Kashmir has no desire to become another Kabul


Oct 8, 2009
This article was published in Al Arabiya. This is like the Al Jazeera of Saudi Arabia. I was surprised to see such an article on a Saudi news site.

Ravi Shankar: Kashmir has no desire to become another Kabul

Last year, many young boys died in a cynical version of a Kashmiri intifada. They died at the hands of the Kashmir police, falling to rubber bullets at close range, some in police firings. But they were all murdered by one man: Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the paterfamilias of terror in the Valley.

As he realizes that a life spent fighting the Indian state is coming to a close—Geelani is 82 years old—he may have misread the Kashmir gestalt. Having based his politics on the Kashmiri Muslim platform for decades with generous Pakistani patronage, he is stubbornly resisting the idea that the Kashmiri can be a Global Muslim. Just like the Pakistani establishment thinks that the Global Muslim is not Benazir Bhutto, Salman Haider or Moni Mohsin, but someone like Hafeez Saeed or Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Osama wanted the Global Muslim to be a faceless, illiterate, unwashed trigger-happy man who sends children strapped with explosives out to blow up Pakistani soldiers—just like Geelani used to send the children of Kashmir with stones to be thrown at the army and the police.

Geelani, in his dotage, maybe has a prescience that his dream is crumbling. So he held a prayer meeting in Kashmir for Obama. "By killing him the fight will not end, but thousands of Osamas would appear within the US and Britain," Geelani said on May 3, the day after US Special Forces killed Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. "As long as disputes such as Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan and Iraq were unresolved, resistance would continue." The Hurriyat mobilized its cadres, but the ordinary Kashmiri stayed at home.

Last week he accused his old enemy—the Indian Army—for raping Kashmiri women. It failed to get any response from ordinary Kashmiris.

This week, he decided to flout India and charged off to meet the Pakistani foodie-turned-foreign minister, Hina Rabbani Khar. Returning to Srinagar, he was put under house arrest. The Kashmiri on the street decided to get on with his life: shopping, eating, sleeping, sending children to school, making love, drinking coffee as Geelani fumed helplessly.

The ordinary Kashmir, it seems, is sick of Geelani. He wants jobs—the hated J&K police was hiring a few months ago, and hundreds turned up to apply; many of them were part of the former intifada.

So what has changed in a year?

Last year, this was a man so powerful that whenever he called for a shut down, Kashmir came to a standstill. He even had a calendar named after him—the Geelani Calendar—that marked protest days for the year. Shops shut; traffic on the streets vanished; schools were closed. The inexperienced Omar Abdullah tried to buy peace, but that wasn't something Geelani understood.

Geelani's peace was peace dictated by Pakistan for Kashmir. An Islamic Kashmir. Khar wasn't having any of it—she loves Robert Cavalli more than Osama. Privately, so does General Kayani.

Geelani has no clue that the ordinary Kashmiri hates Pakistan. In a recent intercept aired on Indian television, two jihadis trying to cross into Kashmir last week were being instructed by their handler who spoke in Punjabi: "Kill any Kashmiri who crosses your path. They need to be taught a lesson."

Geelani, sadly needs one, too. Kashmir has had enough of violence; enough of shops shut for months; school buses stoned by his supporters, injuring small children. For him, the jihad will never end.

Last year, immediately after his movement was broken, Geelani was sitting on the green lawn in his courtyard, warmed by the balmy winter sun. He looked frail and gentle, the friendly neighborhood grandfather. We spoke at length. To understand Geelani, it is important to understand his defeat and not his early victories. Below, read some unpublished excerpts from the interview:

Q: Your demand for Azaadi, what does it mean?"¨

A: Complete independence for Kashmir."¨

Q: Does that include POK also?"¨

A: It is part of Kashmir. I mean the whole of Kashmir"¨

Q: You have expressed the opinion that India and Pakistan should sit together to solve the Kashmir issue. Why Pakistan? You have a reputation of being pro-Pakistan."¨

A: All three are involved parties. You cannot have a dialogue on Kashmir without Pakistan."¨

Q: But the majority of Indian Muslims do not favor an independent Kashmir."¨

A: It was the choice of the majority of Indian Muslims to stay behind in a secular India. But that doesn't mean the interests of Kashmiri Muslims should be held hostage by the rest."¨

The last sentence is the key to understanding Kashmir. The ordinary Kashmir doesn't like India. It's obvious on the streets, in restaurants, in conversation. But they don't also like Pakistan.

