Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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Official sources said that China had not undertaken any fresh road construction in the area in the past month, and its activity had not crossed any Indian Red Lines.

According to sources, China has been constructing ‘laterals’ — tracks which run parallel to its border with Bhutan in Doklam — in the territory controlled by it (File)
Doklam plateau, the site of a 73-day-long face-off between Indian and Chinese armies last year, is being kept fully under surveillance by India. Official sources said that China had not undertaken any fresh road construction in the area in the past month, and its activity had not crossed any Indian Red Lines.

“The suggestion that China has built a fresh road to Jampheri ridge, without our knowledge, is completely misleading. The Chinese haven’t made anything new in the past month. We are keeping the full area under surveillance through visual and technical means,” official sources told The Indian Express.

According to sources, China has been constructing ‘laterals’ — tracks which run parallel to its border with Bhutan in Doklam — in the territory controlled by it. Construction of such tracks, sources added, in the area it controls has been undertaken by China even before the Doklam face-off and there is nothing new or unusual about it.

“Our Red Lines are very clear: Jampheri Ridge and Torsa nalla. We stopped the Chinese last summer when they tried to proceed south of Torsa nalla, from the parking area. None of their laterals constructed post-Doklam cross the Torsa nalla. In fact, they are still at least 1.6 km north of Torsa nalla and have not crossed the Amo Chu river to the east. They haven’t crossed any of our Red Lines,” sources said.

In June last year, Indian soldiers had walked down from their post at Doka La to stop the Chinese track construction party which was attempting to make a track to Jampheri ridge. Jampheri, which lies in Bhutan and has a post of Royal Bhutan Army, is considered strategically important by India, as Chinese deployment on the ridge line will make India vulnerable in the Siliguri corridor.

Meanwhile, there has been no change in the deployment of the Chinese battalion in Doklam. Nearly 250 soldiers of the battalion, which was based in Yatung, are now deployed in South Doklam.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Official sources said that China had not undertaken any fresh road construction in the area in the past month, and its activity had not crossed any Indian Red Lines.

According to sources, China has been constructing ‘laterals’ — tracks which run parallel to its border with Bhutan in Doklam — in the territory controlled by it (File)
Doklam plateau, the site of a 73-day-long face-off between Indian and Chinese armies last year, is being kept fully under surveillance by India. Official sources said that China had not undertaken any fresh road construction in the area in the past month, and its activity had not crossed any Indian Red Lines.

“The suggestion that China has built a fresh road to Jampheri ridge, without our knowledge, is completely misleading. The Chinese haven’t made anything new in the past month. We are keeping the full area under surveillance through visual and technical means,” official sources told The Indian Express.

According to sources, China has been constructing ‘laterals’ — tracks which run parallel to its border with Bhutan in Doklam — in the territory controlled by it. Construction of such tracks, sources added, in the area it controls has been undertaken by China even before the Doklam face-off and there is nothing new or unusual about it.

“Our Red Lines are very clear: Jampheri Ridge and Torsa nalla. We stopped the Chinese last summer when they tried to proceed south of Torsa nalla, from the parking area. None of their laterals constructed post-Doklam cross the Torsa nalla. In fact, they are still at least 1.6 km north of Torsa nalla and have not crossed the Amo Chu river to the east. They haven’t crossed any of our Red Lines,” sources said.

In June last year, Indian soldiers had walked down from their post at Doka La to stop the Chinese track construction party which was attempting to make a track to Jampheri ridge. Jampheri, which lies in Bhutan and has a post of Royal Bhutan Army, is considered strategically important by India, as Chinese deployment on the ridge line will make India vulnerable in the Siliguri corridor.

