D-Day, Normandy


Senior Member
May 23, 2011
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If there is no British... French or Dutch Should Invade us
What the bhen?

You wish the French and the Dutch to have invaded us?


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
Country flag
@SPIEZ and Angel,

It is time for Action and not words.

Save your precious breath!
Most of their Patriotism is in their Hearts only ..They didn't come into Action ..They fear of Aftermaths ..they wear Che Guevara's T shirts and Shouting In-front of the Laptop
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Senior Member
Sep 24, 2011
Country flag
Most of their Patriotism is in their Hearts only ..They didn't come into Action ..They fear of Aftermaths ..they wear Che Guevara's T shirts and Shouting In-front of the Laptop
Bro! What do you know about me to complain?????

Do u know my real name, age, where I come from, where I reside, what I do?


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
Country flag
This is the Current India
Any Patriots out there

Poster in Kerala Congratulating Pakki PM

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Tihar Jail
Aug 30, 2012
Non sense

Members comparing british era in india vis a vis pre british aka mughals

During Mughal era Indian GDP was 1/3rd of the world.while the country was totally effed after the british occupation


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
Non sense

Members comparing british era in india vis a vis pre british aka mughals

During Mughal era Indian GDP was 1/3rd of the world.while the country was totally effed after the british occupation
For first time ever, you are making some sense. You have stated a fact. :thumb: Congrats & keep that up.


Tihar Jail
Aug 30, 2012
Some facts vis a vis comparing the Economic status of india under mughal and under british era

During the Mughal period (1526–1858) India experienced peaks and bottoms unprecedeneted in history. The gross domestic product of India in the 16th century was estimated at about 25.1% of the world economy.[12]

An estimate of India's pre-colonial economy puts the annual revenue of Emperor Akbar's treasury in 1600 at £17.5 million (in contrast to the entire treasury of Great Britain two hundred years later in 1800, which totalled £16 million).[citation needed] The gross domestic product of Mughal India in 1600 was estimated at about 24.3% the world economy, the second largest in the world.[12]

By this time the Mughal Empire had expanded to include almost 90 per cent of South Asia, and enforced a uniform customs and tax-administration system. In 1700 the exchequer of the Emperor Aurangzeb reported an annual revenue of more than £100 million.

In the 18th century, Mughals were replaced by the Marathas in much of central India while the other small regional kingdoms who were mostly late Mughal tributaries such as the Nawabs in the north and the Nizams in the south. However, the efficient Mughal tax administration system was left largely intact.

By this time, India had fallen from the top rank to become the second-largest economy in the world, after the Manchu China.[12] A devastating famine broke out in the eastern coast in early 1770s killing 5 per cent of the national population
Now under british

Declining GDP[edit]
British economist, Angus Maddison argues that India's share of the world income went from 27% in 1700 (compared to Europe's share of 23%) to 3% in 1950.[
12] Modern historians, Indian leaders during the Independence struggle and left-nationalist economic historians have blamed the colonial rule for the dismal state of India's economy, investment in Indian industries was limited since it was a colony

a drop from almost 1/3rd of the world GDP to just 3% share of world GDP

Economic history of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
look man.i don't talk riddles and i don't understand them.

and if you have any jack(jugad) then please help me get into stephens :p

I don't talk in riddles nor am I PC.

I have said it in very normal workaday English.

I also am not into nepotism and influence peddling!


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Sir, I can assure you, from my limited experience, Indian armed forces are the single most respected lot in the nation. Indians respect that institution & its men, the most. Almost to the point to mind-less (irrational) reverence & hero-worship (for whatever reasons). I fail to understand how can someone miss to observe this attitude among common Indians. Further, Indian media does have a role in lionize-ing our military.

That happens despite all the high-pitched stories that keep pouring in their drawing rooms', related to widespread malaise afflicting our armed forces which involves allegations of kickbacks, corruption, fund-embezzlement, crony-ism in the grant of defense contracts, & wasteful incompetence in utilizing allocated budget. Everyone knows what business several generals, admirals etc. & their kin are involved in but Indians choose to ignore all that (for some inexplicable reason). In my personal opinion, no one should be above reproach in an ideal world. But...that's a separate matter.