Geelani's violent politics has made Kashmiris not like themselves much either.

Kashmir is a state of mind. In its tranquil chinar glades through which silver brooks skip along on stones and pebbles, a restless peace waits for its moment. It is waiting for Kashmir to rediscover itself. Srinagar has no desire to become another Kabul.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
The ordinary Kashmiri the author speaks of has a strange way indeed of showing that he/she "don't like Pakistan"
-Quami tarana as mobile phone ring tone
-Waving Pakistan flag during the recent WC semi-final
-Cheering Pakistan during the same game and descending into desolation and despair when Pakistan lost
-Celebrating 14th August as Youm-e-azadi
-Often found screaming Kashmir banega Pakistan during meaningless protests.

Srinagaris may not have a desire to become another Kabul, but a desire to become another Islamabad or Lahore? Ye bet yer bollocks many of them bellwhiffs bleeding do.


DFI Buddha
Senior Member
Aug 21, 2010
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The real questions should be.

Q1. If this is complete freedom struggle why is there no stone pelting and cry for freedom in PoK?

Q2. Why is there no voice against Pakistan gifting part of Kashmir(Akshi Chin) to China?

Q3. If this is struggle for Independence from India, just like India wanted independence from Britain, then how come you elect your leaders, which was not possible under the British?

Q4. Why do you ask freedom for Jammu and Ladkah when they clearly vote for Indian Union?

Q5. Freedom from what? Freedom from Oppression, lack of democracy, lack of secularism or your struggle is just freedom from secularism, democracy and oppressing Hindus?


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
The real questions should be.
Let me try and answer with the mindset of a Porki-Kashmiri

Q1. If this is complete freedom struggle why is there no stone pelting and cry for freedom in PoK?
They are azaad and have no grievances with their muslim brethren. Once the valley gains freedom from evil Indian rule the two divided brothers will embrace each other for eternity.

Q2. Why is there no voice against Pakistan gifting part of Kashmir(Akshi Chin) to China?
Those regions were never part of Kashmir but were falsely claimed by the evil Hindu Dogra dictator of Kashmir. Those regions rightfully belong to our taller-than-molehill friend.

Q3. If this is struggle for Independence from India, just like India wanted independence from Britain, then how come you elect your leaders, which was not possible under the British?
This is a struggle for "self-determination".

Q4. Why do you ask freedom for Jammu and Ladkah when they clearly vote for Indian Union?
That does not matter and is irrelevant. What matters is the opinion of the majority and since Muslims form the majority of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, they will naturally opt for Pakistan. Anyway who cares what kaafir think

Q5. Freedom from what? Freedom from Oppression, lack of democracy, lack of secularism or your struggle is just freedom from secularism, democracy and oppressing Hindus?
Freedom to establish a daar-ul-islam and sharia. Indian secularism is not compatible with these concepts


I am not making these up. This is a near accurate representation of what has been said by many Porkis, Kashmiris, their tosspot leaders and so-called intellectuals.

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
The ordinary Kashmiri the author speaks of has a strange way indeed of showing that he/she "don't like Pakistan"
-Quami tarana as mobile phone ring tone
-Waving Pakistan flag during the recent WC semi-final
-Cheering Pakistan during the same game and descending into desolation and despair when Pakistan lost
-Celebrating 14th August as Youm-e-azadi
-Often found screaming Kashmir banega Pakistan during meaningless protests.

