India-China Relations

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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As India mulls scrapping of Indus Water Treaty with Pakistan, China blocks tributary of Brahmaputra in Tibet to build dam

BEIJING: China has blocked a tributary of the Brahmaputra river in Tibet as part of the construction of its "most expensive" hydro project, which could cause concern in India as it may impact water flows into the lower riparian countries.

The Lalho project on the Xiabuqu river, a tributary of the Yarlung Zangbo (the Tibetan name for Brahmaputra), in Xigaze in Tibet involves an investment of 4.95 billion yuan (USD 740 million), Zhang Yunbao, head of the project's administration bureau was quoted as saying by Chinese state-run Xinhua news agency on Saturday.

Xigaze also known as Shigatse is closely located to Sikkim. From Xigaze, the Brahmaputra flows into Arunachal Pradesh.

Terming it as the "most expensive project", the report said the project, whose construction began in June 2014, was scheduled to be completed in 2019.

It is not clear yet what impact the blockade of the river will have on the flow of water from the Brahmaputra into the lower riparian countries like India and Bangladesh as a result, it said.

Last year, China had operationalised the $1.5 billion Zam Hydropower Station, the largest in Tibet, built on the Brahmaputra river, which has raised concerns in India.

But China has been maintaining that it has taken into consideration India's concerns and allays apprehensions of restricting the flow of water, saying its dams are not designed to hold water.

The outline of China's 12th Five Year Plan indicates that three more hydropower projects on the mainstream of the Brahmaputra river in Tibet Autonomous Regionhave been approved for implementation.

In March, Union minister of state for water resources Sanwar Lal Jat said in a statement that India had expressed its concerns to China about the likely impact of the dams.

While there is no water treaty between the countries, India and China established an Expert Level Mechanism (ELM) on trans-border rivers and in October 2013 the two governments signed a memorandum of understanding on strengthening cooperation on trans-border rivers under which Beijing provides data to India on the water flows.

The blockade of the Brahmaputra river tributary comes at a time when India's reported decision to suspend talks with Pakistan under Indus Water Treaty as part of its efforts to hit back at Pakistan in the aftermath of the Uri attack.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang gave a guarded reply when asked on September 27 about India's reported move.

"As a friendly neighbour to both India and Pakistan, China hopes that India and Pakistan can properly address disputes and improve relations through dialogue and consultation, maintain and enhance all-round cooperation and join hands to promote regional peace, stability and development," Shuang told PTI.

Some of the rivers under the Indus water treaty originate in China.
LOL, NE India receives one of the highest rainfalls in the world. It's only going to hurt Chinese projects in Bangladesh.:D


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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LOL, NE India receives one of the highest rainfalls in the world. It's only going to hurt Chinese projects in Bangladesh.:D
But the problem is that water management is not upto the mark. In fact, despite the high levels of rainfalls, most states here are not serious about water storage and natural rainwater harvesting.

What complicates this is that all the 8 sister states need to have a serious and almost war-like masterplan to start looking at water conservation in case this dam is built.

Also, since we are anyway not getting NSG, we should secretly arm Vietnamese with nuclear technology.

Of course, the plausible deniability gives us that diplomatic immunity. We have a tried and tested nuke technology. Just teach the Vietnamese military its sciences and let them test one for themselves.

I know this sounds like a knee jerk reaction but if we were to start it now, it would succeed two years down the lane.

Having a nation hostile to PLA and CCP is important; especially when it is able to have an insurance policy.

Vietnam is a very determined country that knows how to deal with big bullies but it comes with a great conventional cost.

If they are armed with nuclear weapons, they might be able to just annoy CCP and still get away with it in the future.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Just putting it out there.

If we look at the map, all countries having a land border with China have a strong anti-US stand. Russia on top, Noko on south, paki on south west.

Don't know much about their west side.


Regular Member
Oct 16, 2014
Main content: Chinese Hypocrisy
Meanwhile, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Hua Chunying says, “We also oppose the linking of terrorism to any specific country, ethnicity or religion. This is China's consistent position.
They oppose linking terrorism to specific country when it is being admitted by their own former Generals. Atleast they could speak against estbalishment in Pakistan that they too very well know created and support the terror organisations.