CoI's instituted by IA invariably tend to do fair justice in most such cases of inappropriation & misconduct. But the rot goes too deep than many would dare to admit.

As for the babu's attitude in disbursing the pension, the are treating all cattle by the same stick (laymen civilians & service-men alike).

Furthermore, they envy the armed forces, the respect it commands, the tradition, glamour, discipline, decorum & efficiency. The babu's have insecurities over petty matters of hierarchy/control & try to exercise the inordinate power vested in their position by a democratic regime & thus their oft indifferent & sometimes hostile attitude against servicemen.

IA leadership failed to convince the civilian leadership, that's sad & it should press harder through possible channels. It is another matter that having a war memorial figures really high on the mind of a young officer/servicemen. They have lot more pressing concerns that IA senior leadership has been failing to pay heed to.

Sir, don't you think that matter could have been settled by the local area commander's initiative ? All that was required was blessing from the GOC-in-C. We had the men, morale, equipment & capability to avenge it justifiably. But, that did not happen. The regimental honour, anger & everything withered away with passage of time. Why ?

What about avenging it " At a time & place of out Choosing" ? Our General gave that statement, right ?

Why always bend over backwards to accommodate the petty sensitivities of Sonia, MMS, Anthony & the Congress ilk ? Whatever happened to precedents laid out by Manekshaw, Sundarji, & Thimmaya ? Even then, India was a civilian democracy.

Everyone knows the exact reasons for this craven attitude regularly displayed by IA leadership. People know how promotions happen at Major Gen. & above level. You know that well, more than anybody on this forum. So lets not go there.

As long as post-retirement career remains the biggest concern of IA leadership, no one is going to be avenged ever.

Not all blame can be shifted on ass**** netas & inefficient babudom. Military should show some resolve & character. This is what the nation expected but the IA leadership fails to deliver for obvious reasons.
I am sure the servicemen are honoured and take strength from the respect of the common Indian, They sure do. I can at least say with confidence and first hand knowledge that but for the nation's backing Kargil would not have been won. We appreciate your confidence in the Armed Forces and your patience for allowing the Armed Forces to do the job, even though it took time.

To be frank, one should not irrationally have faith. If something is wrong, then something is wrong. Let me assure you that the slow degradation of moral value, indiscipline etc is not pleasing to many, especially those who were from the old guard. It is not that baits to enrich oneself illegitimately did not come their way. They did. It was because of the training, values and the immense fear that if one was disgraced his troops will shun him prevented one from dipping his hands in the till.

However, society has changed. The mantra all across the society is to get rich quick and keep up with the Joneses. That malaise has also crept into the military and one is hardly proud of it. Then there is the issue of the type of people who are coming into the military. The ones who are better off and hence with less chances of being attracted to illegal means are taking up more lucrative jobs or seek their fortunes abroad. Therefore, one can well understand what will come to pass.

Now, if one is more keen on rising in the profession through every means available with little conscience for one's own izzat and that of the Regiment, it is obvious that the troops will not have much faith or respect of their seniors. And that is why you have this loss of bond between the supervisory cadre and the men, leading to indiscipline, fragging, grouse, and even mutiny (of which you all are well aware of). I will add that in my time, life was harder and the comforts and perks available today was never there, but we did not have any of these issues. One could wonder why and one need not take my view as the sole one and correct as the Gospel. I am at a loss why all things wrong is happening and that too at such regular intervals!

ACM NAK Browne has taken up the issue of the veterans with the PM, but nothing will come to pass because the military is not attuned to trade unionism and neither one to force the issue in such a way that the Ministers and Babu quail in their pants. The day that happens, it will be a sad day for democratic India.

The IA cannot take matters into their own hands and avenge all the wrongs done to it by the Pakistanis or the Chinese. That is why Gen Bikram's suggestions were not paid heed to and Khurshed went to Beijing and thought he got rid of the 'acne' by putting Fair and Lovely on his Face.