Srinagaris may not have a desire to become another Kabul, but a desire to become another Islamabad or Lahore? Ye bet yer bollocks many of them bellwhiffs bleeding do.
Obviously geelani's propaganda has rubbed on some people. But not for the majority...like you i also personally know kashmiris and they dont have paki ringtones. Infact i went with one to India-pak match in delhi and he was cheering for India.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Obviously geelani's propaganda has rubbed on some people. But not for the majority...like you i also personally know kashmiris and they dont have paki ringtones. Infact i went with one to India-pak match in delhi and he was cheering for India.
Difficult to say who's in majority. It's possible that the pro-Pakistani elements find inordinate time and coverage in media and thus, the impression that they represent most valley waalas. My personal interactions with many over a substantial period of time have failed to dispel this. But as you say you have had a very different experience. Some recent polls also provide some insights.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Mayfair, I didn't answer a similar post from you in another thread.

Mate, elections have proved how many people now want to be part of India. Numerous polls have showed that though they would like "Azadi", they would prefer to be with India than Pakistan. The percentage of those who want to join pak is very very little. Kashmir banega Pakistan was I think a Geelani coined.

The whole Kashmir movement has been hijacked by Pak. When it says they are fighting for the rights of Kashmiris, it actually means we want the entire land for ourselves. No freedom or anything. Typical hypocritical policy.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Mayfair, I didn't answer a similar post from you in another thread.

Mate, elections have proved how many people now want to be part of India. Numerous polls have showed that though they would like "Azadi", they would prefer to be with India than Pakistan. The percentage of those who want to join pak is very very little. Kashmir banega Pakistan was I think a Geelani coined.

The whole Kashmir movement has been hijacked by Pak. When it says they are fighting for the rights of Kashmiris, it actually means we want the entire land for ourselves. No freedom or anything. Typical hypocritical policy.
I have a lot of respect for your posts Yusuf and I can understand what you are saying here. Indeed if many of them participated in the elections it shows some modicum of faith in democracy. But is it entirely Indian democracy? Not very sure of that. Otherwise what is the rationale for someone like Mufti Mohammed Sayeed calling for allowing Pakistani Rupee as legal tender in the valley?
Why have the political leaders allowed the movement to be hijacked by Pakistan so much so that even Omar Abdullah says that Pakistan must talk to mainstream leaders?
It is obvious that they are adressing the sentiments of their constituents. I can cite numerous news reports to this effect.

Elections were held not just in the valley but in Jammu and Ladakh as well, where it's well known that the inhabitants are hostile to any concept of anti-Indianism.

I am not saying that all valley denizens are anti-India-pro-Pakistan. But if many of them are not, then they sure have a very strange way of showing so or they are scared of openly expressing their views since the pro-Pak/anti-India lobby is more vocal and strong.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
Country flag
Omar talks about involving Pakistan because it is the root cause of the problem. They have to stop sponsoring terror and other staged protests/violence in Kashmir.

Pakistan has to be made to realize that it no longer enjoys any large scale support and people have understood it's ulterior motives. The plight of the people in PoK is known to all. They rather stay with India and all the state protection they get vide 370 than go to Pakistan which has followed a policy of dilution of local population in Kashmir they hold. They know where their bright future lies and it's not Pakistan.

Look at the number of Kasmiris who apply for state jobs especially the police. This is what any ordinary man wants. Jobs, homes, good life. Not terror.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
If one feels that in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, they are enamoured by Pakistan: think again.

Elections in Pakistani colony – Azad Kashmir

by Dr Shabir Choudhry

In a parliamentary form of government a party that gets majority forms the next government; and the party leader becomes a Prime Minister. This happens in every democratic and civilised country. However, rules in a Pakistani occupied territory known as Azad Kashmir (independent Kashmir) are different.

PPP emerged as the winner in the elections. It was expected, as always is the case, a ruling party in Islamabad gets the desired results in Azad Kashmir to suits its needs. Barrister Sultan Mehmood, former Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir and a leader of the PPP was interviewed by a Pakistani TV. He happily claimed to have got the majority to form the government. The TV journalist asked him who is going to be the Prime Minister. Barrister Sultan Mehmood with a fake smile on his face said: Zardari Sahib will decide who is going to be the Prime Minister' (of Azad Kashmir).

People who know how the system works and how posts are awarded, especially the post of the Prime Minister, claim that the man with a big purse will be the Prime Minister. Choudhry Abdul Majid is the President of PPP Azad Kashmir; and should have been asked to form the government. However, that won't happen, as he is not that rich. Choudhry Yasin and Barrister Sultan Majid are strong candidates for the post of Prime Minister; and insiders claim that Barrister Sultan Mehmood will be the next Prime Minister.