Everyone knows that India and Pakistan are victims of terrorism. Pakistan has made huge efforts and great sacrifices in fighting terrorism. I think the international community should respect this."
With the difference being former suffering for the latter's Karma while the latter is just getting the fruits of its own hard work in create those terrorist over decades and at times with their support.


Regular Member
Oct 16, 2014
India, China Hold First Ever Joint Army Exercise In Jammu And Kashmir

  1. A fictitious situation of earthquake striking a village was painted
  2. Teams carried out rescue operations, rendering of medical assistance
  3. The exercise was a great success, the army said in a statement

India and China today carried out a joint army exercise in eastern Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir, a move that comes amid hectic diplomatic manoeuvring between the two countries over a host of issues like Nuclear Suppliers Group and designation of Masood Azhar as a terrorist by the United Nations.

During the day long exercise on Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief (HADR) a fictitious situation of earthquake striking an Indian Border village was painted. Thereafter joint teams carried out rescue operations, evacuation and rendering of medical assistance.

This was done as a sequel to the first joint exercise held on February 6 in the area of Border Personnel Meeting Hut at Chushul Garrison of Eastern Ladakh, along with Chinese troops of Moldo Garrison.

The exercise was a great success, the army said in a statement.

Sources said that in February, the exercise was held in the Chinese side and this time in the Indian side along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

The Indian team for the exercise was led by Brigadier RS Raman and that of the Chinese was led by Sr Col Fan Jun.

The exercise was a great success and has not only refined the drills to provide succour to the border population in case of natural calamity but has also increased the level of trust and cooperation between the two border guarding forces along the LAC in Eastern Ladakh, the Army said in a statement.

The joint exercise, compliments the 'Hand in Hand' series of the India-China joint exercises and the effort of both the nations to enhance cooperation and maintain peace and tranquillity along the border areas of India and China, it said.

