Who is Mahinda Rajapaksa? Hero or war criminal?


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Who is Mahinda Rajapaksa? Hero or war criminal?

LONDON: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa was once a human rights activist, campaigning with the mothers of the "disappeared". Now, he is accused of presiding over war crimes and crimes against humanity, and his government actively prevents the families of the "disappeared" from protesting.

To his supporters, Rajapaksa is still a Sinhala Buddhist hero. Larger than life-sized posters that appeared after the government's victory in the civil war in 2009 consciously play on ancient historical heroes.

Frequent comparisons are made between the triumphant President and Dutugemunu, the ancient Sinhala king who defeated "invading Tamils" more than 2,000 years ago. "It took 13 years for Dutugemunu to regain lost territory and establish total sovereignty over Sri Lanka. But it took less than three years for Rajapaksa to achieve the same goal," boasts Sri Lanka's ministry of defence website, adding rather ruefully that kings were "not restrained by issues of human rights".

After the war ended, Rajapaksa boasted that his "troops went to the battlefront carrying a gun in one hand, the Human Rights Charter in the other". That is not, however, the conclusion of legal experts at the United Nations, who said in a 2011 report that, "the conduct of the war represented a grave assault on the entire regime of international law" and accused the government — and the separatist Tamil Tiger rebels — of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The UN said up to 40,000 civilians may have died in the last months of the civil war; and possibly up to 70,000, according to a 2012 UN internal inquiry. The majority of the killings were attributed to government forces, directly under the control of the president's much-feared brother, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Sri Lanka's defence secretary.

Many say "Gota", as he's referred to for short, was the real brain behind the military defeat of the Tamil Tigers, not the shy, affable president. Some even question how much Rajapaksa knew about what was being done in his name. But four-and-a-half-years later he has yet to hold a single person accountable for war crimes and ongoing human rights abuses, including allegations of rape and torture committed by the security forces against their opponents this year.

There's no question that Sri Lanka is run by a family dynasty now, with a third brother, Basil, as the minister for economic development, a son being groomed as the heir apparent and many other relatives in key positions of power. Allegations of corruption, nepotism and concentration of power have begun to erode some of the popular support for Rajapaksa among the Sinhala majority on the island.

However, the Rajapaksa clan knows it has domestic support, so long as it's valiantly defending mother Lanka against its powerful enemies, be they Tamil separatists or meddling foreign journalists in the pay of the terrorists. In short, it needs an enemy to stay in power.

Judging by their reception in Sri Lanka, one might think the Channel 4 News team is now public enemy number one. The journalists were greeted by protesters at the airport and their hotel and were mobbed in a train trying to go to the north of the island.

It looks as if there's some disappointment that the Sinhala people didn't spontaneously come out to show their opposition, but it's hard to say if that's a sign of decreasing support on the war issue. Most Sinhalese are still in denial about what happened at the end of the war; few human rights reports are translated into the local language and many ordinary people, who have relatives who served in the army, understandably don't want to know the full extent of the horror.

Who is Mahinda Rajapaksa? Hero or war criminal? - The Times of India


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Former Sri Lankan army chief convicted for war crimes claim
General Sarath Fonseka claimed defence secretary ordered execution of LTTE leaders as they surrendered during civil war

General Sarath Fonseka, the former Sri Lankan army chief turned opposition leader, has been sentenced to three years in prison for claiming that top government officials were responsible for war crimes during the final phases of the country's 25-year civil war in 2009.

The 60-year-old is already serving a 30-month sentence for alleged corruption and faces a host of further charges. On Friday, he was found guilty of "spreading rumours and causing public disorder". Supporters say the allegations against him are politically motivated.

The conviction was for remarks Fonseka was quoted as having made during an interview in which he accused the defence secretary, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa – considered a hardliner within the government – of ordering the execution of LTTE leaders as they surrendered.

Fonseka led the military campaign against separatists from the Tamil minority fighting in the Liberation Tigers of Talim Eelam (LTTE) organisation.

A career soldier, he was once close to the current civilian government of Sri Lanka and especially to Rajapaksa. However, the two fell out when Fonseka launched his own political career, challenging President Mahinda Rakapaksa in elections in early 2010.

The decision to sentence Fonseka comes days before the release of an official Sri Lankan government report into widespread claims of substantial human rights abuses by both sides in the closing weeks of the war as army units cornered LTTE fighters in the north-east of the country.

Hundreds of thousands of civilians had retreated with the LTTE, and many – up to 30,000 according to some estimates – were killed in the ensuing combat.

Human rights organisations have accused Sri Lankan army forces under Fonseka of indiscriminately shelling areas in which large numbers of civilians were sheltering, as well as executing surrendering fighters.

A reconciliation commission, appointed by the government last year after international pressure, was due to present its report to Rajapaksa this week.

Human rights groups say the commission does not meet international standards and some of its members have conflicts of interest.

An earlier UN panel found credible allegations of serious abuses on both sides (pdf) of the war, which ended in May 2009.