That sums up the level of azadi or independence this territory and its leaders have. Who is Zardari? He is a man accused of being ten per cent because of many corruption scandals, Surrey Palace, Swiss accounts etc. He has imposed a dictatorship in his own party and has virtually ruined it. Many even accuse this man with murder of his wife as well.

Oh yes, he is also a President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan – perhaps, ideal candidate for the post according to political standards of Pakistan. As far as I am concerned, Pakistanis can have a Mafia Don as their President, but what right has he got to impose his will on people of Azad Kashmir.

How unfortunate that in this territory – Azad Kashmir who will be our Assembly Member is decided by 'Masters' in Islamabad. These 'Masters' are in the form of Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, and other heads of Pakistani parties which dominate the politics of this unfortunate territory. Apart from that, Minister Kashmir Affairs, top four Pakistani officials - Chief Secretary, IG Police, Finance Secretary and Accountant General run and control Azad Kashmir. The final say, as always, is with the secret agencies and Pakistani army General, known as GOC Murree (General Commanding Officer based in Murree).

As if these checks and restrictions were not enough imperialists in Islamabad ensured that genuine voice of people does not emerge strongly to endanger their interests, so they have inserted a clause in Act 74 (under which this territory is run and controlled) that those who do not sign allegiance to Pakistan could not contest any elections or qualify for a public post.

Furthermore, all major decisions, including who will get promotions and what projects should be initiated are taken in meetings of Kashmir Council, which is Chaired by Prime Minister of Pakistan and controlled by the Pakistanis who have numerical majority there as well.

After this brief introduction it is pertinent to discuss the current elections in this independent Kashmir, which does not have any independence apart from the name. It is called Azad Kashmir to fool people of Jammu and Kashmir. It is unfortunate that many people of Azad Kashmir want to live in this fantasy world that they are azad or independent, as this false sense of being azad does not require any action or struggle on their part. Whereas, if they accept that they are not azad then obligation would be to do something about it; and the structure Pakistan has woven around them in the past 63 years is so strong that they cannot get rid off it.

In the present elections, all candidates of Pakistani parties (mainly PPP, N League, MQM, Jamat e Islami) contesting elections in Azad Kashmir were chosen by heads of these Pakistani parties; and the Azad Kashmiri leadership had no role in that – what a democracy.

In my considered view and in view of many other experts, the PPP would get 16-17 seats, N League 14-15 seats and Muslim League 8-9 seats; that no party gets a majority and Pakistani establishment can manoeuvre things as suits them. One day before the elections my friend in Pakistan who has some contacts with those who call shots in matters of Azad Kashmir said: it has been decided that PPP will get 20 -21 seats, N League 8-9 and Muslim Conference get 5-6 seats.

When the election results were out, my prediction was wrong and my friend proved to be more accurate. Now there are allegations that the elections were rigged. But which elections of Azad Kashmir were not rigged? It is interesting that allegations of rigging are coming from leaders of N League and Sardar Atiq Khan who was Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir at the time of elections.

In one TV interview Sardar Atiq Khan said these are the worst elections of Azad Kashmir with rigging, violence and murders (3 deaths and 20 injured, ballot boxes stolen in some places and returning officer kidnapped). He said leaders from Pakistan (PPP and N League leaders) who came to campaign in Azad Kashmir openly violated elections rules. But was he not the man in charge of so called Azad Kashmir? If he knows he is only a puppet and there are others who call the shots then why not acknowledge that.

Let us look how elections are managed in Azad Kashmir. The Assembly has total of 49 seats. Elections are held on 41 seats, 29 seats in Azad Kashmir with 12 seats spread over in Pakistan and reserved for Kashmir migrants. These 12 seats are always in hands of those who control Azad Kashmir and 'reward' to the parties of their choice. 5 seats are reserved for women and are shared according to party strength in the Assembly – generally 3 goes to the party with majority of seats. 1 seat for Overseas Kashmiris, sold to the highest bidder, 1 seat for technocrats and 1 seat for religious scholars.

