North Korean nuclear crisis


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Nov 13, 2011
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North Korea Confirms It Conducted 3rd Nuclear Test

North Korea Confirms It Conducted 3rd Nuclear Test

Published: February 11, 2013

WASHINGTON — North Korea confirmed on Tuesday that it had conducted its third, long-threatened nuclear test, according to the official KCNA news service, posing a new challenge for the Obama administration in its effort to keep the country from becoming a full-fledged nuclear power.

The KCNA said it used a "miniaturized and lighter nuclear device with greater explosive force than previously" and that the test "did not pose any negative impact on the surrounding ecological environment."

Many nations initially detected the test as seismic activity centered near the same location where the North conducted tests in 2006 and 2009. The United States Geological Survey said it was only a kilometer underground, an indication consistent with a nuclear blast. And in Vienna, the organization that monitors the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty said that tremor had "clear explosionlike characteristics."

Preliminary estimates suggested a test far larger than the previous two conducted by the North, though probably less powerful than the first bomb the United States dropped on Japan, in Hiroshima, in 1945.
More here: Link (ny times)


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
Re: North Korea Confirms It Conducted 3rd Nuclear Test

Indeed world today feel proud and safe due to pakistan acts:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Last edited:


Jul 11, 2011
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Re: North Korea Confirms It Conducted 3rd Nuclear Test

Now India should know where to conduct next nuclear tests......


Maulana Rockullah
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Aug 12, 2009
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Re: North Korea Confirms It Conducted 3rd Nuclear Test

So here we have another TERRORIST NATION and FULLY SUPPORTED by China.

Pakis decided to get nukes even if they have to eat grass. But North Koreans decided to get ahead of Pakis and get nukes even if they have to eat their own kids.

Now US has one more headache since North Koreans would threaten to use Nukes if US didnt give it food supplies for free.

K Factor

A Concerned Indian
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
Re: North Korea Confirms It Conducted 3rd Nuclear Test

Isn't it obvious? Pakistan has been the largest proliferator of nuclear technology, starting from Libya, Syria to North Korea. But of course, US would ignore this because they still need to get supplies to troops in A-stan through.
India sees Pakistani hand in North Korea's nuclear test
By Indrani Bagchi & Sachin Parashar, TNN | Feb 13, 2013, 12.42 AM IST

NEW DELHI: India on Tuesday officially protested against the third nuclear test by North Korea which it sees as evidence of a clandestine proliferation network from Pakistan. Indian sources stressed that if the test was found to have been conducted with enriched uranium, it would confirm Pakistani "proliferation linkages".

Criticizing North Korea for violating international commitments, New Delhi asked Pyongyang "to refrain from such actions which adversely impact on peace and stability in the region". Sources said the test revealed significantly improved technical capabilities of the North Koreans, which in itself suggested heightened proliferation activities.

"If the speculation is correct that the test was carried out through enriched uranium, it would demonstrate cascading and clandestine proliferation linkages,'' a source said. After the test on Tuesday, North Korea also announced that its nuclear capabilities had diversified, fuelling more speculation that enriched uranium was used for the test.

KCNA, North Korea's official news agency, said, "It was confirmed that the nuclear test that was carried out at a high level in a safe and perfect manner using a miniaturized and lighter nuclear device with greater explosive force than previously did not pose any negative impact on the surrounding ecological environment."

South Korea recorded seismic activity compatible with a six-seven kiloton explosion. If this is confirmed, North Korea, officials said, could be well on its way to building a functional nuclear warhead, though its delivery systems may take a while to develop.

"When you talk about any nuclear test conducted by North Korea, the role of Pakistan can never be far behind,'' a source said.

Pakistan on Tuesday yet again blocked moves to facilitate negotiations for a Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) in the Conference on Disarmament. Official sources said both developments were inter-related.

Pakistan had transferred the technology for enriching uranium to weapon grade in exchange for the knowhow for missile development from the Communist dictatorship as part of a deal negotiated by Benazir Bhutto and Kim Jong-il.

