Shooting in California 12 feared dead


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2013
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Gurudwara vandalised in Los Angeles with 'anti-Islamic State' graffiti

Washington: A Gurdwara has been vandalized in Los Angeles suburbs with hateful graffiti addressed towards Islamic State, Sikh community leaders have said, fearing this "hate crime" is a repercussion of the California shooting.

We are concerned about the safety and security of our community members. We are of the opinion that this is a hate crime and that this is a direct result of a possible backlash from the San Bernardino killings," said Inderjot Singh, president of Sikh Gurdwara in Buena Park, a suburb of Los Angeles.

The incident, which occurred early on Sunday morning is being investigated by local law enforcement agencies. "The Gurdwara was vandalized during Sunday early hours and a hateful graffiti was seen on the walls of the Gurdwara and also a truck parked in the parking lot. The graffiti included the phrase, "F*** ISIS," and the words "Islam" and other reference of gangs," Washington-based Sikh Council on Religion and Education said in a statement.


Such behavior from Americans reminds of the famous Joker quote from Batman movie Dark Knight :

“Don’t talk like one of them, you’re not! Even if you’d like to be. To them, you’re just a freak–like me. They need you right now. When they don’t…they’ll cast you out. Like a leper. See, their morals, their code: it’s a bad joke. They’re dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see, when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other. Ya see I’m not a monster, I was just ahead of the curve.”
Feb 16, 2009
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Sikhs have been victimized since 9/11. Many Sikh friends have r moved their turbans and gone clean shaven.

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Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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I told was easy to guess and below is my recent post.

Rather typical ignorant Americans would attack Sikhs again since they would never learn that Sikhs are NOT Muslims.In 9/11 Muslims butchered 3000 Americans and Sikhs got attacked. :truestory:

So expect some attacks by typical ignorant pussy Americans on Sikhs and their Gurudwaras. :dude:

Americans are pussy enough not to attack Muslims but the war has come back homeland and the game begins again.Spread "Democracy" and get butchered at home. :lol: :stirpot:

So expect some attacks by typical ignorant pussy Americans on Sikhs and their Gurudwaras. :dude:
Average American is ignorant and stupid in lot of things..... btw recently I had a talk with a American(white) whose dad was in secret services(we discussed a lot about global issues stuff) and he also admits that common American is indeed stupid enough not to know lot of facts about the world including difference between Sikhs and Muslims.

Sikhs have been victimized since 9/11. Many Sikh friends have r moved their turbans and gone clean shaven.
Now that's intresting... I have noticed Sikhs(foreign countries) goes full open beard and try to be more Sikhs than average Sikhs in India who usually wrap their beard.Many times the turban style is like some Osama used to wear.I think Ray sir pointed this fact out some time back.

Anyway... if Sikhs can't make the things clear and start becoming clean shaven then it proves how fragile their faith is in themselves and their own religion.They SHOULD do something to make sure awareness is spread.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Please, let us not attack the messenger. I don't want to delete posts. Please don't make me do it.
So simply delete the part where you think there is some "attack".

If someone keeps writing factless/ignorant stuff most of the time(Ostritch mode) then it's not our fault to point it out.Many other members have also pointed it out and put some sense into it.


Senior Member
May 6, 2013
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Does it matter they were pakis ...

Seems not. But probably the people that needed to be scared of such background were given to know they were pakis.

Pakis have "leverage"


Regular Member
Sep 6, 2014
So simply delete the part where you think there is some "attack".

If someone keeps writing factless/ignorant stuff most of the time(Ostritch mode) then it's not our fault to point it out.Many other members have also pointed it out and put some sense into it.
You need to chill out man. I'm not going to play your game of personal attacks on people, just because their opinion differs from mine. Often people learn from healthy debate and differing opinions give people a chance to view things from a new perspective.

I generally don't think it's right to engage in a war of words with my fellow Indian brothers, and I'll leave it at that.


Regular Member
Sep 6, 2014
The economy is in good shape? O percent interest and 30 dollar oil is not a sign of a good economy. Any masking of the economy is done thru government pumping stocks and buying treasuries, Obama is a lame duck who has failed in domestic and foreign policy.
Securing the nation is not being racist.
He has made more Americans feel insecure at home and abroad. The economic decline under Obama has been much worst than any other president. USA household wealth has gone in reverse with his welfare state policies of taxing rich and giving to the poor and killing middle class thru his economics and wars.

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First off keep in mind in America you only really get TWO choices, Republican or Democrat, otherwise your vote is completely wasted. Now Obama is still the lesser of two evils. Obamacare alone as a step towards universal healthcare, makes him a successful president, when you consider how many forces in big business worked against him on that.

