Should we allow PRC to dictate to us ?


Senior Member
Mar 6, 2011
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More than China India should beware of Chinese foot soldiers in Indian media & reiterd IFS corp

It is this discredited lot which fools people by writing articles glorifying chinese non existent "super power muscles"!!!

if india gangs up with US, Japan, Vietnam, philipines, South Korea, Australi, there is precious little that china can do.

below is how chinese apologists in india are trying to fool the lay populace on the detriments of india standing upto rightful freedom of navigation in south china sea!!

The Beijing balancing act Published August 17, 2016 SOURCE: THE HINDU

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s August 11-13 visit to India was closely watched for clues on the current state of India-China relations and the outlook going forward. There are two forthcoming multilateral summits, the G-20 summithosted by China in September and the BRICS summit hosted by India in November. Neither country would like the summit it is hosting to be overshadowed by bilateral differences. Therefore, at the very least, both need to downplay their differences and seek to create a positive ambience for the forthcoming summits in whose success each has a stake as host country. Mr. Wang’s visit does appear to have achieved that.

Putting mechanisms in place On the vexed issue of China’s opposition to India’s membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), it was agreed that a focussed dialogue take place between the Indian Joint Secretary dealing with disarmament and international security and China’s Director-General of Arms Control and Disarmament. On other issues having a bearing on bilateral relations, another mechanism has been established between the Indian Foreign Secretary and his Chinese counterpart, Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui.

This appears to be in addition to the existing annual Strategic Dialogue at the Foreign Secretary level and the regular Special Representatives dialogue which, in the past, has gone beyond the mandate of border negotiations. One presumes that the issue of China’s “technical hold” on the listing of Masood Azhar, the Jaish-e-Mohammad leader, as a terrorist at the United Nations, and Chinese activities in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) under its One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative will be on its agenda. It is unlikely that China will materially change its stand on these outstanding issues but the proposed dialogue creates a more propitious ambience for the forthcoming summits. Since these dialogue mechanisms are engaged with these contentious issues, the leaders themselves need not have to deal with them beyond generalities.

At least that would be the Chinese expectation. For the Chinese, summit meetings are expected to be orchestrated encounters where leaders avoid unpleasant exchanges and project all that is positive in the relationship. One has learnt from Chinese friends that both at Ufa last year and Tashkent this June, Chinese President Xi Jinping was unprepared for the blunt talking and persistent airing of differences by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Mr. Wang would have wanted to ensure that forthcoming leadership meetings do not cause discomfort to his boss. China is faced with a complex and deteriorating political and security situation in its Asia-Pacific periphery. The categorical and entirely negative arbitration award against China over its claim to the South China Sea — handed in July by a tribunal constituted under the provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) — is a major setback for Beijing. Its relations with ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) are now under unprecedented strain.

To add to its woes, the deployment of the THAAD anti-missile defence system by the U.S. in South Korea has led to a worsening of relations with a neighbour with which China has, over the years, assiduously nurtured close political, economic, commercial and even cultural relations. (Korean pop music is extremely popular in China.) These are new and adverse developments even while the U.S. and Japan continue to be perceived as major security threats to China in the region. Against this background, China would want to keep its western periphery with India relatively stable and benign. It is for this reason that Chinese official media has persisted with the message that there is no fundamental clash of interests between the two countries and that their convergences outnumber their differences.

There is anxiety that India may move closer to the U.S. and participate in security arrangements more directly challenging China in the South China Sea. Beijing has cautioned that India should avoid getting “entangled” in the South China Sea issue, but there is also an expectation that it will continue to adhere to its stated policy of strategic autonomy. In fact, India’s reaction to the tribunal award has been measured, calling for utmost respect for the UNCLOS but also stressing the need for resolving differences through peaceful dialogue. It is reported that Mr. Wang did not raise the South China Sea issue in Delhi. This appears to confirm the view that China’s current preoccupation is to prevent India from escalating its stand on this issue. China expects that at the forthcoming G-20 summit at Hangzhou, the U.S. and its western allies and Japan may raise the South China Sea issue and embarrass the host country. India’s role could prove to be significant in this regard. That gives India a tactical advantage and this may well have been the reason for Mr. Wang to appear forthcoming on issues India is concerned about. I doubt whether China will change its substantive stance on these issues any time soon. New Delhi’s reality check In dealing with China, India has to be conscious of the fact that in terms of both economic and military capabilities, the asymmetry between the two countries continues to expand. China’s economy is five times as large as India’s and even with slower rates of growth China will be adding more muscle from a larger base while India will have to grow much faster over a longer period of time to begin to narrow the gap. There are only two ways to deal with this power asymmetry; one is to acquire and deploy capabilities which will make any aggressive military move by China a risky proposition. The other is to enmesh oneself more tightly in the U.S.-led countervailing coalition targeting China. The latter does run counter to India’s view of itself as an independent power but there is a steady creep in that direction.