Pakistan has prevented negotiations for FMCT citing asymmetry with India in its fissile material stockpile. In its nuclear tests of 2006 and 2009, North Korea used plutonium and it was only in 2010 that it was revealed that the country had a sophisticated uranium enrichment programme. The existence of North Korea's Yongbyon centrifuge plant used for enriching uranium became public in 2010, when Pyongyang allowed foreign experts to visit the facility.

Separately, the Indian assessment of the nuclear test is that it's a failure of Chinese foreign policy. The Pyongyang account has been the responsibility of Beijing, but China has failed to restrain North Korea both from going steadily down the nuclear path or persuading it to come to the negotiating table at the six-party talks.

The test puts Beijing in an unenviable position. It has already supported fresh sanctions by the UN Security Council, which has piled them on North Korea. Beijing could support further sanctions, or it could take unilateral action against Pyongyang. Both ways, it risks ruining ties with one of its closest allies.

Beijing-Pyongyang ties have been strained of late, In fact, last week, the Chinese government used the Global Times to warn North Korea. In an editorial, it said, "If North Korea insists on a third nuclear test despite attempts to dissuade it, it must pay a heavy price. The assistance it will be able to receive from China should be reduced. The Chinese government should make this clear beforehand to shatter any illusions Pyongyang may have."

The test prompted the UN Security Council to call for an emergency meeting later on Tuesday. It is also expected to figure in US President Barack Obama's State of the Union address.


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Re: North Korea Confirms It Conducted 3rd Nuclear Test

Thousands of N. Koreans celebrate nuclear test, more tests planned

"It's all ready. A fourth and fifth nuclear test and a rocket launch could be conducted soon, possibly this year," the source with direct access to the top levels of government in both Beijing and Pyongyang told Reuters. He added that the fourth nuclear test would have an equivalent of 10 kilotons of TNT, making it much larger than the previous test – the third since 2006.

North Korea has reportedly told its primary ally China that it could stage one, possibly two more nuclear tests this year. The report follows a massive, 100,000-strong rally in Pyongyang to celebrate a recent nuclear test.

The tests, which could be accompanied by another rocket launch, are intended to push the United States into nuclear talks with Pyongyang.

Troops and civilians alike flooded into Pyongyang's Kim Il-sung central square on Thursday to celebrate the country's latest launch, Korean News Agency (KCNA) reported on Friday.

High-ranking government officials spoke at the rally, extolling praise for Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un for the "brilliant fruition of the extraordinary decision," KCNA wrote, adding that "it serves as a striking demonstration of the might of a scientific and technological power and a military power capable of manufacturing any strike."

Pyongyang's third nuclear test drew immediate condemnation from the UN, which introduced a new set of sanctions against the rogue nation in January.

Fueling fears over North Korea's nuclear weapons ambitions, US experts reported on Thursday that Pyongyang was upgrading one of its two rocket launch sites. Analysts from the US-Korea Institute at the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Baltimore said "important progress" had been made at the Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground since last October.

The Institute revealed that based on satellite imagery, the modifications would allow North Korea to test rockets "perhaps three to four times the size of the Unha [launched in December 2012] when construction is completed, possibly in 2016."

"That activity may be related to another round of modifications intended to support future launches of the Unha rocket or possibly another liquid-fuelled missile," the Institute wrote on its website.

The report also hinted that North Korea may be receiving aid from Iran, as the Korean site resembles the Semnan Launch Complex in Iran

Thousands of N. Koreans celebrate nuclear test, more tests planned (PHOTOS) — RT

Question for you Fellas had your Breakfast


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
North Korea threatens South with final destruction | Reuters
North Korea threatened South Korea with "final destruction" during a debate at the United Nations Conference on Disarmament on Tuesday, saying it could take further steps after a nuclear test last week.

"As the saying goes, a new-born puppy knows no fear of a tiger. South Korea's erratic behavior would only herald its final destruction," North Korean diplomat Jon Yong Ryong told the meeting.

Jon's comments drew quick criticism from other nations, including South Korea, France, Germany and Britain, whose ambassador Joanne Adamson said such language was "completely inappropriate" and the discussion with North Korea was heading in the wrong direction.
Pathetic response from Europeans.