While one loves to quote Thimmayya, I don't think much about his action of resigning and then taking it back because Nehru asked him to. A military leader must be resolute. He should not be impetuous. Having taken a decision, he must act. Or he should not have taken such an action in the first place and lumped the issue!
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Lestat De Lioncourt
Senior Member
Dec 18, 2010
Country flag
I don't talk in riddles nor am I PC.

I have said it in very normal workaday English.

I also am not into nepotism and influence peddling!
relax man.i was just joking.
ok you won this time because i have to study for the exams.
but i will get you next time and still my thoughts aren't change and i got what you wanted to say.

you wanted to say white english are gone but black english people(our own countrymen i.e mp's and mla's) are looting us the same way those british thugs did and we should do something about it.
to do some thing about this problem i will vote kejriwal.i met him on the peeragarhi square redlight.i told him he was doing a great work and he smiled and thanked me.
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Regular Member
Apr 1, 2012
And when they allow themselves to be enslaved, where is the respect that one craves for?

Can't have your cake and eat it too, can you?

And anyway, how much of respect does independent India gives its soldiers and martyrs?

It is time to get REAL!

no one 'allowed' themselves to be enslaved. british didn't ask for any permission, they waged war on us.. won and then enslaved. defeated people can have respect too, but not those who are mental slaves. indians here have adjusted their brains to think britsh slavery was OK, hence you and SajeevJino are here arguing with your fellow indian brother over foreign rule over us. to any other nationality like irani, japani, turkish etc these things would be pretty clear.

as for respecting soldiers, so if independent india doesn't respect its soldiers and martyrs it somehow gives some amount of validity to british rule over india?

:gtfo: :gtfo: :gtfo:

I never want this kind of Replies Stay on the Topic or :gtfo:
nope bruv, not going to gtfo.. you are one heck of an british ass kisser. you are going to be called out.

anyway, did you think about my offer? you seem fond of british trains and buildings.. move to uk.. be their slave there and enjoy their facilities. but just know that to them you are nothing more than one stinky little indian. read the post by W. Ewald on page one?

I cannot change history.

I accept the ignominy with all humility.

But hopefully I look to the future, where our real nationalism will overtake our infirmities and do us well!

I have faith in the youth like you all to steer and force the powers that be to ensure our pride stands tall. I shall be there with you shoulder to shoulder, but I will not curse our history because I am a pragmatist and I know that I cannot wash a line of it and instead learn some lessons out of it!
to ensure our pride stands tall in future first thing to do is to introduce these youngsters with these words:

Swabhimaan / Dignity / Ghairat

especially to these SajeevJinos in the country


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
relax man.i was just joking.
ok you won this time because i have to study for the exams.
but i will get you next time and still my thoughts aren't change and i got what you wanted to say.

you wanted to say white english are gone but black english people(our own countrymen i.e mp's and mla's) are looting us the same way those british thugs did and we should do something about it.
to do some thing about this problem i will vote kejriwal.i met him on the peeragarhi square redlight.i told him he was doing a great work and he smiled and thanked me.
There are no black Englishmen as far as I know.

Indians are looting Indians.

All political party have a single agenda - ,make hay while the sun shines.

Kerjriwal is untried.

Best of luck to him.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
no one 'allowed' themselves to be enslaved. british didn't ask for any permission, they waged war on us.. won and then enslaved. defeated people can have respect too, but not those who are mental slaves. indians here have adjusted their brains to think britsh slavery was OK, hence you and SajeevJino are here arguing with your fellow indian brother over foreign rule over us. to any other nationality like irani, japani, turkish etc these things would be pretty clear.

as for respecting soldiers, so if independent india doesn't respect its soldiers and martyrs it somehow gives some amount of validity to british rule over india?
Well, if we lost, then where is the crib?

It means that they were better.

Defeated people can have no respect.

What respect did the Pakistanis have when 93000 of them were held captive as PsW?

They had to agree with everything Mr Indira Gandhi wanted them to do so that the PsW were released!

I don't think that just because you are an Indian, I have to agree with your automatically. Hardly logical a demand made by you.

One has to understand history, and the compulsions of those times.

One cannot cry over spilt milk.