This year's edition of 'Hand in Hand' will be held at Aundh, near Pune in Maharashtra, from November 15 to 27.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Transgressions by Chinese troops reduced by over 50 per cent, while India builds up border infrastructure
Transgression is when one party goes to the other side of the border, assuming that it is their own territory. This happens due to the difference in the perception of the LAC.
NEW DELHI: Transgressions or the crossing over by Chinese soldiers at the the India-China frontier have reduced by more than 50 per cent since 2014. This is happening while there is a build up of defence infrastructure on both sides of the frontier. An important factor for India in the defence of this frontier is the improvement of road connectivity in the forward areas, giving Indian troops the capabilities to quickly mobilise in response to a contingent.
The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) Director General Krishna Chaudhary today confirmed these developments. The ITBP guards the India-China frontier also known as the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with the Indian Army. "The transgressions (at the India-China frontier) are going down. The figures of transgressions for 2015 are lower than those of 2014. The comparative figures of this year is lower than the same period last year," he said.
Sources said in 2014 there were about 500 transgressions by Chinese troops. In 2015 there were 350. This year to date there have only been about 200 transgressions.
"This is the first time that we are noticing a downward trend in the transgressions. In the past, it would increase every year," explained sources.
Transgression is when one party goes to the other side of the border, assuming that it is their own territory. This happens due to the difference in the perception of the LAC.
India-China joint military exercises
Furthermore, the ITBP has requested the Centre to grant it permission to conduct military exercises with the Chinese troops.
"We have conveyed our willingness (in holding joint exercises with the Chinese). And when the situation arises, we are ready. But we are yet to receive orders from the top," said a top ITBP officer.
He said the ITBP wants to be involved in disaster management exercises with the Chinese troops.
On October 19 this year, the Indian and Chinese armies held the Second Joint Exercise, "Sino India Cooperation 2016", in Eastern Ladakh. The exercise, which was a sequel to the first one held in February this year, is part of the ongoing initiative to enhance interaction and cooperation between India and China.
The second joint exercise happened following a meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Goa during the BRICS summit.
India-China border roads
Chowdhary meanwhile admitted that India was slow at building its infrastructure along the frontier. "On their side, the infrastructure has really grown. But we are catching up. Roads are being made. Our weaponry has also improved," he said.
Out of the 27 ITBP priority roads, eight are complete and six are in the advance stage of construction. "The rest are located in very tough and difficult terrains. But progress is being made," he said.
The roads are primarily located in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh.
The DG explained that along the India-China frontier there are two types of terrain. One is the "Ladakh terrain", which after reaching a particular altitude much of it is flat. The other kind are the hills through which one has to cut through and then the construction of the road begins.
"When working in high altitude, the efficiency of the machinery and the manpower goes down. Cutting through a hillside is not easy. But the BRO (Border Roads Organisation), NPCC (National Projects Construction Corporation) and CPWD (Central Public Works Department) are doing a good role. Work was sluggish earlier, but now it is at high speed," he said.
This development in road connectivity is significant for the ITBP and army, as until mid this year, none of the 27 roads were complete.
These are strategic roads leading to the 3225 kilometre long India-China frontier, to be used as supply lines, for evacuation and during war by both the forces. The project was approved by the Defence Ministry and their construction began after the mid-2000s.
Enhanced mobility
The ITBP has 95 Border Outposts (BOPs) along the India-China frontier, which are connected by roads. A BOP is a defence structure and provides adequate surveillance capabilities on Chinese troops and infrastructures. About 44 BOPS are air maintained.
Recently the ITBP had sent about 40 new SUVs to some of the 95 motorable BOPs. "We are planning to ensure all these BOPs have SUVs," said an official.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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India, China likely to sign anti-terror pact
India is pushing for action against Azhar as the Chinese veto in the UN Security Council against a move to ban the JeM chief is coming to an end in December.
NEW DELHI: India and China are likely to sign a major security cooperation agreement, which would enhance their efforts to jointly fight terrorism and international crime, when New Delhi hosts Chinese Communist Party’s influential politburo member Meng Jianzhu next week. Meng is likely to visit India on November 8, when the two sides are expected to seal the umbrella security cooperation pact.
The terms, which is currently being negotiated, will also include a mutual legal assistance treaty mechanism, according to people familiar with the matter.
The Chinese leader’s visit is part of a High-Level Meeting Mechanism that was established when Home Minister Rajnath Singh visited Beijing last year. Singh was the first Indian home minister to visit China in over a decade.
Meng handles public and internal security matters in the party and his dialogue with the Indian side is likely to focus on Pak-based terror outfits, terror infrastructure and terror leaders, including Jaish chief Maulana Masood Azhar, besides threats from the Islamic State.
Meng, secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the ruling party, is more powerful than some ministers in China including its foreign minister and wields considerable influence on policymaking, according to China watchers.
India is pushing for action against Azhar as the Chinese veto in the UN Security Council against a move to ban the JeM chief is coming to an end in December. In September, China renewed its veto for three months on the Azhar case, seeking more information.
Meng’s visit, which will be preceded by State Councilor Yang Jiechi’s trip to Hyderabad on November 4 to meet National Security Adviser AK Doval, can be viewed as India's balancing act as Prime Minister Narendra Modi heads to Japan on November 10 for the annual bilateral summit meeting. These highlevel visits could work as confidence buildingmeasures amid irritants in ties over Pak-based terror, the China Pakistan Economic Corridor and Beijing’s intransigence over India’s bid to become NSG member.
Notwithstanding differences between China and India over Pakistan’s export of terror to India, it has been learnt that Beijing is keen to work with New Delhi to keep a tab on Islamic State’s recruitments in the region. Both Yang and Meng may discuss a mechanism for sharing information on ISIS’ influence.
ET VIEW: Channels Should be Opened
The current spike in engagement with China must not be seen as an effort to a balancing act with Japan. These are two different kinds of engagement, which may have a balancing impact, but that is not the primary aim. New Delhi must keep the channels of communication open with India’s northern neighbour, especially given China’s relationship with Pakistan. On the other hand, India has strong, friendly, and historical ties with Japan. The cordial ties between PM Modi and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe should boost the India-Japan relationship.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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General Dalbir Singh #COAS on the first day of visit to China was welcomed by General Li Zuocheng, Commander PLA Army with a Guard of Honour at the Bayi Building. They both held official talks on various issues including the ongoing 6th India-China Joint Training Exercise 'Hand-in-Hand' 2016. #COAS later called on General Xu Qiliang, Vice Chairman, CMC. During the call-on both of them reiterated their desire to keep up the momentum of defence exchanges and the need to keep the borders tranquil and peaceful.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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India and China in 'hand-in-hand' combat!
The fifth edition of the joint exercise between Indian and China, codenamed ‘Hand-in-Hand 2015’, commenced at the Kunming Military Academy at Yunnan Province in China on October 12.

