LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
India Today magazine cover goes viral in China, triggers Photoshop battle

The covers of the India Today magazine have always been iconic, ingenious and often controversial.

The cover of the July 31 issue of the India Today magazine has gone viral on Chinese social media platform Wiebo, the country's substitute for Twitter, and the Chinese are not pleased with the cover.

The latest issue of the India Today magazine has the map of China, in red, in the shape of a big chicken and a smaller chick -- Pakistan, in green -- by its side, along with captions that read "China's new chick" and "How China is buying out Pakistan with massive new investments and why India needs to worry", below it.

The Chinese are fuming seeing the cover. Their main contention is that the map on the cover doesn't show Tibet and Taiwan as its part. In retaliation, there are op-eds, sharply criticising the magazine and India as a whole, being written on Chinese newspapers, and Chinese social media users Photoshopping their answers on to India Today magazine covers.

All this while there is a tense standoff between the Indian and Chinese troops at Doklam.

Meanwhile, the India Today magazine cover on China and Pakistan's growing friendship has been selected as the 'The Cover of the Day' by The Society of Publication Designers (SPD), New York. Ashish Bagga, Group CEO, India Today Group, said, "Getting featured in SPD, New York, reflects on India Today's commitment to set international standards in journalism. Powerful take on pertinent issues is the hallmark of impactful reportage and insights. For India Today, we are happy that we have serviced the Thinking Indian well."

An article on China's Global Times said, "Such hysterical geopolitical imagination is nothing new. What is new, however, is the erroneous exclusion of Tibet and Taiwan from Chinese territory."

It also said, "China and India are currently locked in a border standoff. Some Indian elites understandably hate China and want to carve away Tibet and Taiwan. But they know this is an impossibility, so they are reduced to drawing an illustration. It is more ludicrous when the magazine proudly proclaimed that the cover was selected as the "The Cover of the Day" by the Society of Publication Designers, New York."

A report in the South China Morning Post read, "But Chinese netizens griped over the exclusion of Taiwan and Tibet from China's map. The Chinese government claims sovereignty over both places, considering Taiwan a renegade province and Tibet an autonomous region, but there are long-standing political tensions over the government's control of these areas."

The Taiwan News, a Taiwanese news outlet, however, welcomed India Today's cover. A report said, "In a bizarre reversal of fortune, instead of the usual erroneous inclusion of Taiwan in a map of China, the cover of the latest issue of the magazine India Today, not only excludes Taiwan from Chinese territory, but it also carved away Tibet from its posterior, while a tiny green chick in the shape of Pakistan stands behind it."

The outlet also included comments of Taiwanese netizens, who were glad to see the new map. Sample these:

"This is the correct version of the map."

"India has finally done a positive thing that the world can look up to."

"China really gets worked up if there's no Taiwan."

"Come and eat Indian curry today."

"That's a good cover, why not buy one?"


What can you expect from these illiterate losers. One must see them posting on various forums and debate portals. No one make any sense at all. At PDF they are owned by Indian posters on every topic even being given free hand to abuse and backed by hounds of Pakistanis.


Tihar Jail
Dec 1, 2016
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India Today magazine cover goes viral in China, triggers Photoshop battle

The covers of the India Today magazine have always been iconic, ingenious and often controversial.

The cover of the July 31 issue of the India Today magazine has gone viral on Chinese social media platform Wiebo, the country's substitute for Twitter, and the Chinese are not pleased with the cover.

The latest issue of the India Today magazine has the map of China, in red, in the shape of a big chicken and a smaller chick -- Pakistan, in green -- by its side, along with captions that read "China's new chick" and "How China is buying out Pakistan with massive new investments and why India needs to worry", below it.

The Chinese are fuming seeing the cover. Their main contention is that the map on the cover doesn't show Tibet and Taiwan as its part. In retaliation, there are op-eds, sharply criticising the magazine and India as a whole, being written on Chinese newspapers, and Chinese social media users Photoshopping their answers on to India Today magazine covers.

