Pakistani Lies & Denial thread

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
Regular Member
Apr 17, 2017

Na-Pak has started video war with Indian Army. They are claiming to have destroyed Indian posts in Nowshera on May 13.


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Feb 26, 2010

So now Napakis officially admit that that they cannot and will not disclose their casualty figures at LoC

Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali informed the house that as many as 66 civilians had been killed and 288 injured as a result of unprovoked Indian firing from across the LoC, but the number of army troops martyred could not be disclosed due to security reasons.

“We do not want our enemy to know how many soldiers laid down their lives,” he said.


Do not want the enemy to know or do not want their people to know the extent of whipping they received on LoC.

The truth is coming out in the open.


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Feb 12, 2014
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Pakistani lawyers give 7-day deadline to Sharif to quit
LAHORE, MAY 20, 2017 21:29 IST

The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) and the Lahore High Court Bar Association (LHCBA) on Saturday announced their joint stance

Pakistani lawyers today gave a seven-day deadline to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to resign on the Panama Papers scandal otherwise they will launch a nationwide movement against him.

What happened to this deadline? Is the deadline dead?

Butter Chicken

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Oct 6, 2016
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Col Habib’s case can’t be taken to ICJ, UN: minister

ISLAMABAD: A minister told the Senate on Wednesday that the issue of ‘kidnapping’ of a retired army officer in Nepal some two months ago could not be taken to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) or the United Nations ‘on the basis of assumptions’.

Minister for States and Frontier Regions retired Gen Abdul Qadir Baloch candidly conceded that it was yet to be established that retired Lt Col Habib had been picked up by the Indian forces.“No final report suggesting that the Indian intelligence agency (RAW) or the Indian government was involved is available with the Foreign Office or the government,” he said while winding up a discussion on an adjournment motion.

Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani asked if the statement meant that the Foreign Office was exonerating India from the kidnapping of retired Col Habib as the minister had admitted absence of concrete evidence.

Aziz to brief Senate on Qatar crisis, hostile statement of Afghan president

Gen Baloch replied that he was not saying that. “We are hundred per cent sure that Indian intelligence agency RAW is behind the kidnapping, but the evidence to this effect is not final.”

He said that the issue appeared to have a link with the conviction of Indian spy Kulbushan Jadhav, but stressed that material was required to legally prove it.

He said that the Foreign Office was trying to obtain solid evidence and the Nepalese government had been asked to get in touch with three Indian nationals who had received retired Lt Col Habib at the airport.

He said that it was still not clear whether the three people were Indian government employees or civilians or working for a private firm. The matter has also been taken up with the Indian government.

The minister said that the incident took place two months ago, but expressed his helplessness about non-cooperation from Nepal by saying that no sovereign country could be pressurised.

The Senate chairman stressed that everything should come before the parliament. He directed Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz to brief the house on the steps taken by the government in the case of mysterious disappearance of retd Col Habib in Nepal, the current regional situation with a particular reference to Qatar crisis and the recent hostile statement by the Afghan president and the response of Pakistan’s military establishment on Thursday (today).

Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Aitzaz Ahsan noted that Nepal was not extending cooperation on the issue of retd Col Habib as it used to do in the past.He said that besides arch rival India, Pakistan’s relations were already strained with Iran and Afghanistan and now Nepal was the fourth country in the region with which Pakistan had tense relations. “This is the foreign policy of the Nawaz Sharif government,” he remarked.

Mr Ahsan said that though Jadhav was a terrorist, the Indian government had taken his matter to the ICJ.

Mover of the motion Atiq Ahmad Sheikh asked what the government had so far done for retd Col Habib’s recovery, warning that the situation might compel “Pindi boys and freedom fighters to take action” in this regard. “May be the Pindi boys and the Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) are doing something for his recovery,” he said.

Senator Rehman Malik of the PPP said that it was not a matter involving only the ISI or the Military Intelligence and urged the government to take the issue to the ICJ and the UN.

Sherry Rehman of the same party said that India continued to use Nepal as a proxy but the government did not say anything on it. “Is it for the armed forces only to issue policy statements on each matter,” she asked.

She alleged that the country’s foreign policy had been ‘set on auto pilot’.


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Apr 13, 2013
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'No Terror havens in Pakistan', says Pak diplomat; audience in Washington bursts into laughter

Pakistan's top diplomat in the US was laughed at by a Washington audience when he repeatedly insisted that there are no safe sanctuaries for terrorists in Pakistan and that the Taliban leader, who reportedly died in a hospital in Karachi, never left Afghanistan. :pound:

"What is there funny about," a visibly irritated Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, the Pakistan Ambassador to the US, told a Washington think-tank audience which burst into laughter when he repeatedly argued that there is no terrorist safe havens in Pakistan and that Mullah Omar never left Afghanistan to visit Pakistan. :pound:

The reality is, however, different, argued former US diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad, who served as his country's ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq and the UN.