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
Re: North Korea Confirms It Conducted 3rd Nuclear Test

Spy agencies scrounge for details on North Korean nuclear test

Certain excerpts.
U.S. and allied spy agencies have found no traces of nuclear-related particles from North Korea's February 12 nuclear bomb test, leaving unresolved basic questions about the device's design, according to officials in the United States, Europe and South Korea.

This lack of scientific evidence suggests that key questions may remain unanswered about the type of fissile material used in the test, which was detected by seismic sensors. It also leaves unaddressed questions about how far the North has advanced in its bomb design.

Based on seismic evidence, both officials and private experts say there is little doubt that the North Korean device was several times more powerful than those tested in 2006 and 2009.


Oct 16, 2010
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Re: North Korea Confirms It Conducted 3rd Nuclear Test

How are the Ruler's relations with the Army in NK?
There are media reports that living conditions inside the country have gone downhill. I don't think we should put hopes in negotiations any more.
Either China or the International community have to box this NK government and dismantle the nuke program.
The communication gap between NK and the world has only added to the trust deficit.
To the contrary GOI delegates in 98 were running across the world to communicate and explain the Indian side of the story.



Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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North Korea warns US to cancel South Korea drills

N. Korea denounces upcoming military exercises in S. Korea in message to U.S. commander

North Korea said Saturday it sent a message to the top American military commander in South Korea, warning that upcoming joint military exercises between South Korea and the U.S. would amount to "igniting a war" on the divided Korean Peninsula.

Pak Rim-su, the North Korean military's representative at the truce village of Panmunjom, sent the telephone message to Gen. James Thurman, the commander of U.S. Forces Korea, saying the peninsula is facing "a grave situation where a war may break out any moment," according to the North's official Korean Central News Agency.

"If your side ignites a war of aggression by staging the reckless joint military exercises Key Resolve and Foal Eagle again under the cover of 'defensive and annual ones' at this dangerous time, from that moment your fate will be hung by a thread with every hour," said the message in English.

"You had better bear in mind that those igniting a war are destined to meet a miserable destruction while a great victory is in store for the guardians of justice," it said, according to the KCNA.

Pak also accused "the U.S. and its allied forces" of attempting to "isolate and stifle" the North, "taking issue with its just satellite launch and underground nuclear test for protecting its sovereignty," according to the KCNA.

Pyongyang conducted a long-range rocket launch in December and its third nuclear test earlier this month in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions, sparking widespread international condemnations.

North Korea has issued such harsh rhetoric ahead of military exercises in South Korea, denouncing them as a rehearsal for an invasion of the communist nation. Seoul and Washington have repeatedly said the drills are purely defensive in nature.

South Korea and the U.S. plan to hold two sets of military drills next month.

The Key Resolve drills, set for March 11-25, are largely computer-simulated maneuvers aimed at improving combat capabilities to deter threats from the North. The exercises will also involve about 10,000 South Korean and 3,500 American troops to test various scenarios.

Foal Eagle exercises, planned for March 1 to April 30, are a field tactical training that will mobilize about 200,000 Korean and 10,000 American troops, mostly from overseas, and include a set of land, sea and air maneuvers.

(LEAD) N. Korea denounces upcoming military exercises in S. Korea in message to U.S. commander | YONHAP NEWS

This is how Nuclear Speaks :yuno: :yuno: Obama


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Re: North Korea warns US to cancel South Korea drills

Has there ever been a regime as insane over so may years as the communists of North Korea?

China must be so proud of its little client.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Re: North Korea warns US to cancel South Korea drills

Has there ever been a regime as insane over so may years as the communists of North Korea?

China must be so proud of its little client.
I believe that NK has full backing of China behind all these drama... All should unite against this rouge country...


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Re: North Korea warns US to cancel South Korea drills

I believe that NK has full backing of China behind all these drama... All should unite against this rogue country...

The only way the clown stays in power is by starving and terrorizing the people of DPRK. God should strike him dead.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Re: North Korea warns US to cancel South Korea drills

The only way the clown stays in power is by starving and terrorizing the people of DPRK. God should strike him dead.
How fake it looks to the outside world !! still these animals want to hold on to power all at the expense of common people... the common people are starving in NK.