Here are some glimpses of the joint exercise:

The 12-day exercise will lay emphasis on joint handling of counter terrorism and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. Seen, above, is a Naga Regiment trooper familiaring his Chinese counterpart with his rifle. Photograph: Indian Army

The Chinese and Indian contingents, comprising 144 servicemen each, will take part in exercises that will be held in three phases -- (1) armament display; (2) military demonstration; (3) troop training and integrated exercises. Seen, above, is an Naga Regiment trooper explaining to his Chinese counterparts the working of his rifle.Photograph: Indian Army

The armament display includes light weapons and equipment for military engineering and logistics, while the demonstration will feature shooting, group tactics and unarmed combat. Seen, above, is a Chinese soldier trying out the Indian rifle.Photograph: Indian Army

In the second phase, troops will be trained in combat, anti-terrorism tactics, humanitarian aid and disaster-relief communication. The integrated exercise will see the two sides drill a joint maneuver. Seen, above, are contingents of both countries proceeding towards the combat range. Photograph:Indian Army

Lt Gen Zhou Xiaozhou, head of the Chinese Observer Delegation, stated that the joint exercise will play important role in deepening mutual cooperation and forging a closer development partnership. Seen, above, are Chinese soliders at the firing range.Photograph: Indian Army

Lt Gen Zhou said the exercise would expand the scope of military interaction, facilitate exchange of best practices in counter terrorism operations, enhance mutual understanding and trust and further promote friendly relationship between both militaries. Seen,
above, is a Chinese soldier explaining to his Indian counterpart how his rifle operates. Photograph: Indian Army

Lt Gen Zhou, also the deputy commander of the People's Liberation Army Chengdu Military Area Command, clarified that the exercise does not target a third party and is not related to regional events. Seen, above, is an Indian soldier trying the Chinese weapon.Photograph: Indian Army

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Lt Gen Surinder Singh, head of the Indian Observer Delegation, expressed confidence that the exercise will become a landmark in the history of bilateral relations of both countries. Seen, above, are Chinese soldiers trying their hand with the Indian assault rifle at the firing range. Photograph: Indian Army
"We will continue to work together and take our traditional friendship to new heights," Lt Gen Surinder said. Seen, above, are Indian and Chinese soldiers analysing the target practice results. Photograph: Indian Army

India fielded a contingent of 175 troops from 2nd Battalion of Naga Regiment from Eastern Command which also looks after the border with China while China deployed troops from 14 Corps of China's Chengdu Military Region, whose focus is on Indian borders. Seen, above, are Indian soldiers trying out the Chinese rifle at the firing range.Photograph: Indian Army

At the opening ceremony on Monday, the Chinese contingent displayed combat shooting and obstacle negotiation skills within the Military Academy premises. Seen,above, are Chinese soldiers displaying their martial arts skills. Photograph: Indian Army

Indian contingent too enthralled with a spectacular display of yoga training, energetic tribal dances of Nagaland and unarmed combat skills. Seen, above, is an Indian soldier displaying his unarmed combat skills.Photograph: Indian Army

Addressing the troops, Indian Ambassador to China, Ashok K Kantha said the 'Hand-in-Hand' joint exercises this year are significant as they are truly "joint" in planning, command structure and in execution. "Under conditions when terrorism has emerged as a major threat to humanity, the counter-terror cooperation between the two militaries has added significance," he said. Seen, above, is Kantha assessing the Chinese rifle accompanied by Lt Gen Zhou and Lt Gen Surinder Singh. Photograph: Indian Army

This is the fifth round of exercise between both the armies. The first drill was held in southwest China's Yunnan Province in 2007, followed by drills in Belgaum in Karnataka in 2008. The third round was held in southwest China's Sichuan in 2013, followed by the fourth in Pune in 2014. Seen, above, are Chinese and Indian soldiers sharing a lighter moment after a round of tug of war.Photograph: Indian Army



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Dec 25, 2015
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Head of China’s Western Theater Command visits India
Published December 16, 2016


General Zhao Zongqi, the head of the newly formed Western Theater Command (WTC) of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), has concluded a visit to India, accelerating high-level military exchanges between the two countries.