In terms of developing asymmetrical capabilities, my sense is that we are not quite there and remain vulnerable. This vulnerability increases if there is a coordinated move by China and Pakistan. In previous India-Pakistan wars, post-1962, China supported Pakistan politically and with supplies but refrained from attacking India across the border. This reassuring pattern of behaviour needs to be under our constant review and assessment.

China’s willingness to stand alone in blocking India’s membership of the NSG on behalf of Pakistan, and in shielding it from international pressures consequent upon its use of cross-border terrorism as an instrument of state policy against India, point to an enhanced strategic role for Pakistan in Chinese regional and global calculations. Pakistan has so far been important to China as a low-cost and effective proxy against India. It is now becoming important for China’s ambitious OBOR project, which is long term in nature. It is also assuming importance in China’s Central Asian strategy. No surprise therefore that China is reported to be encouraging the Pakistan Army to take charge of implementing the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) since the civilian government of Nawaz Sharif is said to be too slow on delivery. With Mr. Modi now explicitly committed to the return of PoK including Gilgit and Baltistan to India, how would the Chinese react?

Without Pakistani control over this disputed territory there would be no CPEC. If India additionally encourages anti-Pakistan militants in Balochistan, this would adversely affect the utility of Gwadar port, another key link in the OBOR. China would at least be under pressure to assuage heightened anxieties in Islamabad, and this may have a negative fallout on India-China relations. The setting for managing India-China relations has become more complex and risky. Over the past several years, leaders of both countries have seen it in their mutual interest to keep relations on an even keel despite their essentially adversarial nature. A careful balance has been maintained between the competitive and cooperative components of the relationship. This has just got much harder to deliver. . Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website , Kindly don't paste our work in other websites .
I distinctly remember a batman movie I watched , in which the bad guy owns a TV station that transmits a mind wave to gain thought control over people.
reading The Hindu for year gives me the same feeling. The Hindu tries to instill an inferiority complex in every indian vis a vis chinese!!!

The kind of subtle propaganda spat out by The Hindu every day glorifying non existent "super power prowess" of china is disgusting!!!

In reality China holds no significant cards against india, Not because it doesnt have any cards, because it has already played all its cards till they all worn out in a devious manner.

China has already given pakistan Nuclear missile assistance, Now it can only watch nervously what india can give to Vietnam . China can not do anything substantial in south china sea, since the US wont allow it do so. No use building toy airstrips in desolate island surrounded by waters that are totally dominated by US navy!!

They are just cherry picking for any US naval battle group. Also The Hindu wants India to keep quiet on South China issue & be discredited in the eyes of Vietnam. This is the real reason The Hindu is writing these "My china daddy strongest articles" every day.

The Hindu wants India to be the loser in ASEAN , by chickening out of freedom of navigation claims in south china sea, which are strongly backed by US, japan, Vietnam, Philipines, South korea,Australia & who else not?

The HIndu glorifiesthe bravery of total fools like kanhaiya , who stand up against unity & integration of india, but wants india to chicen out of south china sea without even a whimper.

It was only a couple of months back The Hindu employed a few senile imbeciles of UPA's foreign policy organ to sarcastically put down Modi's high stakes diplomacy for NSG entry, The Hindu wanted all its readers to believe that China will never allow India in NSG as if NSG is china's grand father property!!

Now we have a chinese foreign minister obviously trading our NSG seat & virtually begging us to keep quiet on south china sea!!! The chinese are the masters of selling snake oil. All their sound & fury on NSG membership is a joke. Thye know that cHINA THE BIGGEST PROLIFERATOR OF n WEAPONS doesnt stand a chance against india's concerted, honest effort at getting NSG seat.

How hard The HIndu tried to fool Indians , by toeing the chinese line that india's NSG entry wasn't even discussed & Modi was making inda a fool in front of the international community, & How Obama is no George Bush.

When Modi govt smartly linked the ratification of climate control accord, the pet project of Obama to NSG entry, now we see a special ambassador appointed in NSG to oversee India's entry to NSG by the year end, & solid support from key Obama officials for a road map for India's entry into NSG by year end!!!

In dealing with India , china must be conscious of the fact, that india , world's fastest growing economy & an N missile power will not be a push over by playing such fraudulent diplomatic games.

Modi govt's notice to PAK on POK & Balochistan strikes at the root of the already dubious CPEC tamasha!!

India is the fastest growing economy in BRICS & china can do shit about it.
The sick joke by the sickos of The Hindu is the threat of disruptions of trade with china!!! It will be huge relief for India's SMEs who are all on the brink of extinction if such thing happens.

Also it is china gains forex to the tune of 50 billion every year in trade with India, Not India, SO why should India worry about trade disruption?

And sick minds at The hindu paint a gloomy scenario of stoppage of record breaking chinese FDI to india. GUys chinese FDI is ant piss compared to the total FDI into China!! It seems that sick minds at The Hindu conveniently forget that India beat china in FDI inflows last year.