Actual contest takes place on 29 seats in Azad Kashmir. There are many factors which determine the outcome of the elections. By and large, tribal loyalties are still strong and ideology of any kind has very little role in Azad Kashmiri elections. Money, role of the establishment and manpower with influence and guns play an important role in the outcome of elections.

During the election campaign votes are literally bought, sometimes with cash and sometimes with offer of development projects. For example, a village which has no access to a main road and people have to walk with their luggage and other belongings for transport could be persuaded to vote for a particular candidate in return x amount is paid for the construction of the road. Similarly, people vote for a candidate when they get money – during the campaign - to construct pavements or dig wells or other schemes which governments are supposed to do anyway.

My contacts tell me that Benazir Bhutto Income Scheme money was spent generously to buy votes in Azad Kashmir. It is claimed that money which was sent for the earthquake victims of Azad Kashmir was diverted and squandered by people in high positions. This money and some other funds, people claim, are now used to buy votes under the banner of BBIS.

My contacts further tell me that one day before the elections, in targeted seats PPP workers were offering up to 5000 rupees per vote. Some were even providing big sacks of flour and sugar (which is in short supply). In a country where 5000 rupees is a monthly wage for those lucky enough to be employed, it is huge income for a day for a family with 5-6 votes.

This is state of affairs in Azad Kashmir; and this is how politics works in this part of the world. Despite the above situation people in Pakistan and in some parts of Jammu and Kashmir like to call this territory Azad or independent Kashmir – a model state which the Pakistani elite think should encourage the remaining parts of Jammu and Kashmir to join it; and ultimately merge with Islamic Republic of Pakistan – a country ruled by likes of Zardari.

Do they think we are stupid? No Sirs, we don't want to become a part of this rotten society which is corrupt to the core, which is intolerant, which breeds extremism and violence, which is at a war with itself and which has very bleak future.

Writer is Head Diplomatic Committee of Kashmir National Party, political analyst and author of many books and booklets. Also he is Director Institute of Kashmir Affairs.
Elections in Pakistani colony – Azad Kashmir | Indus Asia Online Journal (iaoj)


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Human Rights in Pak-Occupied Kashmir: Screams of the Oppressed

On 28th May 1999, the Supreme Court of Pakistan delivered a stinging broadside of Islamabad's oppressive, undemocratic and colonial subjugation of the Northern Areas of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, pronouncing "it was not understandable on what basis the people of Northern Areas can be denied the fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution" i.e. right to equality before law, right to reside and move freely, right to vote, right to be governed by their chosen representatives, right to form political parties, right to assemble peacefully, right to freedom of speech and expression, right to habeas corpus and against illegal detention, right to acquire, hold and dispose property, and the right to have access to an appellate court of justice for the enforcement of all other rights guaranteed under the latest constitution of the country (since independence, Pakistan has devised and binned three written constitutions and the standing fourth one was drawn up in 1985). The verdict was an eye opener to the world on the brutality, abuses and exactions perpetrated upon the five million inhabitants of POK and a vindication of the long-standing efforts of human rights activists within and outside the country to alter the grossly unfair treatment meted out to what is officially called "Azad Kashmir."