All this while there is a tense standoff between the Indian and Chinese troops at Doklam.

Meanwhile, the India Today magazine cover on China and Pakistan's growing friendship has been selected as the 'The Cover of the Day' by The Society of Publication Designers (SPD), New York. Ashish Bagga, Group CEO, India Today Group, said, "Getting featured in SPD, New York, reflects on India Today's commitment to set international standards in journalism. Powerful take on pertinent issues is the hallmark of impactful reportage and insights. For India Today, we are happy that we have serviced the Thinking Indian well."

An article on China's Global Times said, "Such hysterical geopolitical imagination is nothing new. What is new, however, is the erroneous exclusion of Tibet and Taiwan from Chinese territory."

It also said, "China and India are currently locked in a border standoff. Some Indian elites understandably hate China and want to carve away Tibet and Taiwan. But they know this is an impossibility, so they are reduced to drawing an illustration. It is more ludicrous when the magazine proudly proclaimed that the cover was selected as the "The Cover of the Day" by the Society of Publication Designers, New York."

A report in the South China Morning Post read, "But Chinese netizens griped over the exclusion of Taiwan and Tibet from China's map. The Chinese government claims sovereignty over both places, considering Taiwan a renegade province and Tibet an autonomous region, but there are long-standing political tensions over the government's control of these areas."

The Taiwan News, a Taiwanese news outlet, however, welcomed India Today's cover. A report said, "In a bizarre reversal of fortune, instead of the usual erroneous inclusion of Taiwan in a map of China, the cover of the latest issue of the magazine India Today, not only excludes Taiwan from Chinese territory, but it also carved away Tibet from its posterior, while a tiny green chick in the shape of Pakistan stands behind it."

The outlet also included comments of Taiwanese netizens, who were glad to see the new map. Sample these:

"This is the correct version of the map."

"India has finally done a positive thing that the world can look up to."

"China really gets worked up if there's no Taiwan."

"Come and eat Indian curry today."

"That's a good cover, why not buy one?"



Why would Taiwan paper praise exclusion of Tibet? Doesn't Taiwan claim all of China and Tibet itself?
Are they content with being separate from PRC and willing to let go their claim on China?


Senior Member
May 21, 2016
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India Today magazine cover goes viral in China, triggers Photoshop battle

The covers of the India Today magazine have always been iconic, ingenious and often controversial.

The cover of the July 31 issue of the India Today magazine has gone viral on Chinese social media platform Wiebo, the country's substitute for Twitter, and the Chinese are not pleased with the cover.

The latest issue of the India Today magazine has the map of China, in red, in the shape of a big chicken and a smaller chick -- Pakistan, in green -- by its side, along with captions that read "China's new chick" and "How China is buying out Pakistan with massive new investments and why India needs to worry", below it.

The Chinese are fuming seeing the cover. Their main contention is that the map on the cover doesn't show Tibet and Taiwan as its part. In retaliation, there are op-eds, sharply criticising the magazine and India as a whole, being written on Chinese newspapers, and Chinese social media users Photoshopping their answers on to India Today magazine covers.

All this while there is a tense standoff between the Indian and Chinese troops at Doklam.

Meanwhile, the India Today magazine cover on China and Pakistan's growing friendship has been selected as the 'The Cover of the Day' by The Society of Publication Designers (SPD), New York. Ashish Bagga, Group CEO, India Today Group, said, "Getting featured in SPD, New York, reflects on India Today's commitment to set international standards in journalism. Powerful take on pertinent issues is the hallmark of impactful reportage and insights. For India Today, we are happy that we have serviced the Thinking Indian well."

An article on China's Global Times said, "Such hysterical geopolitical imagination is nothing new. What is new, however, is the erroneous exclusion of Tibet and Taiwan from Chinese territory."

It also said, "China and India are currently locked in a border standoff. Some Indian elites understandably hate China and want to carve away Tibet and Taiwan. But they know this is an impossibility, so they are reduced to drawing an illustration. It is more ludicrous when the magazine proudly proclaimed that the cover was selected as the "The Cover of the Day" by the Society of Publication Designers, New York."

