DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Only since last 2 years , till then they were present but invisible.

Their R&D is pretty much useless , i would say because they have nothing to show for it
Do we have a govemenet commitee to regulate the TOT or do we directly contact the organisation?


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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I don't get it sir? :notsure:

Suppose My company wants to manufacture A torpedo.
I have the motor, chassis, battery, explosive and Hydraulics. I'm lacking the naviagtion module so can I get TOT from DRDO for the same and integrate it into my final product after which i offer it to Navy?
Of course I pay the Settled amount and due credits to DRDO.
You can contact drdo for the same , they will give if you satisfy their conditions.

You company will need to get security clearance from IB if you need critical technologies .


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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I don't get it sir? :notsure:

Suppose My company wants to manufacture A torpedo.
I have the motor, chassis, battery, explosive and Hydraulics. I'm lacking the naviagtion module so can I get TOT from DRDO for the same and integrate it into my final product after which i offer it to Navy?
Of course I pay the Settled amount and due credits to DRDO.
For now..

For private companies OEM:
there are a list of technologies that DRDO has listed for ToT, if your sub-component is within that list then no problem.

If your sub-component tech is not in that list,Then no game.

For private company which is not an OEM: if you are registered as a vendor to say BEL for supplying particular components. BEL will provide the designs(ToT) for you to manufacture and give it back to them.

Hopefully this scenario will change by end of this decade, and what you wish will happen.

Another scenario is companies like L&T, because they are established companies the ToT sharing is built into the contract.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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To avoid premature explosion of a mortar round, the Chandigarh-based Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL) has developed electronic fuze for 81mm mortar bombs. The fuze used at present can detonate due to heat or friction in the atmosphere. A mortar is a weapon that fires explosive projectiles (mortar bombs) at low velocities and short ranges.

On Friday, the technology was transferred to a Nagpur-based company. Once the industry starts manufacturing them, it shall be inducted in the Indian Army. “The existing bomb 81mm mortar uses chemical-based pyro fuze which are sensitive to heat, friction and shock. We have replaced this fuze with electronic fuze with safety features which do not exist in the conventional fuzes,” said Manoj Atwal, scientists and spokesperson of TBRL, a Defence Research and Development Organisation laboratory.

The conventional fuze detonates after it falls due to the impact. “This can be dangerous for the troops in case it explodes before the launch due to the heat, shockwaves due to explosion or friction. The fourth generation fuze developed is power operated and it will get activated only when its launched in the air. There is a timer that allows it to become active after 5 seconds of launch in the air,” said Atwal.

In the new fuze, air driven turbo generator is used as a power source. On launch, this turbo generates power that is used for powering the fuze. Turbo generator has to operate continuously for minimum 5 seconds to activate the fuze. The fuze is designed with inbuilt delay to ensure safe separation of ammunition from the launch point. This ensures safety of the firing crew. “The industry shall provide these fuzes as and when required by the Indian Army,” said Atwal.

The transfer of technology agreement was signed by DRDO chairman G Satheesh Reddy. He said, ” There is a need to lead the technologies and not be the follower of technologies.”

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Indian researcher develops a super capacitor, will help to increase military strength

There has been a constant search for alternatives to increase military strength. Indian researchers are now developing an economical graphene-based supercapacitor, which could emerge as an effective alternative to providing energy to other applications, including state-of-the-art military equipment, mobile devices, and modern vehicles.

According to media reports, supercapacitors, also known as ultracapacitors or electrochemical capacitors, are a device used for the storage of electrical energy, whose popularity is growing rapidly. Activated carbon is commonly used to make ultracapacitors, which is quite expensive. Graphene has been used in the newly developed ultracapacitors, which has reduced its weight as well as cost by ten times.

Researchers say that the surface area of activated carbon is more, which stores electrical charge. The higher the surface area, the more electrical energy it can store. The cost of activated carbon used in other supercapacitors available in the market is up to Rs 1 lakh per kg. Scientists at the Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), Durgapur, have developed a new technique for making graphene oxide, which is being used to make ultracapacitors.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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The first Indian tokamak, ADITYA, operated for over two decades with a circular poloidal limiter, has been upgraded to a tokamak named ADITYA Upgrade (ADITYA-U) to attain shaped-plasma operations with an open divertor in single and double-null configurations.

