobel peace prize and a "samadhi" at Gah about three years ago.

awwwww guys, stop over-blaming the poor chap (mms) , remember he was just a puppet ?
it's only pitiful, actually he did could have offered his resignation at the right time, i.e. in the early days of UPA 1.
No he was not (for most part). It is a common misunderstanding. Problem was that everyone else was and MMS had no control whatsoever.

And I am sincerely grateful for MMS not resigning and giving way to someone like PC or Mani Shankar or worse. He is not a bad person he just wasn't a good PM.

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