One has to look to the future and make a new future out of what is there.

nope bruv, not going to gtfo.. you are one heck of an british ass kisser. you are going to be called out.

anyway, did you think about my offer? you seem fond of british trains and buildings.. move to uk.. be their slave there and enjoy their facilities. but just know that to them you are nothing more than one stinky little indian. read the post by W. Ewald on page one?

to ensure our pride stands tall in future first thing to do is to introduce these youngsters with these words:

Swabhimaan / Dignity / Ghairat

especially to these SajeevJinos in the country
Indeed we must have Swabhimaan / Dignity / Ghairat of things the Indians are doing and thier Govt.

Like scams, thieving, pulling wool, rising inflation, getting kicked around by all the neighbours including insignificant specks like Maldives and covering it up with a lot lot of verbiage that is garbage.

Indeed, we should as Indians be proud of it since it is being done by Indians, right?

That is what you mean by Swabhimaan / Dignity / Ghairat , right?!

What logic!

I just want to share you this

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

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Regular Member
Apr 1, 2012
Well, if we lost, then where is the crib?

It means that they were better.

Defeated people can have no respect.

What respect did the Pakistanis have when 93000 of them were held captive as PsW?

They had to agree with everything Mr Indira Gandhi wanted them to do so that the PsW were released!

I don't think that just because you are an Indian, I have to agree with your automatically. Hardly logical a demand made by you.

One has to understand history, and the compulsions of those times.

One cannot cry over spilt milk.

One has to look to the future and make a new future out of what is there.

no one is crying here. just trying to learn from past so that our beloved motherland doesn't have to ever go through what it went through in the past.

and you are wrong. defeat doesn't mean you lose your dignity and your pride. countries all over the world have at some point in history been conquered and defeated. they don't lose dignity and pride. iran was conquered by S arabia, you think they have lost all their pride and have turned into total slaves to arabs? or do you see pakistanis/bangladeshis today acting as indian slaves because they were defeated by indians? true defeat is when you lose your self respect. SajeevJino doesn't have any. he is a true slave. he sees everything the way brits want him to see. he has to thank brits for that one rail they built. but doen't have to abuse/protest/fight them for killing indians and looting india. it was people like him who used to say indians are way too primitive to be ruling themselves and therefore british rule is good for india. these were the people who used to discourage and oppose our freedom fighters. for our better future, we have to fight these people as well.

i didn't demand you to agree with me. you are entitled to your point of view. and i'm perfectly fine with that.

anyway, past is past. we will one day hopefully be successful in restoring indian pride in these SajeevJinos.

Indeed we must have Swabhimaan / Dignity / Ghairat of things the Indians are doing and thier Govt.

Like scams, thieving, pulling wool, rising inflation, getting kicked around by all the neighbours including insignificant specks like Maldives and covering it up with a lot lot of verbiage that is garbage.

Indeed, we should as Indians be proud of it since it is being done by Indians, right?

That is what you mean by Swabhimaan / Dignity / Ghairat , right?!

What logic!

i'm sorry but this is retarded logic. my english is very weak so im not sure how do i put it. but let me try: suppose i burn down your house. you will be mad at me right? and what if you burn down your house yourself. would anyone care?

Indians can loot/burn down entire india but that wont give an ounce of validity to the british rule over india.

and all these things like scams, thieving, high inflation etc exists in UK too, right? does that mean they lose their british pride and forever hang there heads in shame? or do they ever invite foreign countries to rule over them when things get worse?

I just want to share you this

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

nice, i like it. 'courage to change the things I can'... my point, basically.

if you understand hindi, here is something i would like to share with you. it is lyric to a song i'm listening right now.

ek hasrat thi ke aanchal ka mujhe pyar mile -mukesh film zindagi aur toofan.flv - YouTube

at 5:28

aadmi chahe toh takdeer badal sakta hai
aadmi chahe toh takdeer badal sakta hai
puri duniya ki wo tasveer badal sakta hai..
aadmi soch toh le uska irada kya hai........


Devil's Advocate
Senior Member
Apr 21, 2009
British Indian armed forces were somewhat like a professional mercenary army:

Theoretically: Ready to put down their lives in the line of duty, but

Practically: They were doing so, in the defense of those who provide them with livelihood. Rather than some imaginary sense of nationhood, patriotism or anything else.