Experimental research using ADITYA-U has made significant progress since the last FEC in 2016. After installation of a plasma facing component and standard tokamak diagnostics in ADITYA-U, the Phase-I plasma operations were initiated in December 2016 with a graphite toroidal belt limiter. Ohmically heated circular plasmas supported by filament pre-ionization with plasma parameters I p ~ 80–95 kA, duration ~80–180 ms, with a maximum toroidal field ~1 T and chord averaged electron density ~2.5 × 1019 m−3, have been obtained.

The runaway electron (RE) generation, transport and mitigation experiments, along with magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) activities and density enhancement with H2 gas puffing experiments were carried out in Phase-I, which was completed in March 2017. Preparation for the Phase-II operation in ADITYA-U includes calibration of magnetic diagnostics followed by commissioning of major diagnostics and installation of a baking system.

After repeated cycles of baking the vacuum vessel up to ~135 °C, the Phase-II operations resumed in February 2018 and are continuing to achieve plasma parameters close to the design parameters of circular limiter plasmas, using real-time plasma position control. The plasma current has been raised to ~135 kA in Phase-II, with a maximum chord averaged electron density of ~4 × 1019 m−3. Hydrogen gas breakdown has been observed in more than 2000 discharges, including Phase-I and Phase-II operations, without a single failure.

Several experiments have been carried out, including the control of REs with the fuelling of supersonic molecular beam injection as well as sonic H2 gas puffing during current flat-top, MHD mode studies using multiple periodic gas puffs, and radiative improved modes using neon gas puffs.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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5 Axis Robotic Arm developed by Technido an Indian startup.

Need a hand? A hand that can take care of IEDs on warfields?

This ruggedized, fast and precise mobile robotic platform designed to traverse rough terrains can handle objects weighing upto 5 kg. All controls are available on a remote unit along with speakers, microphone, joystick, switches and a 7-inch LED screen to display live video streams from the robot`s on-board camera. All the communications are over 128bit secured wireless channel.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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'AYAAN' is 'A Long Endurance Solar Powered UAV', Primarily for Surveillance, Civil Defence & Emergency Service Applications. Developed by IIT Kanpur.

This Solar Powered UAV - 'Ayaan' is a long endurance UAV, fully autonomous and mission programmable with Advanced Aerodynamics. It Offers Ultra long endurance and quiet operations. It also has hybrid option of power as well through battery operated engines. It’s a 100% Green Product. It has zero carbon emission.

'AYAAN' UAV has service ceiling range from 8 km to 10 km. It is a very Light-Weight UAV & Configurable payload from 4 Kg to 20 Kg. Its requirement is of very short Take-Off Distance less than 100m Runway. Its Cruise Speed Maximum ranges upto 100 Km/Hr.

AYAAN-PRO & AYAAN-EDGE'S cruise speed range would be more than 100 Km/Hr. 'AYAAN' UAV's endurance ranges from 18-20 hours. AYAAN-PRO & AYAAN-EDGE’S endurance would be ranging from 18 Hours to 72 Hours.

'AYAAN' UAV has advanced Aerodynamics for Higher Power Efficiency. Live Video & Image Streaming with Control Room option is also available. Another feature of Optimized Extraction of Maximum Solar Power is also present. It has Intelligent Power Management Systems.

The best feature is its Night Landing Capabilities. 'AYAAN' UAV would have additional back up of Hybrid Engine as well. There is Anti-Collision Light Systems. All Solar UAV’s are 100% Green Product with Zero Carbon Emission. 'AYAAN' UAV can be operated day-night in a subtropical region. The ground control station console is functionally interchangeable and allows highly interactive mission planning and re-tasking.


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Can u list the upgrade s.........
..if u can.........
It is initiative from ofb , afaik army has not asked for the same.

The upgrade is to provide far better 360 degree situational awareness than is currently available , which afaik is kind of non existent.

This upgrade provides day and night capabilities for the gunner and the commander in a hunter killer mode of operation , which is currently absent .

First round hit probability is increased for the main gun .

Currently bmp 2 under TSIK upgrade program has a fixed thermal imager ( on which the atgm is mounted ).

I believe army should upgrade one out of every 5 BMP to this standard . The said one can then act as eyes for the other 4 bmps via networking.

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