Obama's FOREIGN policy, other than putting a lot of effort into showing up as Chief Guest during independence day, has been pretty bad. But then what is he really supposed to do? We JUST got out of a 2 wars, the American public isn't ready yet to send major ground forces into another one. But compare Obama to the old Republican president. He cost the nation 7 TRILLION dollars in two bs wars and basically ruined the nations economy, adding to the world wide recession of 2007. That is 3.5X the GDP of India! Bush was a major war criminal, illegal TORTURE programs that also hurt people mistaken for terrorists, his illegal invasion of Iraq cost at least 500,000- 1M lives and allowed the power vacuum that formed ISIS and cost more American lives than 9-11.

One Trump has ZERO chance of ever winning an election, especially after the massive backlash this week for his "ban all Muslims" comment. I agree his anti-Pakistan policy and Pro-India stance are impressive, but he's a lose cannon and could just as easily change sides or start the next world war. International politics also requires maturity, most of the time the right decision is the moderate path. You have to do what you can given the situation, not recklessly do what you want and then cause a disaster.

6 years ago....As Bush was preparing to leave office in early 2009....

1. the DOW had fallen to 8000 and
2. the NASDAQ had plunged to 1500.
3, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index crashed below the 900 mark one month before Bush left office
3. The average American with a 401K lost about half of their retirement savings.
4. Banks that had survived the Great Depression were going out of business,
5. Housing prices were falling like a rock as the bubble burst,
6. The unemployment rate was 7.8%...and heading up. In the same month that Bush handed over the economy to Obama, 818,000 workers lost their jobs. In December 2008 initial weekly claims for unemployment topped 500,000.
7. The US auto industry on life support. When Bush took office in 2001 annual sales of autombiles topped 17 million units a year. When he left office U.S. auto sales plunged 36 percent in December 2008, dragging the industry’s volume in 2008 to a 16-year low. General Motors Corp.’s annual total was the smallest in its home market since 1959. In January 2009 Japanese automaker Toyota overtook GM as the nation's best selling brand
8. The Commerce Department reported that in October 2008, 2 months before Bush left office, orders for durable good plummeted by 8.4 percent, for the biggest monthly decline since a 14 percent drop in July 2000.
9. The Bush administration had to borrow 700 billion dollars from the taxpayers to bail out the banks.
10. In the 4th quarter of 2008...3 weeks before the flickering torch was
passed from Republican to Democrat the US economy contracted a whopping 8.9%...the worst in postwar history.
11. Daily consumer spending dropped to $65 on the day the torch was passed from Bush to Obama
12. When bush left office, seasonally adjust annual rate of new home construction had plunged to 500,000 units. New homes went unsold and huge discounts had to be offered to attract the few buyers...further dragging down housing values.

The country was in economic free fall.
Newscaster started using the ominous words "2nd Great Depression".

And where are we NOW...6 years later?

1. The worst recession in US history is over.
2. People are going back to work. Just 12 months after Bush handed over the worst economy since the Great Depresssion to Obama, the US began adding jobs instead of losing them.

Fox Business news reported in August "A significant decline in layoffs, which has pushed claims down to their pre-recession levels, has been the major driver of an improving job market. But hiring is also gaining traction. A report showed hiring rose in June to its highest level since February 2008. The number of job openings that month was the highest since February 2001."

In July the US economy added 206,000 new jobs. That's the 6th straight month in a row that the US economy has added at least 200,000 jobs ...a record that hasn't happened since Clinton was president in 1997.
3. Banks are healthy and profitable again.
4. The US auto industry is the pride of the nation. Industry-wide auto sales rose 1.2% to 1.4 million in June 2014, pushing the annualized selling rate to 16.98 million, its highest pace since July 2006
5. Housing prices are on the rise again.
6. Home building is up again.
7. The average rate of inflation for the 6 Obama years has averaged a
low1.6 percent vs 2.8 percent for 8 years of Bush. Good news for
shoppers and savers.
8.Interest rates are low.
9. Consumer confidence is soaring. In August 2014 consumer confidence hit a seven-year high reinforcing signs of a strengthening outlook for the second half of 2014. The Conference Board’s sentiment gauge rose to 92.4, the highest since October 2007
10. The U.S. budget deficit is falling sharply this year amid higher tax revenues and an improving economy.The federal deficit has been continually shrinking due to a combination improving economy, higher taxes and government spending cuts .and is expected to continue to shrink, In April, the Congressional Budget Office forecast a $492 billion deficit at the end of the fiscal year which would mark the smallest deficit since 2007.