Meanwhile, there has been no change in the deployment of the Chinese battalion in Doklam. Nearly 250 soldiers of the battalion, which was based in Yatung, are now deployed in South Doklam.
@sayareakd you might be interested in this explanation. Not sure why the good Col. is also raising such alarm bells.
Our fake media is going overboard ringing alarm bells that the Chinks are ready to invade India through Doklam at any time! :crazy: WTF is wrong with them?
I guess their aim is to just show govt. in a bad light. Not sure if they even evaluate the consequences of what they do.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Our fake media is going overboard ringing alarm bells that the Chinks are ready to invade India through Doklam at any time! :crazy: WTF is wrong with them?
When presstitutes receive money they snake their asses harder.
Seriously we need to put some regulation on media, media needs to disclose their funding source publicly.


Senior Member
May 19, 2017
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When presstitutes receive money they snake their asses harder.
Seriously we need to put some regulation on media, media needs to disclose their funding source publicly.
Check out this crap by The Print.

Sinquanhe is world's highest space observatory with gravitational wave telescope under construction in Tibet close the Indian border.
Presence of this observatory was reported in Indian as well as international media


Feb 17, 2009
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@sayareakd you might be interested in this explanation. Not sure why the good Col. is also raising such alarm bells.

I guess their aim is to just show govt. in a bad light. Not sure if they even evaluate the consequences of what they do.
I am aware about this; Vinayak Sir is great patriot of the country. We all are on same side. What he is saying, i am also saying for long time on twitter. Even had fight with Nitin on this, when he made complete fool of himself.

If need to be extra careful, even if its Bhutanese land, its almost another kargil from Chinese side. They are here to stay permanently. Our national highway one of the two, connecting to NE is clearly visible from that side at Doklam. Govt is sleeping, its serious security risk. China has already increase force level, build roads, concrete watch towes, lot of equipments and other things. Lot of camaflage.

Govt is only saying no change in status que. God knows why they pretend to sleep.
Have a tour through google earth and see for yourself.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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I am aware about this; Vinayak Sir is great patriot of the country. We all are on same side. What he is saying, i am also saying for long time on twitter. Even had fight with Nitin on this, when he made complete fool of himself.

If need to be extra careful, even if its Bhutanese land, its almost another kargil from Chinese side. They are here to stay permanently. Our national highway one of the two, connecting to NE is clearly visible from that side at Doklam. Govt is sleeping, its serious security risk. China has already increase force level, build roads, concrete watch towes, lot of equipments and other things. Lot of camaflage.

Govt is only saying no change in status que. God knows why they pretend to sleep.
Have a tour through google earth and see for yourself.
But the govt. clarified that what the Chinese are doing have not violated the earlier conflict points and built lines parallel to it. We surely can't object to that activity in Chinese territory.
Our task would only be to ensure we build and station proper level of forces to tackle any misadventure taken up by the Chinese.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
But the govt. clarified that what the Chinese are doing have not violated the earlier conflict points and built lines parallel to it. We surely can't object to that activity in Chinese territory.
Our task would only be to ensure we build and station proper level of forces to tackle any misadventure taken up by the Chinese.
Its not chinese territory, they are actually building roads in Bhutanese territory.

Doklam Plateau-3.jpg

1.6 kms north from amo chu river. So we managed to drive them out from bhutanese territory, for now.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Its not chinese territory, they are actually building roads in Bhutanese territory.

View attachment 23973

1.6 kms north from amo chu river. So we managed to drive them out from bhutanese territory, for now.
That is my doubt.
Why would IA, which blocked China and caused an escalation in June last year which lasted for months, not take action now?
Its not like we are now suddenly weak.

Why are we paying more attention to articles that are screaming violation against statements from our govt. which allowed the previous action?


Regular Member
Mar 31, 2015
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IA and Govt backed down because there is no diplomatic support from Bhutan on whose behalf we had intervened. Why would we continue to escalate a situation and risk a damaging war on behalf of a 3rd party that doesn't even bother to issue a public diplomatic statement in support of our actions? MEA has read the situation and backed down...PLA has read the situation and basically carried on to consolidate its position until it has an upper hand..ensuring there will be no repeat of last years showdown. Basically we have turned a temporary victory into a permanent loss. Our diplomats are simply not savvy enough to play the type of game that they find themselves in...Military can only go so far...but MEA, MOD and MHA have to come up with a co-ordinated multi agency strategy to respond to the multi pronged threat posed by China. So far..we have been found wanting in almost every instance


Regular Member
Dec 31, 2017
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@sayareakd you might be interested in this explanation. Not sure why the good Col. is also raising such alarm bells.