His visit follows last month’s tour of China by the Chief of Army Staff, General Dalbir Singh.

According to a PLA-affiliated website, Gen. Zhao was on a three-day visit to India that started on December 8. Apart from the Army Chief, he met the Deputy Chief, Lt. Gen. Bipin Rawat, and the Eastern Army Commander, Lt. General Praveen Bakshi. The meeting is significant, as Lt. Gen. Bakshi, as the senior-most officer in the Army after Gen. Singh, who retires at the month-end, is the frontrunner for the post of the next Army Chief.

Focus on military-WTC ties

The website points out that the two sides paid special attention to the “cooperation between the PLA Western Theater Command and the Indian military.”

The WTC is one of the five theater commands that have been establish shed in February this year as part of major military reforms that have been undertaken on President Xi Jinping’s watch. Each of this commands are structured to undertake integrated operations along with the air force and the navy.

The Chengdu-based WTC steers the Tibet Military Command, whose status has been elevated earlier this year. In an article published in May, the Global Times newspaper, affiliated with the Communist Party of China, has quoted Song Zhongping, a military expert, as saying that the Tibet Military Command bears great responsibility to prepare for possible conflicts between China and India.

“Military action in the Tibet Military Command requires specialist mountain skills and long-range capabilities, which need the deployment of special military resources,” Mr. Song has said, adding that the elevation in the status of Tibet Military Command will secure better and more effective combat preparedness when required.

For healthy cooperation

The website said that during Gen. Zhao’s stay in India, the two sides agreed to jointly implement the important consensus reached by leaders of the two countries and the relevant agreements between the two countries and militaries, promote mutual understanding, enhance pragmatic cooperation, safeguard peace and stability in border areas, and try best to make positive contributions to the healthy and stable development of the relations between the two countries and two militaries.


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Dec 25, 2015
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Army, PLA top guns hold secret parleys
Published December 16, 2016
SOURCE: Tribune News Service

A couple of meetings have been conducted between the top leadership of the Indian Army and a delegation of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China led by senior General last week.The meetings, conducted in New Delhi and Kolkata, and the visit have been kept under wraps, but sources confirmed to The Tribune that the Commander of the PLA’s western theatre, Gen Zhao Zongqi, and his delegation was in India for three days — December 8 to 10.

This was the second unpublicised high-level meeting after the annual defence dialogue (ADD) between India and China was conducted without even a word being spoken about it in public on November 8. Defence Secretary G Mohan Kumar and Sun Jianguo, deputy chief of the Joint Staff Department of China’s Central Military Commission, had met in Delhi.

The latest round of meetings is the third engagement between the two neighbours in the past five weeks.Indian Army Chief General Dalbir Singh Suhag had led a military delegation to China on a four-day (Nov 21-Nov 24) visit.The Western theatre of PLA, carved out following a rejig in November last, covers Xinjiang and Tibet—it is tasked all along the entire 3,488 km un-demarcated Line of Actual Control (LAC) that is the de-facto boundary with India.

The Chinese delegation during its visit to Kolkata met Lt Gen Parveen Bakshi, the Eastern Army Commander and the seniormost commander after General Suhag. In Delhi, Vice Chief of Indian Army Lt Gen Bipin Rawat hosted a banquet for the Chinese delegation and also held talks.The two sides exchanged views on military-to-military relations between the two countries, especially the cooperation between the PLA Western Theatre Command and the Indian military.

The PLA Western theatre has some 4.5 lakh troops, tanks fighter jets, artillery regiments and India matches almost the same number all along the Himalayan divide running in an east-west axis.The two sides agreed to jointly implement the important consensus reached by leaders of the two countries in May last year when a joint statement at Beijing, after a meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping, had spoken about the need to “expand the exchanges between the border commanders, and establish border personnel meeting points at all sectors of the India-China border areas”.

Cutting Edge

Regular Member
Dec 22, 2016
India Reorients Strategy to Counter China in Asia Pacific Trade Pact

ASIA & PACIFIC 16:20 27.12.2016

India has agreed to cut the import duty on goods from China but insists on better deal in services

New Delhi (Sputnik) — India is trying to win the confidence of Asia-Pacific nations by reorienting its approach towards the 16-nation Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). India has decided to play the host for negotiations on the RCEP trade deal in July next year. The pact aims to cover goods, services, investments, economic and technical cooperation, competition and intellectual property rights. RCEP comprises the 10 economies of the ASEAN members: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam besides six of its free trade partners: Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea. RCEP is being considered an ambitious trade bloc that envisages the economic integration countries with 45 per cent of the world population and a combined gross domestic product of $21.3 trillion. However, it is not an exclusive trading club and its members are also part of other multi-nation trade bodies such as APEC.