11.The Bush war in Iraq is over. No more US death statistics to read each month
12. Osama is Dead.
13.Terrorist are being droned to death.
And the stock market?
14. The DOW is higher than it has ever been in it's history. It's breaking records.
15. The NASDAQ has tripled since the closing days of the Bush administration.
16, In August 2014 the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index climb above 2,000, for the first time in history after a report showed the biggest ever jump in durable-goods orders and consumer confidence unexpectedly increased.
17. Daily Consumer spending now averages $90+ (up 40% since end of 2008)
18. In June of 2014 home builders began work on 893,000 units
19. In June auto sales rose to an 8 year high of

1,421,963 units
20. In the second quarter of 2014 the US GDP surged to 4% beating Wall Street expectation thanks to increased consumer and business spending
21. In August 2014 orders for durable goods rose 22.6%. Purchases of durable good--products like airplanes, cars and heavy machinery that are designed to last at least three years--rose to their highest level in a data series dating back to 1992.

6 years ago, with the country in economic chaos, None of us could not have ever dreamed that our country would be where it is today. It was unthinkable. Unimaginable.

Yet here we all are a country that rose from the ashes of economic disaster called the GREAT AMERICAN RECESSION that began in become a vibrant growing healthy economy.

In 2009 the Bush administration handed Obama a stinking rotten lemon...and in 6 years the Obama administration has turned it into sparkling premium Champagne.

I tip my hat to Obama. He has guided our country through the worst of times



Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
Sikhs have been victimized since 9/11. Many Sikh friends have r moved their turbans and gone clean shaven.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Gurudwara vandalised in Los Angeles with 'anti-Islamic State' graffiti

Washington: A Gurdwara has been vandalized in Los Angeles suburbs with hateful graffiti addressed towards Islamic State, Sikh community leaders have said, fearing this "hate crime" is a repercussion of the California shooting.

We are concerned about the safety and security of our community members. We are of the opinion that this is a hate crime and that this is a direct result of a possible backlash from the San Bernardino killings," said Inderjot Singh, president of Sikh Gurdwara in Buena Park, a suburb of Los Angeles.

The incident, which occurred early on Sunday morning is being investigated by local law enforcement agencies. "The Gurdwara was vandalized during Sunday early hours and a hateful graffiti was seen on the walls of the Gurdwara and also a truck parked in the parking lot. The graffiti included the phrase, "F*** ISIS," and the words "Islam" and other reference of gangs," Washington-based Sikh Council on Religion and Education said in a statement.


Such behavior from Americans reminds of the famous Joker quote from Batman movie Dark Knight :

“Don’t talk like one of them, you’re not! Even if you’d like to be. To them, you’re just a freak–like me. They need you right now. When they don’t…they’ll cast you out. Like a leper. See, their morals, their code: it’s a bad joke. They’re dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see, when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other. Ya see I’m not a monster, I was just ahead of the curve.”
Sikhs have been victimized since 9/11. Many Sikh friends have r moved their turbans and gone clean shaven.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

well fault is with in .sardars in usa and west are so busy in note printing that they dont spend public money on western media awareness campaign about sikhs

bolo tara ra ra

if our gurus knew that wearing turban will create problems for sikhs in 21 centuary they would have taken offf turban from 5 Kssss:):):)



Regular Member
Sep 6, 2014
The recession has turned into a depression under obama

The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression
The author is an absolute nutt job, writing a completely politically biased article. This would be like reading a review of the BJP written by the Congress party.

Most of the facts in the article are very selective and leave out all the improvements. The article's data only goes up till 2011, but many of the factors he listed have improved since 2011.

The author also wrote in other articles:

National Review magazine published his essay "What Is An American?" in its September 25, 2001 issue, after the September 11 attacks.[13] In the essay, he claims that "there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan",[13] although census numbers show Afghanistan has roughly ten to fifteen times as many Muslims as the United States.[27]

Ferrara has also written about climate change, asserting that human activity is not the main cause of global warming."
Feb 16, 2009
Country flag
Here is on fact Obama is counting people with part time jobs as employed to make unemployed numbers look better.


Regular Member
Sep 6, 2014
Here is on fact Obama is counting people with part time jobs as employed to make unemployed numbers look better.
Probably true. Like I said earlier, he's not a "great" president. He's just the lesser of two evils. Compared to Bush he's a 100x better, because he managed to avoid causing 2 wars, a massive power vacuum in Iraq, and didn't cause the deaths of 1M people in the Iraq war.

