UN Elects Abusers to Human Rights Council: UN Watch

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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UN Elects Abusers to Human Rights Council: UN Watch
A general view on the opening of a meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council, in Geneva, Switzerland, on Sept. 18, 2020. (Fabrice Coffrini/AFP via Getty Images)
UN Elects Abusers to Human Rights Council: UN Watch
The U.N. watch group issued a report last week, opposing the election of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan to the U.N. Human Rights Council, calling for their human rights records to make them “unqualified” countries.
Unfortunately, these calls were ignored and on Tuesday, the U.N. General Assembly re-elected countries with a history of despotism or human rights abuses, such as China, Russia, and Cuba to serve three-year terms starting next year.
“Electing these dictatorships as U.N. judges on human rights is like making a gang of arsonists into the fire brigade,” Hillel Neuer, executive director of U.N. Watch, an independent human rights group based in Geneva, said in a statement.
He equated the country’s leaders to dictators and cited China’s abuses against the Uyghur ethnic group, Saudi Arabia’s nearly 200 executions last year—many of which were not for committing murder, Russia’s assassination of journalists, and communist Cuba for enforcing a police state.
In July, 53 countries at the United Nations, led by Cuba, came out in support of China’s national security law, a law that has seen the collapse freedom and of the rule of law in Hong Kong.
U.N. Ambassador Kelly Craft called last year’s election of Venezuela, a country dogged by poverty and human rights abuses, to the council an “embarrassment.” Craft said that it “validates Trump’s decision to leave that deeply corrupted body.”
In 2018, President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the U.N. Human Rights Council citing its anti-Israel stance and membership rules, which allow the world’s worst human rights abusers to sit on the council and vote. The United States called on U.N. member states to take immediate steps to reform the council before it becomes impossible to rectify it.
Nikki Haley, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., described the UN as “a protector of human rights abusers, and a cesspool of political bias,” posting on Twitter: “UN Human Rights Council is a total farce not worthy of its name or the United States giving it any credibility.”
Several U.S. lawmakers have voiced their opposition to the election results on Wednesday, including Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).
“#China, #Russia, and #Cuba being elected to the @UN_HRC is a joke when you consider the egregious human rights violations they commit,” Rubio wrote.
The senator added: “This system is broken and it’s a tragedy with the number of urgent human rights challenges globally.”
Meanwhile, the Chinese mission welcomed the move, saying it “sincerely appreciates the strong support from the wide U.N. membership.”
U.S. Secretary Pompeo said the Human Rights Council had hit a “new low,” and noted that the elections only validated the United States’ decision to leave the council to use other venues and opportunities to protect and promote universal human rights.
“The United States’ commitment to human rights consists of far more than just words. Our commitments are spelled out clearly in the UN’s Declaration, and in our record of action. The United States is a force for good in the world, and always will be,” he said in an Oct. 13 statement.

Abhay Rajput 02

Regular Member
Jul 17, 2020
We at DFI knows quite well that UN is a joke.
"Sadly the world we live in there is only one thing that matters. " who has the power rules.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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UN is worthless organization why India take this organization seriously i don't understand. UN was US's pet once. Now UN is China's pet.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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What are you going to do without UN? Make your own? It is an organization of "peaceful countries" and has most countries as its members. Given its policies barely affect anyone, why to villainise yourself boycotting it?
UN is worthless organization why India take this organization seriously i don't understand. UN was US's pet once. Now UN is China's pet.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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What are you going to do without UN? Make your own? It is an organization of "peaceful countries" and has most countries as its members. Given its policies barely affect anyone, why to villainise yourself boycotting it?
I'm not saying Boycott it but just saying a lot of people do randirona here about How UN condemned human rights violation in India. Rather we should try to increase our influence there.

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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The UN has become so archaic and worthless that nobody wish to consult it. Today the Middle East catastrophe is upon us. We have to thank HAMAS and Iran for it. It is HAMAS which initiated the October 7th attack on civilians and kidnapped hundreds. When Israel was dealing with it militarily, then Iran jumped in……. Fools paradise.

The only world body that is United Nations has become totally useless. It can do nothing else but send a media note to be generally ignored.

It has no power except in the hands of 4 white people nations and Chinese. The latter care to please the whites more as they need their business, hence always vote with them not stand up to them. Middle East or Asia or Africa is not white hence, nobody looks after their interests.

UN needs power and this power does not come by the economies alone, although these matter, but number of people behind it. Since Chinese seem to follow the white people’s lead and adjust their arguments, they could not be considered representing the interests rest of the half of the world. Their behaviour is very partisan and favours the white, as I said business interests.

Power of the UN will get greater value if 1.4 billion people of Asia that is India are sitting face to face with others. They may not follow white people’s dictates. Decisions will be more inclusive.

For example, if Iran and Israel exchange blows, it will be UN responsibility to prevent big powers like US, Briton or France (Russia is too busy of its own) jump on Israeli side. That is what about to happen now. It is for UN to run to help of prevent escalation. If two members wish to exchange blows, they should be allowed until exhausted. Then they can ask for peace negotiations and UN help to find permanent peace. Fights stopped midway never end, these restart sooner than later. It is all inclusive UN duty to find peace. This is my view. It is not Whiteman’s view where they cleverly manipulate peace for their own commercial reasons.

Hence UN should be expanded to include 1.4 billion people of India. How can they operate without India and call it world body.

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