At the Laos Ministerial in August, India had agreed to abdicate its own proposal of a three-tier system of tariff concessions and offer 42.5 per cent elimination of tariff lines to China. Since the Laos Ministerial, India has softened its approach towards tariff elimination on goods. But it wants to remain unyielding on its proposals for the services sector where it has an upper hand. Government officials termed the upcoming July meeting as very important for India as any failure would further China's dominance in the region. The meeting will be watched closely because by then US President-elect Donald Trump will be firmly in the saddle. Trump has vowed to kill the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) which was considered a Hillary-Obama initiative to weaken China's economic influence in the region.

Read more:


Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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2 days to go before the hold on declaring Masood Azhar a terrorist lapses.China cant put any more holds now either they block it or let the hold lapse.


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Jan 30, 2017
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Chinese media likens PoK with Taiwan; asks India to back CPEC

BEIJING: India should be "more pragmatic and flexible" to support the multi-billion dollar CPEC project despite sovereignty issues linked to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) as China backs business links between Taiwan and India, a state-run media said today.

"The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) won't affect the status quo of Kashmir dispute" as China has stated that it should be resolved between India and Pakistan, an article in the state-run Global Times said.

The project is an economic plan set to connect China and Pakistan and advance Pakistan's economy and improve the lives of its people, the paper said, adding the investment from Chinese firms and their participation in some architectural construction won't affect the situation of Kashmir either.

"Just like the Taiwan question, Beijing doesn't object any economic links between Taiwan and other countries including India because economic activities won't alter China's sovereignty over he island," it said.

"Hence, India should be flexible and pragmatic, and be more open to economic activities in the Kashmir region conducted by Chinese companies," it said.

Clashes have impeded the economic development of both India and Pakistan as violence and terrorism led to underdevelopment and poverty in Kashmir, it claimed.

"The CPEC, however, will boost the economic development in the region, bringing jobs and improving the quality of life," the paper said, adding that the project can be extended to Jammu and Kashmir if India allows, and benefit the Indian people, as well as regional stability.

India has protested over the CPEC project as it passes through PoK.

China defends the project, saying it is a development oriented project aimed at improving lives of the local people and it makes no difference to Beijing's stand on the Kashmir issue.


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Jan 30, 2017
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Uttar Pradesh poll sweep scares China; predicts a bigger, tougher Modi

NEW DELHI: Stunning victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections has spread fear in the Chinese establishment. China now sees Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a harder nut to crack.

An article published in Global Times, the news outlet of the Chinese Communist Party, says though a stronger Modi is good for India, it would be difficult for other countries to deal with him.

Global Times says the Uttar Pradesh victory has not only increased PM Modi's chance to win in India's 2019 general elections, some even predict he is already set for a second term.

The Chinese news outlet says if Modi wins the next elections, India's current firm and tough manner is bound to continue which would be without question good news for the country's own development. "Nevertheless, it will likely mean more difficulties in making compromises in rows with other countries."

"In the international arena, he changed India's previous attitude of trying never to offend anyone and started to take a clear stance in controversies among other nations to maximize its own interests. He enhanced New Delhi's ties with China and Moscow and applied to be a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Yet he also upgraded defense collaboration with the US and Japan, articulated his support for the US rebalance to the Asia-Pacific strategy and Washington's stance on the South South China Sea issue," Global Times says.

However, the Chinese news outlet sees a sliver lining in PM Modi getting stronger, as a hardliner is also more capable of striking deals and implementing them than a weak leader.

"But while seeming inflexible on the surface, hard-liners also have powerful strength in coming to an agreement with others once they make up their mind, given their executive ability and high efficiency. That said, we can still be optimistic in resolving our divergences, including border disputes, with New Delhi during Modi's term as long as both sides are willing. For China, it is also an opportunity to give more consideration over how to make breakthroughs in Beijing-New Delhi relations with a hard-line Indian government," says Global Times.

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