A report in the South China Morning Post read, "But Chinese netizens griped over the exclusion of Taiwan and Tibet from China's map. The Chinese government claims sovereignty over both places, considering Taiwan a renegade province and Tibet an autonomous region, but there are long-standing political tensions over the government's control of these areas."

The Taiwan News, a Taiwanese news outlet, however, welcomed India Today's cover. A report said, "In a bizarre reversal of fortune, instead of the usual erroneous inclusion of Taiwan in a map of China, the cover of the latest issue of the magazine India Today, not only excludes Taiwan from Chinese territory, but it also carved away Tibet from its posterior, while a tiny green chick in the shape of Pakistan stands behind it."

The outlet also included comments of Taiwanese netizens, who were glad to see the new map. Sample these:

"This is the correct version of the map."

"India has finally done a positive thing that the world can look up to."

"China really gets worked up if there's no Taiwan."

"Come and eat Indian curry today."

"That's a good cover, why not buy one?"



LOL which sort of pussies are the chinese? I mean Porkies used to fap on random photoshopped 'Gazwa-e-Hind Maps' but it seems this retard virus has spread to Emperor Eleven's Empire,too.
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Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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This is related here, as this may affect things in LAC too.
But opinions please.

Confirmed news.


North Korea apparently fires missile: Japan's NHK

TOKYO (Reuters) - North Korea fired a projectile that appeared to be a missile shortly before midnight Japan time (1500 GMT) on Friday, Japan's public broadcaster NHK said, citing government officials.

The apparent missile may have landed in Japan's exclusive economic zone, NHK said.

Writing by William Mallard; Editing by Hugh Lawson

North Korea fired a missile that may have landed off the coast of Japan

North Korea fired a missile that may have landed within 230 miles of Japan's coast, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said.

North Korea fired a projectile that appeared to be a missile shortly before midnight Japan time on Friday, Japan's public broadcaster NHK said, citing government officials. Abe is convening an emergency meeting of officials, Reuters reported.

The Pentagon says it has detected what it assesses was a ballistic missile launch from North Korea, which may have landed in Japan's economic exclusive zone.

Japan's chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga is expected to brief media shortly.


Regular Member
Oct 7, 2016
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But why? Why does one hate one's own country? One's own religion? Why? I can't simply grasp it.
Sir, it is the same psyche as the whole of Pakistan.

After long, long years of subjugation and slavery, the personality starts hating itself, everything about itself, its past, its present, its existence, and wants annihilation.

There's something suicidally destructive about Communism - they want ruin of themselves and their people, because their brains are damaged beyond repair after years of abuse passed down through the DNA.


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2013
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Give Nifty, take Doklam! Stellar show of Indian stocks leaves Chinese green in envy

Amit Mudgill

, ETMarkets.com|

Updated: Jul 28, 2017, 04.43 PM IST

The IMF recently said that India would stay ahead of China in terms of growth in 2017 and 2018.

NEW DELHI: The Nifty50 is the source of a bigger grudge for the Chinese than Doklam, or so it seems!

More than a month into the eyeball-to-eyeball standoff between the two armies, Chinese media is suddenly talking a lot about the impressive 20 per cent year-to-date surge in India’s Nifty index, which has just zipped past the 10,000 mark.

Chinese people on social media are talking more grudgingly about the Nifty’s stellar show this year than the tense war of words between the two nuclear powers over Doklam, a narrow plateau lying in the tri-junction region of Bhutan, India and China. It is a disputed territory claimed by both Bhutan and China and India and China are engaged in a tense standoff in this dispute.

The People's Daily newspaper on July 26 cited intensive discussions on Chinese social media as to why China’s A-share market has not been able to perform as well as its neighbour’s equity market.