For more than forty years, Pakistan has flouted every norm of civilised policy and behavior in POK. Taking a cue from their Chinese mentors' 'pacification' of Tibet by ethnic flooding, successive governments uprooted and cleansed Kashmiris from their homeland and flooded the area with more loyal and dependent Punjabis. A shocking statistic as per the 1991 census, far more grotesque that Dawa Norbu's estimate that ethnic Han outnumber natives in Tibet by a 70-30 ratio, is that residents of "Azad Kashmir" are mostly Sunni Muslim and predominantly Punjabi-speaking, with barely 20 percent Kashmiris. Expropriation of land and residence rights of natives in POK stands in sharp contrast to strictly adhered provisions in the Indian constitution disallowing non-Kashmiris to acquire property in J&K. Far from a 'special status' that India's Article 370 grants to J&K, Northern Areas of POK lack any constitutional status whatsoever. A Gilgiti or Baltistani cannot appeal to the Supreme Court or have any legislative representative in the Pakistan National Assembly. The sham court in POK does not entertain even writ petitions against human rights violations. All that rules in the name of law in POK is summary administrative justice handled by an Executive Council of 15 (7 of them non-Kashmiris) that is directly responsible to the centre. The puppet 'legislative assembly' in Muzaffarabad, putting Farooq Abdullah's alleged kowtowing to India in the shade, requires Islamabad's prior approval for all enactments of statutory rules, appointments, public property, budget, loans, taxes, internal security and civil supplies. During 'emergencies' (euphemism for popular unrest), even these semblances of institutional representation are silenced to facilitate the army's scorched earth raids (one horrendous genocide in 1988 in Gilgit had a certain Osama bin Laden as chief 'pacifier'). To cut a long story short, "Azad Kashmir" is neither peopled largely by Kashmiris nor is it Azad.

Development wise, POK remains one of the poorest and most neglected part of Pakistan, with a minuscule per capita income of Rs.1802, compared to the national average of circa Rs.4500 and J&K's average of Rs.2700. Literacy rate in the Northern Areas is 14 per cent for males and 3.5 per cent for women. There is just one doctor for 6,000 people. Piped water supply is non-existent. So is electricity for more than two thirds of the population of the area. Except for some brick kilns there is no 'industry' to speak about and most of the enterprising Mirpuris have settled in Britain to escape the listless fate of their forlorn Kashmiri brethren. Again, the comparison with J&K is relevant since it has comparatively better standards of development on all these counts and that too despite bearing the scourge of a debilitating jihadi insurgency for the last 12 years.

Deeply embarrassed and unable to rebut these reams of evidence and its own Supreme Court's damnatory charges (Nawaz Sharif politicised and toyed with judgements of the apex court but somehow failed to preempt this one), Pakistan regurgitated after the May 1999 verdict Zia-ul-Haq mendacious contention of 1982 that Northern Areas were not part of "Azad Kashmir" and had "nothing to do with the state of Jammu and Kashmir." It was an exercise in supreme cynicism because Gilgit, Skardu, Ghizer, Diamir, Hanza, Chitral etc. were all petty chieftainships in a feudatory relationship with Maharaja Hari Singh and comprised the lion's share of the 33,000 square miles of Kashmir that Afridi tribesmen and Pakistan army regulars unlawfully invaded and occupied in 1948. The Supreme Court ruling had hoist Pakistan by its own petard and exposed the criminality of its own rights record in POK and threatened to disabuse Pakistani citizens of years of official propaganda and exaggerated slander about human rights excesses in Jammu & Kashmir. Hence the disingenuous technical distinction between POK and the Northern Areas.

However, pulling wool over step motherly treatment and human rights atrocities in POK is no longer tenable because active national liberation movements for freedom from repression have sprung up all over the region and are giving headaches, if not nightmares, to Pervez Musharraf's government. According to Farooq Haider, chief of JKLF (Yasin Malik faction) in charge of liberating POK, "people's urge to win their rights is simmering" due to decades of suppression of self-determination voices. One of the reasons why the ISI prefers subcontracting its anti-India subversion devices to jihadi terrorist outfits like Lashkar and Jaish rather than JKLF is due to the latter's support for the POK liberation groups. In 1999, the amalgam of Kashmiris struggling to redeem themselves from Pakistani clutches, All Parties National Alliance (APNA), staged widespread mass demonstrations against the callousness of the Punjabised army's decision to not accept bodies of over 250 Pakistani soldiers from the Northern Areas after using them as cannon fodder in the Kargil war with India. Following ferocious crackdowns, mass arrests and torture of nationalists who took to the streets, prestigious Pakistani magazine Herald wrote that the Northern Areas were the "last colony" in the eyes of the establishment in Islamabad.