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
Re: North Korea warns US to cancel South Korea drills

What's interesting about N. Korea is that their population is around 25 Million people and half of them are in the military as reserves.

The rest are women and children. :p

ice berg

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2011
Re: North Korea Confirms It Conducted 3rd Nuclear Test

There is not much China can do short of an invasion. So far China is unwilling to do that.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Re: North Korea warns US to cancel South Korea drills

North Korea warns US commander of 'miserable destruction' over military drills

North Korea warned the top American commander in South Korea on Saturday of "miserable destruction" if the U.S. military presses ahead with routine joint drills with South Korea set to begin next month.

Pak Rim Su, chief of North Korea's military delegation to the truce village of Panmunjom inside the Demilitarized Zone, sent the warning Saturday morning to Gen. James Thurman, Pyongyang's official Korean Central News Agency said, in a rare direct message to the U.S. commander.

South Korea and the U.S. regularly conduct joint drills such as the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises slated to take place next month.

North Korea calls the drills proof of U.S. hostility, and accuses Washington of practicing for an invasion.

"You had better bear in mind that those igniting a war are destined to meet a miserable destruction," KCNA quoted Pak as saying in his message to Thurman. He called the drills "reckless."

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, meanwhile, has been making a round of visits to military units guiding troops in drills and exercises since the nuclear test, KCNA said.

The threat comes as the U.S. and other nations discuss how to punish North Korea for conducting an underground nuclear test on Feb. 12 in defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions banning Pyongyang from nuclear and missile activity.

North Korea has characterized the nuclear test, its third since 2006, as a defensive act against U.S. aggression.

Pyongyang accuses Washington of "hostility" for leading the charge to punish North Korea for a December rocket launch that the U.S. considers a covert missile test.

The U.S. and North Korea fought on opposite sides of the three-year Korean War, which ended in a truce in 1953, not a peace treaty, and left the Korean Peninsula divided by a heavily fortified border monitored by the U.S.-led U.N. Command.

Washington also stations 28,500 American troops in South Korea to protect its ally against North Korean aggression.

I know US not going to play games with South Korea after this deadly warning


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Re: North Korea warns US to cancel South Korea drills

N. Korea warns U.S. is within range of strategic rockets, nukes

North Korea warned Wednesday that the United States is now within the range of its strategic rockets and atomic weapons, and stressed it is now a country that can protect itself from foreign aggression.

An article carried by Uriminzokkiri, North Korea's propaganda Web site :hihi:, said that the U.S. should not think it is safe because it is on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

The report, monitored in Seoul, said that if Washington persists in trying to suffocate North Korea with hostile policies, the North Korean military and its people will erase the country from the face of the earth.

The online media outlet did not elaborate on what constituted hostile measures, but Pyongyang has been claiming that any move to tighten sanctions will be viewed as an act of war. The United States along with South Korea and Japan are moving to get the U.N. Security Council to condemn the communist country's Feb. 12 nuclear test and penalize it for defying the wishes of the international community. The country already received flak for launching the Unha-3 rocket in December, which many experts speculated had the capability to send a warhead to the United States.

Before the latest nuclear test, which Seoul thinks resulted in a 6-7 kiloton yield, the isolationist country detonated two smaller yield fission devices in 2006 and 2009. A kiloton is equivalent to 1,000 tons of conventional explosives.

Uriminzokkiri also said that the United States, instead of learning from its defeat in the Korean War (1950-53), has stepped up efforts to invade the North. It said that Washington and its followers should realize the capability of the North to deal a decisive blow to its enemies and refrain from further provocations.

The latest report comes as Pyongyang has been claiming for some time that it has the means to strike back at the United States. The country changed its constitution last year to announce it was a nuclear power, although the international community has yet to acknowledge the status officially. North Korea has been consistently asked to abide by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and rules set by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

N. Korea warns U.S. is within range of strategic rockets, nukes | YONHAP NEWS

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