If Indians had a real choice in those times, there would be hardly any native Indians in British Indian Army. Unfortunately, poverty was the biggest reality in those times & majority of Indians never had a real choice.

& Indians have done so (being in service of their imperial masters) regularly for last 800 years, roughly between 1192-1947 CE. So, no big deal. White, Semi-white/brown (Central-Asian, Iranian, Afghan etc.) hardly ever mattered to us. Those who paid their bills, Indians fought along their side.

And it is more or less, the same pattern world-over, throughout history. "Now, that's real-politic".
This. Indian only became an independent nation in 1947....all those Indian soldiers serving in the British Indian Army before that were paid mercenaries and nothing more. They fought and died for the British Empire, often committed atrocities against their own fellow Indians on the orders of their British masters (most famous example being Jallianwala Bagh), and generally acted as loyal tools in the hands of the British to subjugate their own countrymen.

Regardless of how many of them died in the world wars, it is inconsequential from the Indian nationalist perspective. Regarding Ray's story of the Indian General being honoured by the UK Prime Minister, I don't see what is surprising there. A master may love his dog for his loyal service, but the dog remains a dog and the master remains a master. What Indian freedom fighters did was to transform the master-dog relationship into one of equality. And yet today some posters want us to honour the dogs of the British Empire. :rolleyes:

Remember, the same "soldiers" of the BIA fought against and killed thousands of patriotic soldiers of the Indian National Army of Subhas Chandra Bose. They defended the British Empire at a time when Churchill was engaged in a genocidal famine in Bengal.

At least the Germans formally apologized for the Holocaust and paid billions of RM in damages to Israel and the occupied territories. What did we get? Partition.

Screw the Brits and their supporters. :mad:


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
no one is crying here. just trying to learn from past so that our beloved motherland doesn't have to ever go through what it went through in the past.

and you are wrong. defeat doesn't mean you lose your dignity and your pride. countries all over the world have at some point in history been conquered and defeated. they don't lose dignity and pride. iran was conquered by S arabia, you think they have lost all their pride and have turned into total slaves to arabs? or do you see pakistanis/bangladeshis today acting as indian slaves because they were defeated by indians? true defeat is when you lose your self respect. SajeevJino doesn't have any. he is a true slave. he sees everything the way brits want him to see. he has to thank brits for that one rail they built. but doen't have to abuse/protest/fight them for killing indians and looting india. it was people like him who used to say indians are way too primitive to be ruling themselves and therefore british rule is good for india. these were the people who used to discourage and oppose our freedom fighters. for our better future, we have to fight these people as well.

i didn't demand you to agree with me. you are entitled to your point of view. and i'm perfectly fine with that.

anyway, past is past. we will one day hopefully be successful in restoring indian pride in these SajeevJinos.
It is correct that defeat does not make one lose dignity or pride.

But while remaining defeated, one is not in any capacity, to dictate terms or allowed to make demands of the winners to suit the demands of the loser. That is the reality.

I haven't got what you meant by - iran was conquered by S arabia, you think they have lost all their pride and have turned into total slaves to arabs?

Bangladesh was never at war with India.

Pakistan is sulking, even though no slaves of India but are economic and moral slaves of the US and China. And they have never got over the slight of being defeated and Bangaldesh making a mockery of the 'two nation theory'.

Do you feel that one should not appreciate good of anyone else and be consumed by the baggage of historical hate?

By that token we should hate the Greek (Alexander), Syria ( Umayyad Caliphate, led by Al Muhallab ibn Abi Suffrah towards Multan in Southern Punjab), Turkey and Central Asian Republics (Turkic and Central Asian mongol dynasties ), Afghanistan (they ruled Kashmir), and I could go on.

To quote you, he sees everything the way brits want him to see. he has to thank brits for that one rail they built. but doen't have to abuse/protest/fight them for killing indians and looting india. .. Now, what will one achieve by - abuse/protest/fight them for killing indians and looting india?

Would that be practical?

What will it achieve?

Does it mean that we don note the the silver lining in the black cloud?