A-share stocks of mainland China-based companies are traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. These shares are quoted in the renminbi and can only be traded by either Chinese or investors under the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) and the Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (RQFII) rules.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange’s A-share index is up just 5 per cent so far this year, which pales in comparison with the 22 per cent surge in India’s 50-stock benchmark. This happened despite the MSCI decision to add mainland China-A largecap stocks in the MSCI Emerging Market index.

An article in China’s Global Times noted that stock market is a mirror of an economy, and thus, the divergent stock market performances in China and India actually reflect the different focuses of the two economies in the years to come. It said gains by the Indian benchmarks left the Chinese mainland stock markets in the dust.

In May this year, Moody’s Investors Service downgraded China’s credit ratings for the first time in nearly 30 years. It cut China’s long-term local and foreign currency issuer ratings by one-notch to A1 from Aa3.

(Source: IMF)

Acknowledging dramatic changes since 2014, the daily noted that turmoil in China’s A-share market spooked investors in 2015, even as the government stressed on tightening financial regulations to prevent risks and deleveraging and eliminate bubbles.

In 2015, in order to halt a plunge in Chinese stocks, Beijing’s securities markets regulator had ordered shareholders with more than 5 per cent holdings from selling shares for six months.

The Chinese authorities have also taken steps to bring stability in the domestic stock market. In January this year, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) restricted insurers from investing no more than 5 per cent of total assets at the end of the previous quarter in a single stock.

Taking a positive view of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘aggressive’ approach on policy reforms, the daily noted that encouraged by the implementation of demonetisation and the goods and services tax, besides easing of foreign direct investment regulations, foreign portfolio investors have begun to warm up to Indian stocks.

“Expectations of an interest rate cut (by the Reserve Bank of India) and robust economic growth have also enhanced investor confidence in Indian equities,” it noted.

The IMF recently said that India would stay ahead of China in terms of growth in 2017 and 2018 with GDP growth of 7.2 per cent in 2017-18 and 7.7 per cent in 2018-19 compared with China’s 6.7 per cent in 2017 and 6.4 per cent in 2018.

The Global Times article talked about need for restoration of confidence in China’s stock markets and prevention and reduction of systemic risk in the system.



Regular Member
Sep 15, 2016
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Regular Member
Jan 12, 2017
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Chinese social media users fume over Indian magazine’s omission of Tibet and Taiwan from ‘map’
3 minutes

Chinese social media users were angered by an Indian magazine cover showing a map of China without Tibet or Taiwan, heightening the tension between the regional powers amid a protracted border dispute.The revised map of China on the cover of the July 31 issue of India Today sparked patriotic backlash from China’s online users, many of whom used strong language to denounce both the magazine and India as a whole.

To illustrate its cover story, “China’s New Chick”, about growing Chinese investments in Pakistan and the resulting concern for India, the magazine used a map of China shaped as a large chicken and Pakistan as a smaller chick.

Each map had the respective country’s flag on it.

But Chinese netizens griped over the exclusion of Taiwan and Tibet from China’s map. The Chinese government claims sovereignty over both places, considering Taiwan a renegade province and Tibet an autonomous region, but there are long-standing political tensions over the government’s control of these areas.

“No one wants to read your bad magazine,” one Shanghai-based user wrote.

“Tibet is a part of China. India can’t just change this with one small action,” another commenter said.

“India will never be a strong country because people in its country do such immature things,” a Guangzhou-based commenter wrote.

“No one wants to read your bad magazine,” one Shanghai-based user wrote.

“Tibet is a part of China. India can’t just change this with one small action,” another commenter said.

“India will never be a strong country because people in its country do such immature things,” a Guangzhou-based commenter wrote.

Tensions between the two Asian rivals have been described as “the worst in 30 years”. India’s national security adviser arrived in Beijing on Wednesday for a meeting during which representatives from both countries are expected to address the military standoff along the border.

While India Today did not address the political sensitivities of its cover, it said in a press release on its website that its cover photos and illustrations have “consistently pushed the boundaries of creativity and never disappointed its readers”.
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