"We have very firm evidence of his (Mullah Omar) presence in Pakistan, where he went, lived,," he said, adding that for a long time there was the idea that bin Laden never left Afghanistan. :rofl:

"There is ample evidence that while the operation was going on Haqqani network was being evacuated to safer location," the former US Ambassador to Pakistan said during a panel discussion on 'Regional Perspectives on the US Strategy in Afghanistan', at the Atlantic Council's South Asia Center.

Chaudhry appeared to be isolated as two other panelist - the former Indian minister Manish Tewari and top American think-tank expert Ashley Tellis - joined Khalilzad to say that terrorist safe havens continues to exist in Pakistan and there is level of support from the Pakistani establishment.

"What sanctuaries you are talking about? If you want to live in the past, you cannot solve the present. Haqqani and the Taliban are not our friends. They are not our proxies. What Quetta Shura you are talking about? What Peshawar Shura?" the Pak Ambassador questioned to an amused Washington audience, who was witness to sharp debate between him and Khalilzad. The panel discussion had an abrupt end as the two exchanged words.

Tellis said while the safe havens continue to exist in Pakistan, a great deal of financial and personnel supply does come from Afghanistan. But there is no denying that the Taliban leadership are based in Pakistan, he said.

Tewari said it is time that Pakistan should introspect as to why the Afghan President Ashraf Ghani who went to Rawalpindi to meet the Pakistan Army Chief has turned against Pakistan. Ghani is actually constrained to say Pakistan is having an undeclared war with Afghanistan.

"Those are extremely strong statements coming from the head of state," he said.

During the question and answer session, a Afghan diplomat, Muhammad Asad, and an Afghan woman journalist Nazira Karimi of Ariana television joined the three other panelist to challenge Chaudhry's assertion about terrorist safe haven.

"Our allegation is evidence based," Asad said adding that while the carrot formula has not worked, it is time for the US to look the other way around. Karimi referred to the allegations of US lawmakers about continued terrorist safe havens in Pakistan, which he dismissed.

The Pakistan Ambassador said his country wants a peaceful, stable, sovereign and prosperous Afghanistan.

"Afghan soil should not be used against Pakistan. Other than that, we want to facilitate reconciliation. ..Just blaming Pakistan all the time will not help. What will help is recognise what Pakistan has done for Afghanistan," he said.

Chaudhry also accused India of being a part of a "double squeeze strategy".

Asserting that India has a "strategic" interest in Afghanistan, he alleged that this is part of the "double squeeze strategy" of New Delhi against Islamabad.

"India does have strategic interest in Afghanistan. It could be part of the double squeeze strategy against Pakistan. To that end an Afghanistan that is not stable would serve India's purpose and that's why India is opposing reconciliation with Taliban of any kind," Chaudhry told a Washington audience.

Participating in a panel discussion on "Regional Perspectives on the US Strategy in Afghanistan", at the Atlantic Council's South Asia Center, Chaudhry accused India of trying to be a "hegemonic" power in the region.


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Feb 12, 2014
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Pakistan dailies told by army not to report execution of 2 Chinese nationals
Updated: Jun 09, 2017 20:07 IST

Pakistanis looking for news about the killing of two Chinese nationals by the Islamic State in Balochistan were surprised when they didn’t find any mention of the development in the country’s leading newspapers on Friday morning.

The issue was apparently blacked out after editors and reporters of the country’s Urdu and English newspapers were told by the powerful security establishment late on Thursday not to carry any news on the killings.


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Feb 12, 2014
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Pakistan comes under severe pressure over killing of Chinese couple
Saibal Dasgupta| TNN | Updated: Jun 9, 2017, 10.03 PM IST

BEIJING: Even as Pakistan entered the Shanghai Cooperation Organization with Chinese assistance, Pakistani leaders came under tremendous pressure from China over the killing of two Chinese citizens. Beijing expressed grave concern over the killing.

"According to initial information from the Pakistani side, the two Chinese citizens kidnapped may have already unfortunately been killed," Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said, adding, "We are highly concerned". She also said China had "always been advising its citizens to not visit highly risky regions".

China has been pushing Pakistani authorities to rescue a Chinese teacher couple, who had been kidnapped in Balochistan province for more than two weeks.

The killing of the kidnapped teachers would be a sore point between the two countries because it exposed the inability of Pakistan's government to tackle terrorism in Balochistan, which is also the site where the ambitious Chinese-funded Gwadar port is located. It remains unclear if China's official warning to its citizens covered the Balochistan province.