CPEC is a chinese colonization of pakistan, by pushing bribe ridde, totally unviable projects on Pakistan at very high interest rate & rate of retrun on capital . India should have nothing to worry on this regard!! Thats why China wants Pak army to take over CPEC implementation from PAk civilian govt!!!

As Srilankans are now finding out , that most of the big chinese projects were chinese colonization & not FDI & trying to wiggle out, Pakistanis too will find out one day.

The gwador port is a big joke compared to india's port investments in Iran.

So readers of The HIndu must beware of the fact that they are being led up the garden path by India's chinese state media. This a a piece which any aspiring Global Times editor can be proud of!!!
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Face to Face
New Member
Oct 20, 2010
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The reasons they gave are as follows:-
-lack of infrastructure,
-poor health,
-girls not being allowed to participate in sports,
-boys being coaxed into becoming doctors and engineers,
-the popularity of cricket over other sports
A. first time such a big Indian contingent is sent to olympics
B. Now apart for our favoured sports we are now venturing in other sports like gymnastics and other track and field events
C. Moreover our old athlete will phase away and will pave way for fresh blood which is seriously required as of now.
Ultimately it boils down to sporting infrastructure - Get the right infra in place (grounds, courts, equipment, medicinal facilities etc.) - Get the right people to manage them (pro-athletes, coaches, managers, doctors, physiotherapists, video analysts, fitness specialists, nutritionists, specialist administrators, corporate sponsorship, scouts) - Get as much exposure to sporting events as possible, locally and globally.
This will not be easy. Too many vested interests, too much to do and a long way to go. Plus, other countries have a huge head start on us. But as China has shown, it can be done over time.


The only one
Regular Member
Jun 16, 2016
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None of your concern, says Indian Army after China's warning over deployment of BrahMos missile in Arunachal


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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Timing could not be any better. India has opened up a new front which ensures that China won't be able to assign all it's assets on the Eastern front. India's move thins out China's defences.

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Do not worry too much about China. They have stolen everything possible of value from America but not all. They could not steal the manufacturing and metallurgy, software and a few more very high technology items. Hence everything they tell the world that they have done or in fact has a stamp of "Dollar Store" items I.e. Not reliable and breakdown often. Recent is their newest tank which broke down in contest in Russia. That is the story likely to be repeated in every aspect of their military hardware production.

Hence China will intimidate but knowing their skill base they will back down when push comes to shove.

They cannot dictate terms to anybody. They boast a lot but are incapable.


Regular Member
Oct 27, 2015
China isn't a bad country.

1) There are people out there who don't want to see a prosperous non-western country. Many of them are powerful. Many of them will bribe high ranking politicians or even start a war. It's in China's right to be defensive.

2) China doesn't need competition at this stage in its growth. It's worried greatly about falling into a middle-income trap like Brazil. India is its primary competitor.

3) The border skirmishes are minor to irrelevant. India should try to calm the situation down and reduce it to a "diplomatic spec of dust".

4) Pakistan is the only major controversial issue. I think China's support for Pakistan is a huge worry for India. India should focus on courting China away from India by offering China a port on the western banks of India,
1)Well i agree there are many Powers who don't want to see a prosperous Non-Western nation flourish.But then China could offset that by simple gestures instead of putting up a aggressive posture with its Neighbors.

2)You don't need competition now, because you want to break ahead of everyone,where you get to a point you can dictate terms to everyone.No wonder India will be your Prime Competitor.

3)Yeah right,every now and then your Army transgresses our border and we should call it a "Diplomatic Spec of Dust" Was it not you who suggested that Asian nations should watch out for powers which don't want them to prosper? then what is China doing exactly in this case by invading our land every now and then? We don't call this a "Diplomatic spec of dust" .

4)Pakistan yes,despite you having Pakistans involvement in your Xinjiang province,you support them,thinking you will get better returns,They are not some wonder people as they pose to be,they are of the same stock as us,we know how to deal with them and Others.

We have been here for a long time when All Civilizations perished,but yet we persisted undaunted,Unchanged.(Which nation can claim a feat such as this?)

So why do you side with Pakistan instead of Siding with us? when you know we had a peaceful existence for over past 2000 years.
We don't offer any part of our land for any country.
You might have got that idea from your ally Pakistan,which will offer their soul to anyone who can help them monetarily.We don't!

We respect our Sovereignty unlike other nations who are up for sale to highest bidder,So your suggestion that we offer China a Port in India,is not going to happen.You can shove that Idea in your backside,from where it came. ;)
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Regular Member
Oct 27, 2015
Timing could not be any better. India has opened up a new front which ensures that China won't be able to assign all it's assets on the Eastern front. India's move thins out China's defences.
Bharat has a duty to protect its Sanatan Dharmis,(Buddhists,Animists,and all other Original Cultures and (Religion as they now call it) )
We will always protect! (but i cannot say we will get the same relation(Bandhu) who can will not stab us behind our backs,we had a lot of this Treachery! Time has come to weed it out!
It this Bharat's move which will upset everyone even the so called "SUPERPOWER" :rofl:

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