Would praising the Taj Mahal, or the Red Fort or whatever mean that we have become slaves of the Mughal conquerors?

Or should be destroy all these edifices to show how nationalist we are preserving our, to quote you - Swabhimaan / Dignity / Ghairat?

Or abuse/protest/fight all conquerors for killing indians and looting india?

I wonder how many Indians would be with you if you wanted to destroy all the vestiges left behind by history by the conquerors just to show to the world our Swabhimaan / Dignity / Ghairat.?

I maybe wrong, but I think you cannot wipe out history, even though you can surely tweak it to suit the flavour of the moment.

i'm sorry but this is retarded logic. my english is very weak so im not sure how do i put it. but let me try: suppose i burn down your house. you will be mad at me right? and what if you burn down your house yourself. would anyone care?

Indians can loot/burn down entire india but that wont give an ounce of validity to the british rule over india.

and all these things like scams, thieving, high inflation etc exists in UK too, right? does that mean they lose their british pride and forever hang there heads in shame? or do they ever invite foreign countries to rule over them when things get worse?
Retard logic?

What is so retard about the Truth?

Of course, scams and everything exists not only in the UK but in many parts of the world. But is that a justification that we should turn a blind eye to what is happening in India.

Are we responsible for the ills of the world, or are we responsible to put our own house in order?

Are we world's moral policemen?

It is better to be the world's moral barometer.

nice, i like it. 'courage to change the things I can'... my point, basically

Yes that is the point.= have the serenity to realise what cannot be undone and what can be changed and to know the difference so that my action is fruitful.

If you understand hindi, here is something i would like to share with you. it is lyric to a song i'm listening right now.
Thank you.

Here is an Urdu couplet told to me by my Head Clerk when I was a young officer and the Adjutant and feeling very despondent over some decision taken.

He said that whenever I am feeling down, I should remember this couplet -

Na roye mera dil
Kahin rohne se taqdeer badalte?
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The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
This. Indian only became an independent nation in 1947....all those Indian soldiers serving in the British Indian Army before that were paid mercenaries and nothing more. They fought and died for the British Empire, often committed atrocities against their own fellow Indians on the orders of their British masters (most famous example being Jallianwala Bagh), and generally acted as loyal tools in the hands of the British to subjugate their own countrymen.

Regardless of how many of them died in the world wars, it is inconsequential from the Indian nationalist perspective. Regarding Ray's story of the Indian General being honoured by the UK Prime Minister, I don't see what is surprising there. A master may love his dog for his loyal service, but the dog remains a dog and the master remains a master. What Indian freedom fighters did was to transform the master-dog relationship into one of equality. And yet today some posters want us to honour the dogs of the British Empire. :rolleyes:

Remember, the same "soldiers" of the BIA fought against and killed thousands of patriotic soldiers of the Indian National Army of Subhas Chandra Bose. They defended the British Empire at a time when Churchill was engaged in a genocidal famine in Bengal.

At least the Germans formally apologized for the Holocaust and paid billions of RM in damages to Israel and the occupied territories. What did we get? Partition.

Screw the Brits and their supporters. :mad:
The world is full of mercenaries and it is not soldiers alone.

Mercenary as per the Dictionary means – Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain.

Those in the corporate world change jobs frequently for better monetary or material gain. So, they, too are mercenaries. However, I don't see anyone complaining about the same or shunning to join the corporate world for monetary or material gain. Odd, isn't it?

Then those who go abroad for education and jobs are also mercenaries. They go for better monetary or material gains. They could achieve the same in India, maybe with less personal gain.

Like the above examples, one can go on giving examples.

True the soldiers killed in Jalianwala under the orders of the colonial rulers, but so are the bureaucrats of Independent India 'killing' India, by allowing the exchequer to be looted through the unending scams, under order of their Indian ministerial bosses! Now, that is no crime, right? Imagine the unending farmers deaths. That is also killing because someone is formulating orders that does not benefit the farmer, but their own personal agenda - be it for monetary or material gains!