The economy is undoubtedly better than it was under Bush. At the very least we aren't wasting $7 TRILLION on unneeded wars.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
Probably true. Like I said earlier, he's not a "great" president. He's just the lesser of two evils. Compared to Bush he's a 100x better, because he managed to avoid causing 2 wars, a massive power vacuum in Iraq, and didn't cause the deaths of 1M people in the Iraq war.

The economy is undoubtedly better than it was under Bush. At the very least we aren't wasting $7 TRILLION on unneeded wars.
Bush inherited the subprime bubble from Clinton administration. US did not implode in a day. So, don't blame Bush for everything.

And when you keep talking about healthcare, you forget that this would finally implode the US economy. Why? Without healthcare costs, US has such high debt/GDP ratio. Now add to it the healthcare cost of fat and sick Americans. Healthcare is a big drag even on European economies with generally healthy population, imagine how US will deal with subsidized healthcare system of a large mass of unhealthy citizens.
Feb 16, 2009
Country flag
Probably true. Like I said earlier, he's not a "great" president. He's just the lesser of two evils. Compared to Bush he's a 100x better, because he managed to avoid causing 2 wars, a massive power vacuum in Iraq, and didn't cause the deaths of 1M people in the Iraq war.

The economy is undoubtedly better than it was under Bush. At the very least we aren't wasting $7 TRILLION on unneeded wars.
Obama has not stopped one Bush war and starts many more Libya,Yemen , Syria,Ukraine , Arab Spring etc... He has spent more on wars in
1 term than Bush did in his whole presidency. Oil also collapsed under Obama crushing one of the few good industries USA had left . That has also costed trillions.


Regular Member
Sep 6, 2014
Bush inherited the subprime bubble from Clinton administration. US did not implode in a day. So, don't blame Bush for everything.

And when you keep talking about healthcare, you forget that this would finally implode the US economy. Why? Without healthcare costs, US has such high debt/GDP ratio. Now add to it the healthcare cost of fat and sick Americans. Healthcare is a big drag even on European economies with generally healthy population, imagine how US will deal with subsidized healthcare system of a large mass of unhealthy citizens.
The bubble went off 7 YEARS into the Bush presidency, you can't blame the Clinton administration for what happened almost a decade later.

Healthcare is a basic human right, and probably the largest single human right's issue facing 10's of millions of Americans. Yes it might be a drag on the government's funds, though paying for more healthcare would actually be better for the economy overall. There are a few issues worth fighting for, universal healthcare is one that is worth the cost.
Feb 16, 2009
Country flag
Bush inherited the subprime bubble from Clinton administration. US did not implode in a day. So, don't blame Bush for everything.

And when you keep talking about healthcare, you forget that this would finally implode the US economy. Why? Without healthcare costs, US has such high debt/GDP ratio. Now add to it the healthcare cost of fat and sick Americans. Healthcare is a big drag even on European economies with generally healthy population, imagine how US will deal with subsidized healthcare system of a large mass of unhealthy citizens.
What more or less has happened is most Americans even with coverage hav huge deductibles and much more premiums and much less services. Almost the same as no coverage . The insurance companies and democrats have raped the nation.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
Obama has not stopped one Bush war and starts many more Libya,Yemen , Syria,Ukraine , Arab Spring etc... He is not a. He has spent more on wars in
1 term than Bush did in his whole presidency. Oil also collapsed under Obama crushing one if the few good industries USA had left . That has also costed trillions.
Obama did nothing and just let his subordinates run the show for him. Putin took away Ukraine under his nose and now called his bluff in Syria. Obama could not even support his allies!!
Feb 16, 2009
Country flag
Obama did nothing and just let his subordinates run the show for him. Putin took away Ukraine under his nose and now called his bluff in Syria. Obama could not even support his allies!!
Under OBama you ar seeing cracks in European Union and NATO . Both which seemed invincible at one time are starting to reveal their weaknesses.


Regular Member
Sep 6, 2014
Obama has not stopped one Bush war and starts many more Libya,Yemen , Syria,Ukraine , Arab Spring etc... He is not a. He has spent more on wars in
1 term than Bush did in his whole presidency. Oil also collapsed under Obama crushing one if the few good industries USA had left . That has also costed trillions.
He didn't spend more on wars than Bush did, that's simply not true. Common sense would also show, that deploying 300,000+ troops to the Middle East would be much more expensive than ordering most of them home.

You can't blame Obama for the Arab Spring, that is just a conspiracy theory, but even if involved, those wars had little to do with the USA directly and certainly didn't cost many American resources and lives. There is a massive difference between those and 100,000's of American troops being deployed.

Oil collapsed due to Saudi's and others over producing, the nation as a whole gained much more from cheap oil prices, then the American manufacturers lost. (no it didn't cost trillions, also factually false)

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