As the vicious cycle of state strangulation of Kashmiri entreaties for democracy, development and human rights is proving unbreakable, more and more conscious residents of POK are resorting to armed underground secession, spearheaded by the Balawaristan National Front. BNF's leader Abdul Hamid Khan recently appealed to world conscience citing the pleas of "two million downtrodden people kept in slavery, and deprived of human rights, political rights, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of movement, right to justice, economic and cultural freedom." Calling themselves fighters for "victims of Pakistani sectarian terrorism", BNF rebels have formed an embryonic army that aims to shake off the exploitation and ISI conscription of Kashmiri youth into jamaat-e-islami madrassas. Moves are afoot to secure arms and ammunition from sympathetic countries and wage a 'counter-jihad' like the Northern Alliance did against Taliban fanatics. Pro-BNF elements have also petitioned the United Nations to book Musharraf, his army cohorts and Pakistani religious parties as "war criminals" for genocide and "turning the indigenous people into a minority."

In December 2000, BNF wrote to the Indian Prime Minister for assistance arguing that since the organisation had become a popular window for ventilating "anger about, and rejection of, the Pakistani occupation, we continue to be targeted and eliminated silently." The thirst of POK Kashmiris for freedom is best represented by Hamid Khan's request in that letter to have candidates of BNF and POPM (Pakistani Oppressed People's Movement) included in the electoral rolls of J&K for gaining what they have never been allowed by Islamabad- political choice. It is in keeping with these orisons as well as with post-December 13 deliberations in the Indian Cabinet Committee on Security which favoured stepped up "covert operations" in POK that New Delhi must immediately start providing, to use a specious Pakistan phrase, "moral and diplomatic support" for the self-determination project of POK.

One third of Kashmir is shrieking for emancipation from half a century of Pakistani torment, terrorism, and systematic violation of basic human rights. It behooves of the noble libertarian principles of the Indian constitution as well as the ideals set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that India and other freedom-loving nations extend wholehearted support for the benighted Kashmiris of POK in overthrowing Pakistan's satanic occupation.
Human Rights in Pak-Occupied Kashmir: Screams of the Oppressed
That much for azadi in 'Azad' Kashmir!!


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Geelani has become an old goat.

He has technically been put to pasture by his Pakistani handlers or so it appears.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2009
^^ Well, just hope that this bloody old goat dies out soon, naturally or unnaturally !


Feb 19, 2009
Geelani has become an old goat.

He has technically been put to pasture by his Pakistani handlers or so it appears.
so it seems sir,

but could it because the pak army is facing an all round condemnation both at home and more so internationally, and so under desperation they would want a dialogue going with india in an attempt to project a face that is responsible, unlike the image they have in particular gathered in western media since the start of this year and so what we see might be a temporary pull back on support to geelani and his thug practices, which might otherwise cause an irritant in this dialogue process and on their attempt at having an image makeover.


Regular Member
Dec 13, 2009
The only final solution is whole sale shifting of the valley populace to PoK after defeating Pak in the next war .


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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^^ Well, just hope that this bloody old goat dies out soon, naturally or unnaturally !
I'd prefer him die due to a wild animal mauling him in the foresty hills of Kashmir somewhere. Let that old coot get a dose of the pain his insanity has caused an entire state. A few months back, a bear was reported to have mauled two Jihadis to death. Many of our people were asking the bear to be rewarded Vir Chakra for this feat :laugh: and for serving the country.

Hope that Geelani also dies a painful unnatural death.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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For J&K to forget its past pains, Pakistan must continue to burn and cinder in terrorism and bomb blasts for some more time until it has no power left to dictate anything to any single Kashmiri of any faith. The more they burn, the better we prosper.

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
For J&K to forget its past pains, Pakistan must continue to burn and cinder in terrorism and bomb blasts for some more time until it has no power left to dictate anything to any single Kashmiri of any faith. The more they burn, the better we prosper.
Of this there is no doubt.


Oct 16, 2010
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Kashmiris rush for police jobs ePaper Lite - Times of India Publications

They don't want azadi, they want a normal life. But people like Geelani are here to make matters remain complicated and ensure that there's always turmoil in Kashmir.
Some people are so venomous and infectious even as half dead. As soon as this guy departs, we should ensure that Miss Roy doesn't get to succeed him in any way. His is a hot seat to grab as a legacy. She is already a vish kanya :D


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