You make a mistake, a master need not like his dog. He could still cold shoulder with imperial disdain ignore the dog. But in this case, the British Deputy PM had the grace to admit that India won the War for them. What you miss out is what the General (who you call a dog) wrote – he lamented that great patriots like you do not show the same grace and courtesy to the heroes of Independent India who have sacrificed their lives for such patriots like you and awarded the PVC, MVC or VrC.

Germany can apologise and give money as compensation, but it will not bring back the dead.

So, money as compensation is OK by you?

Now, that smacks of being a mercenary, who is looking a monetary and material gain.

It will not reverse the damage done to India by the British, or will it?
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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
Country flag
nope bruv, not going to gtfo.. you are one heck of an british ass kisser. you are going to be called out.

anyway, did you think about my offer? you seem fond of british trains and buildings.. move to uk.. be their slave there and enjoy their facilities. but just know that to them you are nothing more than one stinky little indian. read the post by W. Ewald on page one?

to ensure our pride stands tall in future first thing to do is to introduce these youngsters with these words:

Swabhimaan / Dignity / Ghairat

especially to these SajeevJinos in the country

Bro ..I never Said I'm a Slave of English Man ..Do you Ever visited Chennai Central Railway Station The Building was built by English Man do you know how many of them using this building as a Home how many of them working there

Do you Ever Forgive your Enemies / Does your Enemies ever Helped you in a any Circumstances / does you ever thanked you Enemies / ever shaked your Hands with your Enemies If you do so you are also Sucking their asses

Do you ever seen that Our PM shaking Chinese PM's Hand / do you Ever seemed Our PM congratulating Pakki PM

Then tell me PM is doing what ..?

Do you thing I'm a Slave of the English man ..better you Shut up ..My Grand father gives their Live for our Nation ..Does our Nation book have my Grand fathers name ..No ..does I hate my Grand father for Killing a English man in 1944 ..Check my Family tree

I'm openly asking How many of you have such kind of History ..

@freakinghell don't say once again like this ...

I am Once again thanking to British for Railways and Schools in my Village

And I hate English Man for Killing my Grandfather

I hate Chinese for Killing my Grandfather ..and I don't get any options for Thanking them

and In my Point My Enemy is not the English man the Chinese and Pakistani and some terrorists my Political leaders and so on (as of today not in 1947)
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Waffen SS

New Member
Apr 28, 2013
Bro ..I never Said I'm a Slave of English Man ..Do you Ever visited Chennai Central Railway Station The Building was built by English Man do you know how many of them using this building as a Home how many of them working there

Do you Ever Forgive your Enemies / Does your Enemies ever Helped you in a any Circumstances / does you ever thanked you Enemies / ever shaked your Hands with your Enemies If you do so you are also Sucking their asses

Do you ever seen that Our PM shaking Chinese PM's Hand / do you Ever seemed Our PM congratulating Pakki PM

Then tell me PM is doing what ..?

Do you thing I'm a Slave of the English man ..better you Shut up ..My Grand father gives their Live for our Nation ..Does our Nation book have my Grand fathers name ..No ..does I hate my Grand father for Killing a English man in 1944 ..Check my Family tree

I'm openly asking How many of you have such kind of History ..

@freakinghell don't say once again like this ...

I am Once again thanking to British for Railways and Schools in my Village

And I hate English Man for Killing my Grandfather

I hate Chinese for Killing my Grandfather ..and I don't get any options for Thanking them

and In my Point My Enemy is not the English man the Chinese and Pakistani and some terrorists my Political leaders and so on (as of today not in 1947)
Mate, thanks. Please accept my respect on behalf of them. :salute::salute::salute:

How ever your few lines contradict in your Family tree, you said Sir Thanga Mani killed by an English man in 1994. But in your last paragraph just in the top of the tree, you said "does I hate my Grand father for Killing a English man in 1944" , I cant understand it.

By the way British people agreed to to their Government and majority of them still feel no guilty for what their Grand parents did. They find always excuse.

Their one most used argument is- I was not born when those atrocities happened, so why do I feel guilty for them ?

My reply- You were not also born when battle of Trafalgar happened, then why and how can you take pride on those?

It also should be in mind, if any person is a thug or any great man I suppose, it does not mean his future descendants will do the same. I hope you understand this.
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