I guess their aim is to just show govt. in a bad light. Not sure if they even evaluate the consequences of what they do.
It is not always necessary to bring out the tinfoil hats. A simple explanation is Chinese encroachment in Dokalam is a lot more interesting headline than situation normal.
IA and Govt backed down because there is no diplomatic support from Bhutan on whose behalf we had intervened.
We don't need to ask for support from Bhutan. There army is trained by us, our troops are always present in their country & according to treaty of friendship they couldn't allow their land to be used in a manner detrimental to us.


Feb 17, 2009
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It is not always necessary to bring out the tinfoil hats. A simple explanation is Chinese encroachment in Dokalam is a lot more interesting headline than situation normal.
Thats the problem people dont understand how grave problem us. If Chinese (not as stupid as Pakistanis) decide to bomb NH31 then what will happen to supplies at NE states??
They have clear line of site from Doklam.
That means we have commited major blunder if we allowed Chinese to dictate terms to us.


Regular Member
Dec 31, 2017
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Thats the problem people dont understand how grave problem us. If Chinese (not as stupid as Pakistanis) decide to bomb NH31 then what will happen to supplies at NE states??
They have clear line of site from Doklam.
That means we have commited major blunder if we allowed Chinese to dictate terms to us.
That is my point. They couldn't do that. First of all, I even doubt that they have clear line of sights. 2nd, even if they have that, the issue remains that each of their position is under our watch & dominated by us. So even if they try something funny, they would get wiped out. So suppose they shell NH31. Then what? There positions get overrun by us. And as Kargil has showed us roads don't get destroyed that easily. In fact, I very eagerly hope that they try something funny. It would be fun to watch.


Dil Dil Hindustan
Regular Member
Mar 2, 2018
In Doklam Chinese are surrounded on three sides. It's their death valley if they try to come further. And their forward positions will be easily cut off 20 kms inside Chumbi

If Chinese (not as stupid as Pakistanis) decide to bomb NH31 then what will happen to supplies at NE states??
They have clear line of site from Doklam.


Dil Dil Hindustan
Regular Member
Mar 2, 2018
Govt is only saying no change in status que. God knows why they pretend to sleep.
Have a tour through google earth and see for yourself
This is not the first time. Chinese even have managed to enter many time in the past in mainland Bhutan to assist smuggling. But always countered on time. This time yes, looks like Bhutan did not want India to intervene or it took authorities in Bhutan to decide whether India should interfere or not. Remember, Bhutan is no more a Monarch country.


Feb 17, 2009
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That is my point. They couldn't do that. First of all, I even doubt that they have clear line of sights. 2nd, even if they have that, the issue remains that each of their position is under our watch & dominated by us. So even if they try something funny, they would get wiped out. So suppose they shell NH31. Then what? There positions get overrun by us. And as Kargil has showed us roads don't get destroyed that easily. In fact, I very eagerly hope that they try something funny. It would be fun to watch.
Problem is not that, in mountain you have to take 10 times force to dislog enemy that means lot of blood sheed and lives of our countrymen. We learned it hard way in Kargil. Same in 1962 war. So lets not allow chinese to prepare and attack at us.


Senior Member
May 19, 2017
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Thats the problem people dont understand how grave problem us. If Chinese (not as stupid as Pakistanis) decide to bomb NH31 then what will happen to supplies at NE states??
They have clear line of site from Doklam.
That means we have commited major blunder if we allowed Chinese to dictate terms to us.
I case of war India will most probably cut off Chumbi valley from chinese mainland. Northern Sikkim is relatively flat and this is the place where we will be using our tanks. Also the concentration of Indian army troops is high in that region. As for current Chinese positions in Dhoka la it is in direct range of our artillery guns located close to Nathu La. Also the main Chinese highway which joins Yadong town is in complete observation of Indian positions and can be bombarded with artillery fire making Chinese movement difficult in that region disrupting PLA supply lines to Nathu La and Dhoka La.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Things that should have happend

-Construction of fixed armoured bunkers.