Former Sri Lankan army chief convicted for war crimes claim | World news | theguardian.com


Regular Member
Nov 16, 2013
India should invade that little pathetic island and free our Tamil Hindu brothers, we will do a genocide do Sinhala fcuckers and make their women dance for us. This is the natural order of things. Sri Lanka looks like a piece of shit coming out of India.


Regular Member
Jun 16, 2009
what Narendra Modi is for militant Hindus is what Rajapakshe is for Sinhalese people.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Unfortunately any terrorism ends with a huge loss of civilians and the hue and cry about "Human Rights" stays for a long time.

KPS Gill successfully removed serious terrorism in Punjab and even today blamed for human rights violation.


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2012
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Unfortunately any terrorism ends with a huge loss of civilians and the hue and cry about "Human Rights" stays for a long time.

KPS Gill successfully removed serious terrorism in Punjab and even today blamed for human rights violation.
agreed terrorism in any form must be eliminated but KPS gill and his men did not raped women and killed children they were professional officers but when it come to Sri Lanka they were unprofessional and abused their power over civilians


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2011
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agreed terrorism in any form must be eliminated but KPS gill and his men did not raped women and killed children they were professional officers but when it come to Sri Lanka they were unprofessional and abused their power over civilians
What is your denominator for saying SLA was unprofessional and abused their power over civilians?


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2012
Country flag
What is your denominator for saying SLA was unprofessional and abused their power over civilians?
The group Human Rights Watch says rape and sexual violence are widely used against detainees, something the government denies.

BBC News - Sri Lanka's unanswered questions over human rights

Sri Lanka 'war crimes' soldiers ordered to 'finish the job' - Channel 4 News

UN to probe Sri Lanka 'war crimes' - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

UNHRC threatens international probe of Sri Lankan war crimes


Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

The PM caused a diplomatic row with his hosts after lashing out at "appalling and chilling" atrocities committed by government forces

David Cameron pledges to talk tough on Sri Lanka war crimes as he arrives there for Commonwealth summit - Mirror Online


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2011
Country flag
The group Human Rights Watch says rape and sexual violence are widely used against detainees, something the government denies.

BBC News - Sri Lanka's unanswered questions over human rights

Sri Lanka 'war crimes' soldiers ordered to 'finish the job' - Channel 4 News

UN to probe Sri Lanka 'war crimes' - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

UNHRC threatens international probe of Sri Lankan war crimes


Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

The PM caused a diplomatic row with his hosts after lashing out at "appalling and chilling" atrocities committed by government forces

David Cameron pledges to talk tough on Sri Lanka war crimes as he arrives there for Commonwealth summit - Mirror Online
Well do you believe what the mentioned say about India is true.


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2012
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Well do you believe what the mentioned say about India is true.
most of the part i do believe all they talk about india in media is poverty rape you can add more there is poverty and rape and some more no one denies we are doing our best to make things right and india is 1000 time far more better than srilanka paki land and china but that is not a lame excuse to stop india in achieving her aspirations anything new we can discuss it in appropriate threads but what happened in your country its close to ethnic cleansing
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Senior Member
Nov 26, 2011
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most of the part i do believe all they talk about india in media is poverty rape you can add more there is poverty and rape and some more no one denies we are doing our best to make things right and india is 1000 time far more better than srilanka paki land and china but that is not a lame excuse to stop india in achieving her aspirations anything new we can discuss it in appropriate threads but what happened in your country its close to ethnic cleansing
You have no source except the western media to cite that there were ethnic cleansing happened in Sri Lanka. You do not even know you are being mislead or not. You seems to grab anything that put Sri Lanka in bad light because Sri Lanka has defeated LTTE. Which according to you and your people was believed was invincible.

You want revenge nothing more from Sinhalese. Be it coming from even the devil.


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2012
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You have no source except the western media to cite that there were ethnic cleansing happened in Sri Lanka. You do not even know you are being mislead or not. You seems to grab anything that put Sri Lanka in bad light because Sri Lanka has defeated LTTE. Which according to you and your people was believed was invincible.

You want revenge nothing more from Sinhalese. Be it coming from even the devil.
Sri Lanka has also been accused of trying to "shut down" scrutiny of its alleged rights abuses after two politicians, from Australia and New Zealand, were detained in Colombo at the weekend during a fact-finding mission

source pakistan daily times http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2013\11\12\story_12-11-2013_pg14_7

The bloody defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), or Tamil Tigers, in the north of Sri Lanka in May 2009, is an event tied to massive war crimes and ethnic cleansing.

source is press TV it not a western its a state media of iran, Iran's television network, broadcasting in English round-the-clock. Based in Tehran.

PressTV - What do war crimes against Tamils in Sri Lanka teach us?

Economy minister and president's brother says Colombo is "not going to allow" international inquiry into war crimes during ethnic conflict

source china daily Sri Lanka rejects international war crimes probe | South China Morning Post

i can give you indian source if you want

who talked about revenge are you out of this world did any of my post talked about revenge

if you still want to deny so be it i am done explaining to you :closed:
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