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Feb 12, 2014
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Pakistan boasts about its history, but with a photo of Red Fort
BEIJING: History and politics meshed together at an event organised by the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation to welcome two new members, India and Pakistan. Both India and Pakistan claimed the legacy of Shah Jahan in exhibits put up at the event. Another SCO member, Kazakhstan, claimed legacy of Timur (Tamerlane), regarded as an ancestor of the Mughals. Senior officials from all eight SCO countries, including China, Russia and four Central Asian states, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, attended the event.

Presenting a picture of Delhi's Red Fort with the Indian flag fluttering above it, the Pakistani side claimed it was a fort in Shalamar Gardens in Lahore. "These are masterpieces from the time of the brilliant Mughal civilisation, which reached its height during the reign of Emperor Shah Jahan," it went on to say.

"In the partly unfinished building, Persian master builders experimented with architectural and structural solutions later used in the construction of Samarkand, the capital of Timurid Empire." Pakistan also exhibited a picture on the ruins of Moenjodaro.


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Feb 12, 2014
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Judge rejects taking bribe to release Axact CEO

ISLAMABAD: A single-member bench headed by Islamabad High Court (IHC) Justice Aamer Farooq will take up today a lower court judge’s plea challenging a show-cause notice by the high court over charges of misconduct.

Additional District and Sessions Judge Pervaizul Qadir Memon was recently suspended for allegedly taking Rs5 million as a bribe to favour the release of Axact CEO Shoaib Sheikh after quashing the case against him.

Axact earned over $200m selling bogus degrees

The case against Sheikh, accused of spearheading a worldwide fake degree scam, was quashed for want of evidence by the sessions judge in 2016.

Sources said Memon had accepted taking the bribe to favour the suspect in front of an IHC committee comprising judges and court officials. He was then sent a show-cause notice and given 14 days to reply to it.

However, Memon challenged the notice in a petition, which will be taken up today.

In May 2015, Axact had come under microscopic scrutiny when The New York Times’ investigative journalist Declan Walsh broke a scandal shining light on the company’s notorious business of selling fake degrees.

Following The New York Times report, Pakistani authorities had sprung to action. The Federal Investigation Agency and other law enforcement agencies had cracked down on Axact and closed its offices countrywide.

Despite the initial swift action, however, the case proceedings faced numerous delays and obstacles.

Four prosecutors, one after the other, dissociated themselves from the case for reasons unknown to this day.

Arrest in US sting operation confirms ties to Axact, Shoaib Sheikh

Barrister Zahid Jamil, a top investigator of the FIA, tried to pursue the case again but his house in Karachi was attacked with a hand grenade by ‘unknown assailants’.

Despite assurances by Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar that the case would be taken to its logical conclusion, evidence collection work in the courts remains halted since October 2015.

Sheikh is also out on bail in the other cases registered against him.


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Feb 12, 2014
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Bajwa’s plain talk on drones

DURING his visit to Corps Headquarters in Peshawar on Wednesday, Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa took stock of the security situation on western border, analysed threats and pondered over ways and means to respond effectively to the challenge. He sent positive signals across the Durand Line by reiterating oft-repeated position of Pakistan that it considers Afghanistan as a brotherly neighbour and calls terrorists as common enemy. :laugh::laugh:
However, the most important observation that the Army Chief made on the occasion was regarding drone strikes, which have resumed after assumption of power by the new US administration. Gen Bajwa has timely warned that such strikes were counter-productive and against the spirit of ongoing cooperation and intelligence sharing being undertaken by Pakistan. His comments came as Washington has indicated it would unveil a new policy for Afghanistan sometime in July, which would obviously have repercussions for Pakistan especially when the United States has been talking about activities of Haqqani network from Pakistani soil. Surge in US troops in Afghanistan and continuation of drone strikes inside Pakistan would mean there is going to be no peace in the region for the foreseeable future and the region would remain destabilised. Given the fact that Pakistan has achieved remarkable successes in its operation against terrorists and extremists, the United States should share intelligence with Pakistan and leave the matter of dealing with any potentially harmful activity to Pakistan Armed Forces. :pound::pound:As pointed out by the COAS, Pakistan is capable of taking effective measures if actionable intelligence is shared. We have been emphasising in these columns that elimination of the menace of terrorism requires cooperation among all stakeholders and it is beyond imagination to think that the threat can be overcome without cooperation of Pakistan. :pound::pound:

Islamabad has proven its sincerity and commitment to fight terror and therefore, there was no justification to trample the country’s sovereignty and thereby injuring feelings and self-respect of people of Pakistan. Continuation of drone strikes also creates problems for government and restricts its options in the face of hostile domestic environment.

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