In 1962 Major Shaitan Singh and his men were able to hold off chincoms because of height advantage and a well place temporary bunker.
If our nigga Negdu had any insight about chinese agresion he would have armed the bunkers with automatic guns, make a good supply line and had given air support then chincoms would run back to their stupid leaders.

-Establish a good supply line to sikkim and Arrunachal Pradesh.
We have been very negligent in this area.
I am not sure if things have changed but BRI used to be very corrupt organisation.

-Constructin of more air Fields in Sikkim and Arrunchal Pradesh.
Damn we should have got the license for Mi 26 for mass production or at least work for an Indian alternative.

But considering Khangress was at helm of decision making I can't complain too much.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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Chinese Troops On Border With India Will Now Be Controlled By Its Army

Beijing: China has brought its frontier troops, including those guarding its border with India, directly under the military command removing civilian control over them, a state-run daily reported today.

Communist Party of China (CPC), headed by President Xi Jinping, announced complete withdrawal of civilian-oriented frontier defence troops from the People's Armed Police (PAP) to enhance the ruling party's management of the country's armed forces, Global Times reported.

Troops that were formerly part of the armed police and managed by institutes of the State Council have now officially withdrawn from this system in a bid to fully implement the party's absolute leadership over the People's Liberation Army, and other national armed forces, the daily said quoting an article published by the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)'s official WeChat public account yesterday.

The withdrawal of armed police force units engaged in civilian affairs would disentangle the previous complicated chain of command, Chinese military analysts said.

This will also mean that the border troops including those posted along the 3,488-km long Line of Actual Control (LAC) would be brought directly under the PLA which functions under Central Military Commission (CMC) headed by Xi.

Xi was re-elected last week for second five-year term as the president and the chairman of the CMC by China's rubber stamp parliament National People's Congress (NPC), days after it removed the two-term limit for president, paving the way for his continuation in power perhaps for life.

Xi heads the CPC, the military besides the presidency, making him the most powerful leader after party founder Mao Zedong.

Last December, the CPC removed the civilian control over PAP all over the country and brought it directly under the control of the CMC headed by Xi.

The 1.5 million-strong paramilitary police force previously was under a dual command structure of the CMC and the State Council or cabinet through the Ministry of Public Security.

It served as a backup for the military in times of war and domestically has a role in putting down protests and counterterrorism as well as border defence and firefighting, the Hong Kong based South China Morning Post reported earlier.

The latest orders included integrating the China's Coast Guard whose ships often sail close to the disputed islands with Japan in the East China Sea, into the CMC chain of command.

The Coast Guard earlier functioned under the leadership of State Oceanic Administration and it now start to serve their duties as armed police forces.

Armed police forces that previously answered to civil-related duties including gold, forestry and hydropower troops have been transferred to State institutions accordingly while no longer part of army service, the Global Times report said.

Li Daguang, a professor at the National Defence University in Beijing defended the CPC's controls over police saying such reforms are being carried out alongside ongoing reforms of the party, state institutions and the military.

Such reforms could significantly correct misnaming errors and stressed the absolute leadership of the party over its armed forces including the armed police, Li said.

Since he took over power in 2013, Xi has been stressing absolute leadership of the party over military and all other organs power in China.

PS: This points to the fact that when Xi was visiting India there were border incursions in Ladakh by the Chinese border guards and army. This looks like that the political rival of the Xi within the CPC were in charge of the particular deployment along LAC. Which means Xi was not directly in control of his Army. After this it's all reversed. Xi happens to be the sole commander in chief of PLA.
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